private void ResetGuide(GameObject guide) { VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(guide, false); foreach (Transform child in guide.transform) { var gmc = child.GetComponent <GuideMarkController>(); gmc.Reset(); } }
void Start() { skipButton.OnClick += (id) => { Jump(); }; if (loadingSign != null) { VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(loadingSign, false); } }
private void ReleaseAndSet(FlipState newState) { heldCoin.Release(); heldCoin = null; flipState = newState; VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(fingerTrack, false); ResetGuide(guideLeft); ResetGuide(guideRight); }
void Start() { VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(fingerTrack, false); state = new GameState(); SetLevel(CurrentLevel); if (PlayingTutorial) { StartTutorial(); } Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); }
public void Execute(string cmd) { switch (cmd) { case "Tutorial": Debug.Log("Start Tutorial"); GameController.startLevel = Level.TutorialLevel(); VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(GameObject.Find("Loading"), true); EffectsManager.Instance.PlayEvent(EffectsManager.AudioEvent.GameStarted); EffectsManager.Instance.FadeOutMusic(() => { SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("GameScene"); }); break; } }
private void ShowNow() { Debug.Log("ShowNow, closed: " + closed); if (closed) { return; } if (current != null) { current.CloseNow(); } current = this; VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(gameObject, true); }
public void CloseNow() { Debug.LogFormat("CloseNow, was closed?: {0}", closed); if (closed) { return; } closed = true; if (current == this) { current = null; } CancelInvoke("CloseNow"); VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(gameObject, false); Destroy(gameObject); }
internal void Hint(Move move) { FlippingTime = FlippingTime * HintFlipTimeMultiplier; CurrentMove = move; StartRotation(); effectsManager.PlayEvent(EffectsManager.AudioEvent.Hint); VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(fingerTrack, true); fingerTrack.transform.position = coins[CurrentMove.pos].transform.position + new Vector3(0, RotateDirection, 1); rotationController.AttachFingerTracking(fingerTrack); heldCoin = coins[CurrentMove.pos].GetComponentInChildren <CoinController>(); heldCoin.Hold(); currentRotationAngle = 1; flipState = FlipState.Hinting; }
public void Jump() { if (jumped) { return; } jumped = true; if (JumpRequested != null) { JumpRequested(); } if (loadingSign != null) { VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(loadingSign, true); } Invoke("DoJump", 0.1f); }
void SetupGuide(Move move, GameObject guide) { int first = Current.FirstCoinAffectedIndex(move); int n = Current.NumCoinsAffected(move); var firstPos = coins[first].transform.position; var lastPos = coins[first + n - 1].transform.position; Vector3 centerPos = (firstPos + lastPos) / 2; var coinBound = coins[move.pos].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds; var otherCoinBound = coins[(move.pos == first) ? (first + n - 1) : first].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds; var arcStart = + (new Vector3(0, coinBound.extents.y, 0)); // var arcEnd = + (new Vector3(0, -otherCoinBound.extents.y, 0)); var diffW = (arcStart - centerPos); diffW.z = 0; float scale = 2 * diffW.magnitude / (coinBound.extents.y); float angle = Vector3.Angle(diffW, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)) - 90; centerPos.z = -2; guide.transform.position = centerPos; guide.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale * (int)move.side, scale, scale); guide.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle); float speedFactor = 1 - (n / Current.Count) * 0.25f; foreach (Transform child in guide.transform) { child.localScale = guideMarkScale / scale; var gmc = child.GetComponent <GuideMarkController>(); gmc.Show(); gmc.Speed *= speedFactor; } VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(guide, true); }
void Start() { VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(loading, false); }
/// <summary> /// Processes an in-between move in a touch/hold operation /// </summary> /// <param name="position"></param> private void ProcessInputMove(Vector2 position) { if ((flipState != FlipState.Holding && flipState != FlipState.MovingCoin) || heldCoin == null) { return; } var coinBound = heldCoin.InitialBound; // TODO: check if it's really needed to use the None Side here, or it could be prevented -- Seu Side direction = coinBound.xMin > position.x ? Side.Left : ((coinBound.xMax < position.x) ? Side.Right : Side.None); switch (flipState) { case FlipState.Holding: if (direction == Side.None) { break; } int coinNumber = Array.IndexOf(coins, heldCoin.gameObject); CurrentMove = new Move((byte)coinNumber, direction); StartRotation(); int first = Current.FirstCoinAffectedIndex(CurrentMove); int num = Current.NumCoinsAffected(CurrentMove); var endCoinIndex = first + (CurrentMove.side == Side.Left ? 0 : num - 1); var endCoin = coins[endCoinIndex]; var endBounds = endCoin.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds; var v = new Vector2(, - endBounds.extents.y); fingerTrack.transform.position = new Vector3(v.x, v.y, -4); VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(fingerTrack, true); VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(guideLeft, CurrentMove.side == Side.Left); VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(guideRight, CurrentMove.side == Side.Right); flipState = FlipState.MovingCoin; // if reached this point, we are in moving already so fall through goto case FlipState.MovingCoin; case FlipState.MovingCoin: if (direction == CurrentMove.side) { currentRotationAngle = Vector3.Angle(rotationScreenCenter - startTouchPosition, rotationScreenCenter - position); } else { if (position.y > rotationScreenCenter.y && currentRotationAngle < 30) { currentRotationAngle = 0; } else if (position.y < rotationScreenCenter.y && currentRotationAngle > 90) { ReleaseAndSet(FlipState.FinishingFlip); } else { ReleaseAndSet(FlipState.Resetting); } } break; } }
public void Hide() { VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(gameObject, false); }
public void SetLevel(Level level, Vector3 from, Vector3 coord, float animTime) { var tr = TextResource.Get("menu").Filter(""); trDialog = TextResource.Get("dialog").Filter("dialog"); var manager = LevelManager.Instance; generator.GeneratePuzzle(level.solved, level); var levelState = manager.GetLevelState(level.Ref); clickButton.OnClick += (id) => { switch (levelState) { case SolvedState.Unsolved: Play(level); break; case SolvedState.Finished: ShowDialogId(level, "Finished"); break; case SolvedState.Mastered: goto case SolvedState.Unsolved; } }; VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(locked, level.Locked); if (level.Locked) { var tm = locked.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>(); tm.text = string.Format(tr["StarsToUnlock"], level.starsRequired - manager.Stars); } var stats = LevelManager.Instance.GetLevelStats(level.Ref); if (stats.NumUnsolved == stats.Total) { levelStateBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { levelStateBar.SetStats(stats); } numPuzzles.text = levelState == SolvedState.Mastered ? tr["Random"] : string.Format("{0} {1}", level.NumPuzzles, tr["Puzzles"]); numMoves.text = string.Format("{0} {1}", level.MinMoves, tr[level.MinMoves == 1 ? "Move" : "Moves"]); switch (levelState) { case SolvedState.Finished: back.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = finishedMat; break; case SolvedState.Mastered: back.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = masteredMat; break; } if (animTime > 0) { GetComponent <Animation>().AddClip( new ClipBuilder() .LocalPosition(from, coord, 0, animTime) .LocalScale(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f), new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0, animTime).Clip, "anim"); GetComponent <Animation>().Play("anim"); } else { transform.localPosition = coord; transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); } }
internal void Play(Level level) { GameController.startLevel = level; VisibilitySwitch.SetVisibility(GameObject.Find("Loading"), true); EffectsManager.Instance.FadeOutMusic(() => { SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("GameScene"); }); }