public void parse_DownloadICSearchResultsCompleted(object sender, HtmlDocumentLoadCompleted e) { ICSearchResults.Clear(); IList<HtmlNode> hnc = e.Document.DocumentNode.DescendantNodes().ToList(); foreach (HtmlNode htmlNode in hnc) { if (htmlNode.Name.ToLower() == "div") { for (int att = htmlNode.Attributes.Count - 1; att >= 0; att--) { if (htmlNode.Attributes[att].Name.ToLower() == "id" && htmlNode.Attributes[att].Value == "bodyContent") { IList<HtmlNode> rs = htmlNode.DescendantNodes().ToList(); String category = ""; foreach (HtmlNode j in rs) { if (j.Name.ToLower() == "h2") { category = j.InnerText; } if (j.Name.ToLower() == "ol") { IList<HtmlNode> li = j.DescendantNodes().ToList(); foreach (HtmlNode k in li) { IronChariotsSearchViewModel sr = new IronChariotsSearchViewModel(); if (k.Name.ToLower() == "li") { IList<HtmlNode> innerNode = k.DescendantNodes().ToList(); foreach (HtmlNode rsk in innerNode) { if (rsk.Name.ToLower() == "a") { foreach (HtmlAttribute at in rsk.Attributes.ToList()) { if (at.Name.ToLower() == "href") { sr.Href = at.Value; } else if (at.Name.ToLower() == "title") { sr.Title = at.Value; } } } if (rsk.Name.ToLower() == "small") { String str = rsk.InnerText.Trim(); str = str.Replace(""", "\""); str = str.Replace("[", ""); str = str.Replace("]", ""); sr.Description += str; sr.Description += " "; } } sr.Category = category; ICSearchResults.Add(sr); } } } } } } } } NotifyPropertyChanged("ICSearchRetrived"); }
public void parseIronChariotsSearch(Object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e) { XElement resultXml; ICSearchResults.Clear(); if (e.Error != null) { IronChariotsSearchViewModel ics = new IronChariotsSearchViewModel(); ics.Title = "Error"; ics.Description = "An error occured trying to retrieve search results, please try again."; ics.Href = "Error"; ICSearchResults.Add(ics); NotifyPropertyChanged("ICSearchRetrived"); return; } else { XNamespace web = ""; try { resultXml = XElement.Load(e.Result); // Search for the WebResult node and create a SearchResults object for each one. foreach (XElement result in resultXml.Descendants(web + "WebResult")) { IronChariotsSearchViewModel ics = new IronChariotsSearchViewModel(); ics.Title = result.Element(web + "Title").Value.Trim(); if (ics.Title.Contains("Image:") || ics.Title.Contains("Talk:") || ics.Title.Contains("Template:") ) { continue; } ics.Description = result.Element(web + "Description").Value.Trim(); ics.Href = result.Element(web + "Url").Value; ICSearchResults.Add(ics); } } catch (System.Xml.XmlException ex) { } NotifyPropertyChanged("ICSearchRetrived"); } }