/// <summary>
 /// What to do when the selection changes in the QR Code site list:
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void cmboExportSiteQR_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Asbestos underpants:
         // Get the current selection of the combo box and make sure it
         // isn't empty:
         String site = (string)cmboExportSiteQR.Text;
         if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(site))
             // Ask the main form to give us the site parameters for this site.
             // Since the main form has all the code to do this, we'll ask it
             // to do the dirty work.
             SiteParameters siteParams = caller.GetSiteParamsForQRCode(site);
             // Now we'll generate the text we'll embed into the QR Code.  We want
             // this to be as compact as we can get it, so our "headings" will be
             // single letters.  We'll start off with an identifying header so the
             // QR Code reader will know the format of our string.  We delimite the
             // string with pipes, which aren't allowed in any of our fields.  We
             // want this to match as closely to the values of the XML export file
             // for consistency.  That means the hash engine and the character
             // limit fields will need some tweaking.
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             sb.Append("CRYPTNOSv1|" +
                 "S:" + siteParams.Site + "|" +
                 "H:" + HashEngine.HashEnumStringToDisplayHash(siteParams.Hash) + "|" +
                 "I:" + siteParams.Iterations.ToString() + "|" +
                 "C:" + siteParams.CharTypes.ToString() + "|L:");
             if (siteParams.CharLimit < 0) sb.Append("0");
             else sb.Append(siteParams.CharLimit.ToString());
             // Now that we've built our string, use the QRCodeWriter from ZXing to
             // build the QR Code image and assign the bitmap to the picture box:
             byteMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(sb.ToString(),
                 BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 200, 200);
             pictureBox1.Image = byteMatrix.ToBitmap();
         // If the selection in the combo box wasn't useful, empty the picture box:
         else pictureBox1.Image = null;
     // Similarly, if anything blew up, empty the picture box:
     catch { pictureBox1.Image = null; }