예제 #1
        /// <summary> Get the calibration time from the server. </summary>
        IEnumerator GetCalibrationTimeFromServer(string apiToken)
            // Add slash in the end if needed
            if (CoolaDataTracker.endpointUrl[CoolaDataTracker.endpointUrl.Length - 1] != '/')
                CoolaDataTracker.endpointUrl += '/';

            string finalAddress = CoolaDataTracker.endpointUrl + "egw/2/" + apiToken + "/config";

            WWW w = new WWW(finalAddress);

            // Wait for response
            while (!w.isDone)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

            // Check timeout
            if (!w.isDone)
                Debug.Log("GetCalibrationTimeFromServer 408 (timeout).");

                yield break;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(w.error))
                Exception e = new Exception(w.error);
                Debug.Log("Error in the connection for " + finalAddress + ": " + e);
                yield break;
                JSONObject responseDictionary = JSONObject.Parse(w.text);

                // Get the configuration
                JSONObject configurationJSON = responseDictionary.GetObject("configuration");

                if (configurationJSON != null)
                    // Get the calibration time
                    calibrationTimeMS = configurationJSON.GetNumber("calibrationTimestampMillis");

                    if (CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete != null)
                        CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete("Calibration time: " + calibrationTimeMS);
                    if (CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete != null)
                        CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete("Can not find 'calibrationTimestampMillis' parameter");
예제 #2
        /// <summary> Tries to send the first bacth from batch queue to the server </summary>
        ///  NOTE: should only be called from ManageBatchSending or BatchSendCallbackDelegate to prevent multiple competing calls that break the backoff interval times
        IEnumerator TrySendBacthFromQueue(int attemptsMadeSoFar)
            // Make sure we comply with publishing backoff interval
            float publishBackoffInterval = float.Parse(defaults["eventsPublishBackoffIntervalMillis"]) / 1000f;

            if (lastBatchSendingCompletedTime < publishBackoffInterval)
                yield return(publishBackoffInterval - lastBatchSendingCompletedTime);

            // get batch and turn it into usable post data
            var batch = batchQueue.GetFirstBatch();

            if (batch == null)
                yield break;

            // create the post data we need to send to the server
            string postDataString = "";

            foreach (TrackEventParamaters item in batch)
                postDataString += item.ToString();
                postDataString += "\n,";
            postDataString = postDataString.Remove(postDataString.Length - 2);           // removes the last NEWLINE and ',' we added

            string postDataStrNotEnc = "{\"events\":[" + postDataString + "]}";

            string postDataStrEnc   = WWW.EscapeURL(postDataStrNotEnc);
            string finalPostDataStr = "data=" + postDataStrEnc;

            byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(finalPostDataStr);             // System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postDataString)

            // mark when we started the attempt so we can calculate how long we need to wait before a retry
            batchSendStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            if (CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete != null)
                CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete("Trying to send " + batch.Count + " events to server");

            // try to send batch
            Send(string.Format("v1/{0}/track?r={1}", apiToken, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue)), postData
                 , delegate(string arg1, Exception arg2) { StartCoroutine(BatchSendCallbackDelegate(arg1, arg2, attemptsMadeSoFar)); }, false, true);
            yield break;
예제 #3
            /// <summary> Add the specified eventName, userId, eventProperties, eventId and callback to the Queue </summary>
            /// <param name="eventName">Event name.</param>
            /// <param name="userID">User identifier.</param>
            /// <param name="eventProperties">Event properties.</param>
            /// <param name="eventId">Event identifier.</param>
            /// <param name="callback">Callback.</param>
            public void Add(string eventName, string userId, Dictionary <string, JSONValue> eventProperties, string eventId, Action <CoolaDataDeliveryResult> callback)
                if (!AreArgumentsOkay(eventName, userId, eventProperties, eventId, callback))
                CoolaDataTracker.TrackEventParamaters queuedItem = new CoolaDataTracker.TrackEventParamaters(eventName, userId, eventProperties, eventId, callback);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventId) && callback == null)

                if (CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete != null)
                    CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete("Queue size: " + Count);

예제 #4
        /// <summary> The callback for the batch we tried to send </summary>
        IEnumerator BatchSendCallbackDelegate(string response, Exception e, int attemptsMadeSoFar)
            // note when we finished sending a batch so we can calculate how long to wait before trying to automatically publish again
            lastBatchSendingCompletedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            // update number of attempts made

            // check for errors and handle accordingly
            if (e != null)
                // handel the error by type
                if (e.Message.StartsWith("403"))                 // "403" error code means the api token is incorrect
                    Debug.Log("BatchSendCallbackDelegate failed. 403");
                    setupState = SetupState.NotCalled;
                    alreadyTryingToSendBatch = false;
                    yield break;
                // on all other error codes we reattempt to send unless limit reached
                    Debug.Log("BatchSendCallbackDelegate failed. " + e.Message);

                    // check if we have reached the retry limit
                    if (attemptsMadeSoFar >= int.Parse(defaults["maxTotalRequestRetries"]))
                        // Let all callbacks in batch know that attempt failed and what error codes we got
                        foreach (var item in batchQueue.GetFirstBatch())
                            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.eventId)) && item.callback != null)
                                // set the proper error paramaters to each CoolaData delivery result we need to return to each callback
                                CoolaDataDeliveryResult coolaDataDeliveryResult = new CoolaDataDeliveryResult();
                                coolaDataDeliveryResult.eventId = item.eventId;
                                coolaDataDeliveryResult.status  = false;
                                int indexOfFirstSpace = e.Message.IndexOf(" ");
                                coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusCode        = int.Parse(e.Message.Substring(0, indexOfFirstSpace));
                                coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusDescription = e.Message.Substring(indexOfFirstSpace + 1, e.Message.Length - indexOfFirstSpace - 1);
                                // call the callback with the CoolaData delivery result
                        // remove the first batch, and let the batch manager try again
                        alreadyTryingToSendBatch = false;
                        yield break;

                    // comply with failed attempt backoff interval
                    float backoffTimeBeforeReattempt = float.Parse(defaults["eventsOutageBackoffIntervalMillis"]) / 1000f;
                    if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - batchSendStartTime < backoffTimeBeforeReattempt)
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(backoffTimeBeforeReattempt - Time.realtimeSinceStartup + batchSendStartTime));
                    // try to send the batch again
                    yield break;
                if (CoolaDataTracker.getInstance().operationComplete != null)

                Debug.Log("BatchSendCallbackDelegate soccess. response: " + response);
            // send was sucessful

            // collect all callback trackEvents we have
            Dictionary <string, Action <CoolaDataDeliveryResult> > callbacks = new Dictionary <string, Action <CoolaDataDeliveryResult> >();

            foreach (var item in batchQueue.GetFirstBatch())
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.eventId)) && item.callback != null)
                    callbacks.Add(item.eventId, item.callback);
            // parse response into usable format
            JSONObject responseDictionary = JSONObject.Parse(response);

            // give the callbacks their answers
            foreach (var result in responseDictionary.GetObject("results"))
                // Extract the specific CoolaData delivery result from the server response
                CoolaDataDeliveryResult coolaDataDeliveryResult = new CoolaDataDeliveryResult();
                coolaDataDeliveryResult.eventId                   = result.Key;
                coolaDataDeliveryResult.status                    = responseDictionary.GetBoolean("status");
                coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusCode        = 200;          // succeffuly communication with server
                coolaDataDeliveryResult.deliveryStatusDescription = null;         // The description of the status state. e.g. “Failed to send event due to network issues”
                coolaDataDeliveryResult.responseProperties        = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var pair in result.Value.Obj)
                    coolaDataDeliveryResult.responseProperties.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString());
                // call the appropriate callback eith the Cooladata deliviery result
            // remove first batch which we have sucessfully sent
            // unlock batch sending
            alreadyTryingToSendBatch = false;