public void SetRamBitmap(RamBitmap ram) { _ramBitmap = ram; if (ram == null) { return; } ram.SetBounds(_innerBounds.Width, _innerBounds.Height); _draw(true); }
public Replay(LogPrinter logger, string server, string store, string writeStream, uint ramSizeInMiB) { _logger = logger; _server = server; _store = store; _numWrites = new long[4]; _streams = new StreamCollection <Streams>(); _screenLock = new Object(); _state = ReplayState.Suspend; // Connect to the server and open the specified store _log("Connecting to server '{0}'...", server); _session = Native.StSessionCreate(server); if (_session == Native.INVALID_SESSION_ID) { throw new SimutraceException(); } _log("ok\n"); try { // Open the specified store _log("Opening store '{0}'...", store); if (!Native.StSessionOpenStore(_session, store)) { throw new SimutraceException(); } _log("ok\n"); List <uint> ids = new List <uint>(); // Find the memory write stream _log("Using memory write stream '{0}'...", writeStream); Guid mtype = new Guid("{6E943CDD-D2DA-4E83-984F-585C47EB0E36}"); _streams[Streams.Write] = new Stream(_session, writeStream, _applyWrite, mtype); if (!_streams[Streams.Write].IsValid) { throw new ReplayException("Could not find memory stream."); } ids.Add(_streams[Streams.Write].Id); _log("ok\n"); // Find the streams that contain dumps from the screen output _log("Searching for screen streams..."); Stream screen = new Stream(_session, "screen", _applyScreen); Stream screenData = new Stream(_session, "screen_data"); if (!screen.IsValid || !screenData.IsValid) { screen.Dispose(); screenData.Dispose(); _log("not found. Screen output not available.\n"); } else { _streams[Streams.Screen] = screen; _streams[Streams.ScreenData] = screenData; ids.Add(screen.Id); _log("ok\n"); } // Find the stream that contains cr3 change information _log("Searching for page directory set stream..."); Stream cr3 = new Stream(_session, "cpu_set_pagedirectory", _applyCr3); if (!cr3.IsValid) { cr3.Dispose(); _log("not found\n"); } else { _streams[Streams.Cr3] = cr3; ids.Add(cr3.Id); _log("ok\n"); } // Create multiplexer _streams[Streams.Multiplexer] = new Stream(_session, NativeX.StXMultiplexerCreate(_session, "mult", NativeX.MultiplexingRule.MxrCylceCount, NativeX.MultiplexerFlags.MxfIndirect, ids.ToArray())); if (!_streams[Streams.Multiplexer].IsValid) { throw new SimutraceException(); } _streams[Streams.Multiplexer].Open(); // Allocate a buffer that will hold the guest's RAM and a // ram bitmap for visualization _log("Configuring ram size for replay {0} MiB...", ramSizeInMiB); _ram = new RamMap((ulong)ramSizeInMiB << 20, true); _ramBitmap = new RamBitmap(_ram); _log("ok\n"); // Create the thread that will perform the replay _log("Creating replay thread..."); _replayer = new Thread(_replayThreadMain); _log("ok\n"); } catch (Exception) { _log("failed\n"); _finalize(); throw; } }