private void buttonLoginUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string username  = textBoxFirstname.Text;
            bool   isCorrect = false;

            //Do an SQL check for user - edit "isCorrect"
            isCorrect = DBWIDGET.itemExists("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE fname='" + username + "'"); // <<

            if (isCorrect)
                //Login the user - by opening User_Product_Page form and hide Form1 form (this)
                User_Window ProductPage = new User_Window(username);
                this.Show(); // This is run once the User form is closed
                //Show a dialogue box to reenter data, clear password field
                MessageBox.Show("Firstname is incorrect. Please re-enter");
예제 #2
        private void buttonAddUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string firstname     = textBoxFirstname.Text;
            string lastname      = textBoxLastname.Text;
            string phoneNumber   = textBoxPhone.Text;
            string streetAddress = textBoxStreet.Text;
            string city          = textBoxCity.Text;
            string postcode      = textBoxPostcode.Text;

            bool isFilledIn      = false;
            bool isUsernameFree  = false;
            bool isSuccessfulAdd = false;

            //Check all textbox's - only continue if they are filled - otherwise tell the user
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstname))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastname))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phoneNumber))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(streetAddress))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postcode))
                isFilledIn = false;
                isFilledIn = true;

            if (isFilledIn)
                //Do an SQL check to see if username is free to use - edit "isUsernameFree"
                isUsernameFree = !DBWIDGET.itemExists("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE fname='" + firstname + "'");

                if (isUsernameFree)
                    //Do an SQL statement to get the last Person ID, then + 1 to it
                    int nextID = DBWIDGET.getDBSize("SELECT count(*) FROM Person") + 1;

                    //Do an SQL insert to add a new user - if successful then edit "isSuccessfulAdd"
                    isSuccessfulAdd = DBWIDGET.Insert("INSERT INTO Person (person_ID, fname, lname, Phone_number, Street_Address, City, Postcode) VALUES (" + nextID + ", '" + firstname + "', '" + lastname + "', '" + phoneNumber + "', '" + streetAddress + "', '" + city + "', '" + postcode + "')");
                    //and set them as a customer
                    DBWIDGET.Insert("INSERT INTO customer (customer_id) VALUES (" + nextID + ")");

                    if (isSuccessfulAdd)
                        //Login the user - by opening User_Product_Page form and hide Form1 form (this)
                        User_Window ProductPage = new User_Window(firstname);
                        //Tell the user there has been an error
                        MessageBox.Show("Error on user profile addition. Contact System Admin");
                    //Username is taken
                    MessageBox.Show("Username is taken. Please enter a new first/user name");
                //Need to fill in all boxes
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all areas.");
        private void buttonAddUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string firstname = textBoxFirstname.Text;
            string lastname = textBoxLastname.Text;
            string phoneNumber = textBoxPhone.Text;
            string streetAddress = textBoxStreet.Text;
            string city = textBoxCity.Text;
            string postcode = textBoxPostcode.Text;
            string factoryName = comboBoxFactoryNames.Text;

            bool isFilledIn = false;
            bool isUsernameFree = false;
            bool isSuccessfulAdd = false;

            //Check all textbox's - only continue if they are filled - otherwise tell the user
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstname))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastname))
                isFilledIn = false; 
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phoneNumber))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(streetAddress))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postcode))
                isFilledIn = false;
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(factoryName))
                isFilledIn = false;
                isFilledIn = true;

            if (isFilledIn)
                //Do an SQL check to see if username is free to use - edit "isUsernameFree"
                isUsernameFree = !DBWIDGET.itemExists("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE fname='" + firstname + "'");

                if (isUsernameFree)
                    //Do an SQL statement to get the last Person ID, then + 1 to it
                    int nextID = DBWIDGET.getDBSize("SELECT count(*) FROM Person") + 1;

                    //get the manager ID for the selected factory
                    int managerID = DBWIDGET.RetrieveSingleID("SELECT m.management_id FROM managementi m, owns o, factory f WHERE o.factory_id = f.factory_id AND o.manager_id = m.management_id AND f.flocation = '" + factoryName + "'");

                    //Do an SQL insert to add a new user - if successful then edit "isSuccessfulAdd"
                    isSuccessfulAdd = DBWIDGET.Insert("INSERT INTO Person (person_ID, fname, lname, Phone_number, Street_Address, City, Postcode) VALUES (" + nextID + ", '" + firstname + "', '" + lastname + "', '" + phoneNumber + "', '" + streetAddress + "', '" + city + "', '" + postcode + "')");

                    //then add them as a driver
                    DBWIDGET.Insert("INSERT INTO driver (driver_id) VALUES (" + nextID + ")");

                    //as employed by management who owns factory selected
                    DBWIDGET.Insert("INSERT into employs (manager_id, driver_id) VALUES (" + managerID + ", " + nextID + ")");

                    if (isSuccessfulAdd)
                        //close form
                        //Tell the user there has been an error
                        MessageBox.Show("Error on user profile addition. Contact System Admin");
                    //Username is taken
                    MessageBox.Show("Username is taken. Please enter a new first/user name");
                //Need to fill in all boxes
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all areas.");