public static void GuestsMenuEnjoy() { GuestHeading(); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.WriteLine(" What would you like to do now?\n"); Thread.Sleep(500); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Choose another movie\n" + "\t2. Go back to the main menu"); Console.Write(" > "); int menuType = 0; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); try { CustomException.ValidateInput(Convert.ToInt32(userInput), menuType); } catch (CustomException) { GuestsMenuEnjoy(); } catch (OverflowException) { CustomException.OverflowErrorMessage(); GuestsMenuEnjoy(); } catch (FormatException) { CustomException.FormatErrorMessage(); GuestsMenuEnjoy(); } switch (userInput) { case "1": Console.Clear(); GuestsMenu(); break; case "2": MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine("\n Taking you back to Main Screen."); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Thread.Sleep(1000); MainScreen.Loading(150); MainScreen.MainMenu(); break; default: break; } }
private static void AdminMenuMoviesPlayingToday() { AdminHeading(); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" Welcome MoviePlex Administrator.\n\n"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write(" How many movies are playing today?"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine(" (Maximum 10)"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write(" > "); int menuType = 2; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (userInput == "") { CustomException.NoInputDetected(); AdminMenuMoviesPlayingToday(); } try { CustomException.ValidateInput(Convert.ToInt32(userInput), menuType); } catch (CustomException) { AdminMenuMoviesPlayingToday(); } catch (OverflowException) { CustomException.OverflowErrorMessage(); AdminMenuMoviesPlayingToday(); } catch (FormatException) { CustomException.FormatErrorMessage(); AdminMenuMoviesPlayingToday(); } switch (userInput) { default: playingToday = Convert.ToInt32(userInput); Thread.Sleep(500); AdminMenuAddMovies(); break; } }
public static void GuestsMenu() { GuestHeading(); if (Admin.moviesList.Count == 0) { MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" Sorry, there are no movies playing today."); Thread.Sleep(1000); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine("\n Taking you back to Main Screen."); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Thread.Sleep(1000); MainScreen.Loading(150); MainScreen.MainMenu(); } else { MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.WriteLine(" Welcome!! Movies to be Played Today:"); int count = 1; MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine("\t<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); Console.Write("\t| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write("Sr. "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write("| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write("Title "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write("| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write("Rating"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine(" |"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> movie in Admin.moviesList) { Console.WriteLine("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.Write("\t| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write("{0}", count++); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write(" |"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write(" {0}", movie.Key); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write(new String(' ', (47 - movie.Key.Length))); Console.Write("|"); Console.Write(new String(' ', (17 - movie.Value.Length) / 2)); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write("{0}", movie.Value); Console.Write(new String(' ', (18 - movie.Value.Length) / 2)); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write("|\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n Which movie would you like to watch?"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write(" > "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (userInput == "") { CustomException.NoInputDetected(); GuestsMenu(); } try { CustomException.ValidateMovieChoice(Convert.ToInt32(userInput)); } catch (CustomException) { GuestsMenu(); } catch (OverflowException) { CustomException.OverflowErrorMessage(); GuestsMenu(); } catch (FormatException) { CustomException.FormatErrorMessage(); GuestsMenu(); } switch (userInput) { default: movieChoice = Convert.ToInt32(userInput); GuestsMenuVerifyAge(); break; } } }
public static void GuestsMenuVerifyAge() { GuestHeading(); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write("\n You have chosen to watch :"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Key); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write(" It has the rating of :"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n What is your age?"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.Write(" > "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; guestAge = Console.ReadLine(); int ageLimit = 0; if (Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value == "G") { ageLimit = 0; } else if (Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value == "PG") { ageLimit = 10; } else if (Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value == "PG-13") { ageLimit = 13; } else if (Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value == "R") { ageLimit = 15; } else if (Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value == "NC-17") { ageLimit = 17; } else { ageLimit = Convert.ToInt32(Admin.moviesList[movieChoice - 1].Value); } try { CustomException.ValidateGuestAge(Convert.ToInt32(guestAge), ageLimit); } catch (CustomException) { GuestsMenuVerifyAge(); } catch (OverflowException) { CustomException.OverflowErrorMessage(); GuestsMenuVerifyAge(); } catch (FormatException) { CustomException.FormatErrorMessage(); GuestsMenuVerifyAge(); } switch (guestAge) { default: LoadingMovie(); break; } }
public static bool UserInput(string userInput) { int menuType = 0; userInput = userInput.ToLower(); switch (userInput) { case "1": case "admin": case "administrator": { ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Loading(150); Admin adminObj = new Admin(); ChangeColorToGray(); Admin.AdminMenu(); return(false); } case "2": case "guest": { ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Loading(150); ChangeColorToGray(); Guests.GuestsMenu(); return(false); } default: { if (userInput.Equals("")) { CustomException.NoInputDetected(); MainMenu(); } else if (userInput.Contains("ad") || userInput.Contains("adm") || userInput.Contains("gu") || userInput.Contains("gue")) { ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" You made a mistake in spelling."); TryAgain(); } else { try { CustomException.ValidateInput(Convert.ToInt32(userInput), menuType); } catch (CustomException) { } catch (OverflowException) { CustomException.OverflowErrorMessage(); } catch (FormatException) { CustomException.FormatErrorMessage(); } } MainMenu(); return(true); } } }
private static void AdminMenuSatisfied() { AdminHeading(); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" Movies to be Played Today:"); int count = 1; MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine("\t<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); Console.Write("\t| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write("Sr. "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write("| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write("Title "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write("| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write("Rating"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.WriteLine(" |"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> movie in moviesList) { Console.WriteLine("\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.Write("\t| "); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write("{0}", count++); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write(" |"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write(" {0}", movie.Key); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write(new String(' ', (47 - movie.Key.Length))); Console.Write("|"); Console.Write(new String(' ', (17 - movie.Value.Length) / 2)); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write("{0}", movie.Value); Console.Write(new String(' ', (18 - movie.Value.Length) / 2)); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkGray(); Console.Write("|\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write("\n\n Your Movies Playing Today Are Listed Above. Are you satisfied"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine(" Y / N ?"); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); Console.Write(" > "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput == "y" || userInput == "yes" || userInput == "0") { MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n We will play these movies. :)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("\n Taking you back to Main Screen."); Thread.Sleep(1000); MainScreen.ChangeColorToBlue(); MainScreen.Loading(150); Console.Clear(); MainScreen.MainMenu(); } else if (userInput == "n" || userInput == "no") { moviesList.Clear(); AdminMenuMoviesPlayingToday(); } else if (userInput == "") { CustomException.NoInputDetected(); AdminMenuSatisfied(); } else { Console.Clear(); MainScreen.ChangeColorToRed(); Console.WriteLine(" That was not a valid option."); MainScreen.TryAgain(); AdminMenuSatisfied(); } }
public static void AdminMenuAddMovies() { AdminHeading(); int moviesPlayingToday = playingToday; string movieName; string ratingOrAge; Dictionary <int, string> numbers = new Dictionary <int, string>() { { 1, "First" }, { 2, "Second" }, { 3, "Third" }, { 4, "Fourth" }, { 5, "Fifth" }, { 6, "Sixth" }, { 7, "Seventh" }, { 8, "Eighth" }, { 9, "Ninth" }, { 10, "Tenth" }, }; bool flag = false; for (int x = moviesList.Count + 1; x <= moviesPlayingToday; x++) { Console.WriteLine(); getMovieName(numbers[x]); getMovieRating(numbers[x]); } void getMovieName(string serialOrder) { if (moviesList.Count > 0 && flag == true) { AdminHeading(); flag = false; for (int x = 0; x < moviesList.Count; x++) { MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write(" Please Enter {0} Movie's Name >", numbers[x + 1]); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkCyan(); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", moviesList[x].Key); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write(" Please Enter the Age Limit OR Rating For the {0} Movie >", numbers[x + 1]); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkCyan(); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", moviesList[x].Value); Console.WriteLine(""); } } MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write(" Please Enter {0} Movie's Name > ", serialOrder); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkCyan(); movieName = Console.ReadLine(); if (movieName == "0") { MainScreen.MainMenu(); } if (movieName == "") { CustomException.NoInputDetected(); if (moviesList.Count != 0) { flag = true; } else { AdminHeading(); } getMovieName(serialOrder); } movieName = char.ToUpper(movieName[0]) + movieName.Substring(1); if ((movieName.Length) % 2 != 0) { movieName += " "; } } void getMovieRating(string serialOrder) { if (flag == false) { MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write(" Please Enter the Age Limit OR Rating For the {0} Movie > ", serialOrder); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkCyan(); ratingOrAge = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); switch (ratingOrAge) { case "G": { ratingOrAge = "G"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); break; } case "PG": case "10": { ratingOrAge = "PG"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); break; } case "PG-13": case "PG 13": case "PG13": case "13": { ratingOrAge = "PG-13"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); break; } case "R": case "15": { ratingOrAge = "R"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); break; } case "NC-17": case "NC 17": case "NC17": case "17": { ratingOrAge = "NC-17"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); break; } default: { try { int age; bool isInt = int.TryParse(ratingOrAge, out age); if (ratingOrAge == "0") { throw new CustomException("back to main menu"); } else if (isInt) { if (age < 0) { throw new CustomException("negative"); } else if (age > 17 && age < 120) { ratingOrAge = "NC-17"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); } else if (age > 15 && age < 120) { ratingOrAge = "R"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); } else if (age > 13 && age < 120) { ratingOrAge = "PG-13"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); } else if (age > 10 && age < 120) { ratingOrAge = "PG"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); } else if (age > 0 && age < 120) { ratingOrAge = "G"; moviesList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(movieName, ratingOrAge)); } else if (age > 120) { throw new CustomException("risky customer"); } } else if (!isInt) { if ( ratingOrAge != "G" && ratingOrAge != "PG" && ratingOrAge != "PG-13" && ratingOrAge != "R" && ratingOrAge != "NC-17") { throw new CustomException("invalid movie rating"); } } } catch (CustomException) { flag = true; getMovieRating(serialOrder); } break; } } } else if (moviesList.Count > 0 && flag == true) { flag = false; for (int x = 0; x < moviesList.Count; x++) { MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write(" Please Enter {0} Movie's Name >", numbers[x + 1]); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkCyan(); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", moviesList[x].Key); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkYellow(); Console.Write(" Please Enter the Age Limit OR Rating For the {0} Movie >", numbers[x + 1]); MainScreen.ChangeColorToDarkCyan(); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", moviesList[x].Value); Console.WriteLine(""); } getMovieName(serialOrder); getMovieRating(serialOrder); } else if (moviesList.Count == 0 && flag == true) { flag = false; getMovieName(serialOrder); getMovieRating(serialOrder); } else if (numbers[moviesList.Count] == serialOrder && flag == true) { flag = false; getMovieName(serialOrder); getMovieRating(serialOrder); } } AdminMenuSatisfied(); }