예제 #1
         * <summary>
         *   Pauses the execution flow for a specified duration.
         * <para>
         *   This function implements a passive waiting loop, meaning that it does not
         *   consume CPU cycles significantly. The processor is left available for
         *   other threads and processes. During the pause, the library nevertheless
         *   reads from time to time information from the Yoctopuce modules by
         *   calling <c>yHandleEvents()</c>, in order to stay up-to-date.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         *   This function may signal an error in case there is a communication problem
         *   while contacting a module.
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="ms_duration">
         *   an integer corresponding to the duration of the pause,
         *   in milliseconds.
         * </param>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public static async Task <int> Sleep(ulong ms_duration, YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await imm_GetYCtx().Sleep(ms_duration));
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;
예제 #2
         * <summary>
         *   Force a hub discovery, if a callback as been registered with <c>yRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback</c> it
         *   will be called for each net work hub that will respond to the discovery.
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </returns>
        public static async Task <int> TriggerHubDiscovery(YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await imm_GetYCtx().TriggerHubDiscovery());
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;
예제 #3
         * <summary>
         *   Maintains the device-to-library communication channel.
         * <para>
         *   If your program includes significant loops, you may want to include
         *   a call to this function to make sure that the library takes care of
         *   the information pushed by the modules on the communication channels.
         *   This is not strictly necessary, but it may improve the reactivity
         *   of the library for the following commands.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         *   This function may signal an error in case there is a communication problem
         *   while contacting a module.
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public static async Task <int> HandleEvents(YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await imm_GetYCtx().HandleEvents());
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;
예제 #4
         * <summary>
         *   Triggers a (re)detection of connected Yoctopuce modules.
         * <para>
         *   The library searches the machines or USB ports previously registered using
         *   <c>yRegisterHub()</c>, and invokes any user-defined callback function
         *   in case a change in the list of connected devices is detected.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         *   This function can be called as frequently as desired to refresh the device list
         *   and to make the application aware of hot-plug events.
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public static async Task <int> UpdateDeviceList(YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await imm_GetYCtx().UpdateDeviceList());
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;
예제 #5
         * <summary>
         *   Test if the hub is reachable.
         * <para>
         *   This method do not register the hub, it only test if the
         *   hub is usable. The url parameter follow the same convention as the <c>RegisterHub</c>
         *   method. This method is useful to verify the authentication parameters for a hub. It
         *   is possible to force this method to return after mstimeout milliseconds.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="url">
         *   a string containing either <c>"usb"</c>,<c>"callback"</c> or the
         *   root URL of the hub to monitor
         * </param>
         * <param name="mstimeout">
         *   the number of millisecond available to test the connection.
         * </param>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public static async Task <int> TestHub(string url, uint mstimeout, YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await imm_GetYCtx().TestHub(url, mstimeout));
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;
예제 #6
         * <summary>
         *   Fault-tolerant alternative to <c>RegisterHub()</c>.
         * <para>
         *   This function has the same
         *   purpose and same arguments as <c>RegisterHub()</c>, but does not trigger
         *   an error when the selected hub is not available at the time of the function call.
         *   This makes it possible to register a network hub independently of the current
         *   connectivity, and to try to contact it only when a device is actively needed.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="url">
         *   a string containing either <c>"usb"</c>,<c>"callback"</c> or the
         *   root URL of the hub to monitor
         * </param>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public static async Task <int> PreregisterHub(string url, YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await imm_GetYCtx().PreregisterHub(url));
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;
예제 #7
         * <summary>
         *   Initializes the Yoctopuce programming library explicitly.
         * <para>
         *   It is not strictly needed to call <c>yInitAPI()</c>, as the library is
         *   automatically  initialized when calling <c>yRegisterHub()</c> for the
         *   first time.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         *   When <c>YAPI.DETECT_NONE</c> is used as detection <c>mode</c>,
         *   you must explicitly use <c>yRegisterHub()</c> to point the API to the
         *   VirtualHub on which your devices are connected before trying to access them.
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="mode">
         *   an integer corresponding to the type of automatic
         *   device detection to use. Possible values are
         *   <c>YAPI.DETECT_NONE</c>, <c>YAPI.DETECT_USB</c>, <c>YAPI.DETECT_NET</c>,
         *   and <c>YAPI.DETECT_ALL</c>.
         * </param>
         * <param name="errmsg">
         *   a string passed by reference to receive any error message.
         * </param>
         * <returns>
         *   <c>YAPI.SUCCESS</c> when the call succeeds.
         * </returns>
         * <para>
         *   On failure, throws an exception or returns a negative error code.
         * </para>
        public static async Task <int> InitAPI(int mode, YRefParam errmsg)
            YAPIContext yctx = imm_GetYCtx();

            try {
                return(await yctx.InitAPI(mode));
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                errmsg.Value = ex.Message;