예제 #1
        private ReflectionPropFieldGetter MakeGetter(Type clazz, String fieldName)
            FieldInfo field = clazz.GetField(fieldName);
            ReflectionPropFieldGetter getter = new ReflectionPropFieldGetter(field, SupportEventAdapterService.Service);

예제 #2
        private ReflectionPropFieldGetter MakeGetter(Type clazz, String fieldName)
            FieldInfo field = clazz.GetField(fieldName);
            ReflectionPropFieldGetter getter = new ReflectionPropFieldGetter(field, _container.Resolve <EventAdapterService>());

예제 #3
        public void TestGetter()
            ReflectionPropFieldGetter getter = MakeGetter(typeof(SupportLegacyBean), "fieldLegacyVal");

            Assert.AreEqual("a", getter.Get(unitTestBean));

                EventBean eventBean = SupportEventBeanFactory.CreateObject(new Object());
            catch (PropertyAccessException ex)
                // Expected
                Log.Debug(".testGetter Expected exception, msg=" + ex.Message);
예제 #4
        private void Initialize(bool isConfigured)
            var propertyListBuilder = PropertyListBuilderFactory.CreateBuilder(OptionalLegacyDef);
            var properties          = propertyListBuilder.AssessProperties(UnderlyingType);

            _propertyDescriptors        = new EventPropertyDescriptor[properties.Count];
            _propertyDescriptorMap      = new Dictionary <String, EventPropertyDescriptor>();
            PropertyNames               = new String[properties.Count];
            _simpleProperties           = new Dictionary <String, SimplePropertyInfo>();
            _mappedPropertyDescriptors  = new Dictionary <String, InternalEventPropDescriptor>();
            _indexedPropertyDescriptors = new Dictionary <String, InternalEventPropDescriptor>();

            if (UsesSmartResolutionStyle)
                _simpleSmartPropertyTable  = new Dictionary <String, IList <SimplePropertyInfo> >();
                _mappedSmartPropertyTable  = new Dictionary <String, IList <SimplePropertyInfo> >();
                _indexedSmartPropertyTable = new Dictionary <String, IList <SimplePropertyInfo> >();

            if ((OptionalLegacyDef == null) ||
                (OptionalLegacyDef.CodeGeneration != CodeGenerationEnum.DISABLED))
                // get CGLib fast class
                FastClass = null;
                    FastClass = FastClass.Create(UnderlyingType);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(".initialize Unable to obtain CGLib fast class and/or method implementation for class " +
                             UnderlyingType.Name + ", error msg is " + ex.Message, ex);
                    FastClass = null;

            int count = 0;

            foreach (InternalEventPropDescriptor desc in properties)
                String propertyName = desc.PropertyName;
                Type   underlyingType;
                Type   componentType;
                bool   isRequiresIndex;
                bool   isRequiresMapkey;
                bool   isIndexed;
                bool   isMapped;
                bool   isFragment;

                if (desc.PropertyType.GetValueOrDefault() == EventPropertyType.SIMPLE)
                    EventPropertyGetter getter;
                    Type type;
                    if (desc.ReadMethod != null)
                        getter = PropertyHelper.GetGetter(desc.PropertyName, desc.ReadMethod, FastClass, _eventAdapterService);
                        type   = desc.ReadMethod.ReturnType;
                        if (desc.AccessorField == null)
                            // Ignore property
                        getter = new ReflectionPropFieldGetter(desc.AccessorField, _eventAdapterService);
                        type   = desc.AccessorField.FieldType;

                    underlyingType   = type;
                    componentType    = null;
                    isRequiresIndex  = false;
                    isRequiresMapkey = false;
                    isIndexed        = false;
                    isMapped         = false;

                    if (type.IsGenericDictionary())
                        isMapped = true;
                        // We do not yet allow to fragment maps entries.
                        // Class genericType = TypeHelper.GetGenericReturnTypeMap(desc.ReadMethod, desc.AccessorField);
                        isFragment = false;

                        if (desc.ReadMethod != null)
                            componentType = TypeHelper.GetGenericReturnTypeMap(desc.ReadMethod, false);
                        else if (desc.AccessorField != null)
                            componentType = TypeHelper.GetGenericFieldTypeMap(desc.AccessorField, false);
                            componentType = typeof(object);
                    else if (type.IsArray)
                        isIndexed     = true;
                        isFragment    = type.GetElementType().IsFragmentableType();
                        componentType = type.GetElementType();
                    else if (type.IsImplementsInterface(typeof(IEnumerable)))
                        isIndexed = true;
                        Type genericType = TypeHelper.GetGenericReturnType(desc.ReadMethod, desc.AccessorField, true);
                        isFragment = genericType.IsFragmentableType();
                        if (genericType != null)
                            componentType = genericType;
                            componentType = typeof(Object);
                        isMapped   = false;
                        isFragment = type.IsFragmentableType();
                    _simpleProperties.Put(propertyName, new SimplePropertyInfo(type, getter, desc));

                    // Recognize that there may be properties with overlapping case-insentitive names
                    if (UsesSmartResolutionStyle)
                        // Find the property in the smart property table
                        var smartPropertyName = propertyName.ToLower();
                        var propertyInfoList  = _simpleSmartPropertyTable.Get(smartPropertyName);
                        if (propertyInfoList == null)
                            propertyInfoList = new List <SimplePropertyInfo>();
                            _simpleSmartPropertyTable.Put(smartPropertyName, propertyInfoList);

                        // Enter the property into the smart property list
                        var propertyInfo = new SimplePropertyInfo(type, getter, desc);
                else if (desc.PropertyType.GetValueOrDefault() == EventPropertyType.MAPPED)
                    _mappedPropertyDescriptors.Put(propertyName, desc);

                    underlyingType   = desc.ReturnType;
                    componentType    = typeof(object);
                    isRequiresIndex  = false;
                    isRequiresMapkey = desc.ReadMethod.GetParameterTypes().Length > 0;
                    isIndexed        = false;
                    isMapped         = true;
                    isFragment       = false;

                    // Recognize that there may be properties with overlapping case-insentitive names
                    if (UsesSmartResolutionStyle)
                        // Find the property in the smart property table
                        var smartPropertyName = propertyName.ToLower();
                        var propertyInfoList  = _mappedSmartPropertyTable.Get(smartPropertyName);
                        if (propertyInfoList == null)
                            propertyInfoList = new List <SimplePropertyInfo>();
                            _mappedSmartPropertyTable.Put(smartPropertyName, propertyInfoList);

                        // Enter the property into the smart property list
                        var propertyInfo = new SimplePropertyInfo(desc.ReturnType, null, desc);
                else if (desc.PropertyType.GetValueOrDefault() == EventPropertyType.INDEXED)
                    _indexedPropertyDescriptors.Put(propertyName, desc);

                    underlyingType   = desc.ReturnType;
                    componentType    = null;
                    isRequiresIndex  = desc.ReadMethod.GetParameterTypes().Length > 0;
                    isRequiresMapkey = false;
                    isIndexed        = true;
                    isMapped         = false;
                    isFragment       = desc.ReturnType.IsFragmentableType();

                    if (UsesSmartResolutionStyle)
                        // Find the property in the smart property table
                        String smartPropertyName = propertyName.ToLower();
                        IList <SimplePropertyInfo> propertyInfoList = _indexedSmartPropertyTable.Get(smartPropertyName);
                        if (propertyInfoList == null)
                            propertyInfoList = new List <SimplePropertyInfo>();
                            _indexedSmartPropertyTable.Put(smartPropertyName, propertyInfoList);

                        // Enter the property into the smart property list
                        var propertyInfo = new SimplePropertyInfo(desc.ReturnType, null, desc);

                PropertyNames[count] = desc.PropertyName;
                var descriptor = new EventPropertyDescriptor(desc.PropertyName,
                                                             underlyingType, componentType, isRequiresIndex, isRequiresMapkey, isIndexed, isMapped, isFragment);
                _propertyDescriptors[count++] = descriptor;
                _propertyDescriptorMap.Put(descriptor.PropertyName, descriptor);

            // Determine event type super types
            SuperTypes = GetBaseTypes(UnderlyingType, _eventAdapterService.BeanEventTypeFactory);
            if (SuperTypes != null && SuperTypes.Length == 0)
                SuperTypes = null;

            if (Metadata != null && Metadata.TypeClass == TypeClass.NAMED_WINDOW)
                SuperTypes = null;

            // Determine deep supertypes
            // Get base types (superclasses and interfaces), deep get of all in the tree
            ICollection <Type> supers = new HashSet <Type>();

            GetSuper(UnderlyingType, supers);
            RemoveLibraryInterfaces(supers);    // Remove CLR library base types

            // Cache the supertypes of this event type for later use
            _deepSuperTypes = new HashSet <EventType>();
            foreach (Type superClass in supers)
                EventType superType = _eventAdapterService.BeanEventTypeFactory.CreateBeanType(superClass.FullName, superClass, false, false, isConfigured);

            DeepSuperTypes = _deepSuperTypes.ToArray();