예제 #1
        public String[] ddrGetsEntry(String siteId, String vistaFile, String iens, String flds, String flags)
            HttpClient client   = new HttpClient(this.BaseUri);
            String     response = client.makeRequest(String.Format("/ddrGetsEntry?siteId={0}&vistaFile={1}&iens={2}&fields={3}&flags={4}", siteId, vistaFile, iens, flds, flags));

            //TextArray obj = Deserialize<TextArray>(response);
            //return obj.text;
            return(VistaDaoUtils.stripInvalidChars(StringUtils.Deserialize <String[]>(response)));
예제 #2
        public String[] ddrLister(String siteId, String vistaFile, String iens, String fields, String flags, String maxRex,
                                  String from, String part, String xRef, String screen, String identifier)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags))
                flags = "IP";
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xRef) || String.Equals("#", xRef))
                xRef = ""; // the '#' character causes the URL to be truncated by IIS - since we control the service, we pass nothing and let the service default to '#'
            HttpClient client   = new HttpClient(this.BaseUri);
            String     response = client.makeRequest(String.Format("/ddrLister?siteId={0}&vistaFile={1}&iens={2}&fields={3}&flags={4}&maxRex={5}&from={6}&part={7}&xref={8}&screen={9}&identifier={10}",
                                                                   siteId, vistaFile, iens, fields, flags, maxRex, from, part, xRef, screen, identifier));

            String[] result = StringUtils.Deserialize <String[]>(response);

예제 #3
        // currently this is only being used for file 63.3 - because the results are nested and 63.3 doesn't typically contain
        // a lot of records in the subfile path, i'm removing all the multithreading crap since it caused an issue with the extracted data
        internal DataTable getVerticalResultsForQueries(VistaQuery topLevelQuery, String[] ddrResults, String parentRecordIENS)
            DataTable verticalResults = DataTableUtils.generateVerticalDataTable(topLevelQuery.VistaFile, topLevelQuery.IsSubFileQuery);

            if (ddrResults == null || ddrResults.Length == 0)

            // build queue of queries and prepare threadsafe placeholder for results
            // _verticalResults = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();

            Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> > resultsDict = new Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> >();
            ConcurrentQueue <VistaQuery> verticalQueries = new ConcurrentQueue <VistaQuery>();

            foreach (String ddrResult in ddrResults)
                String correctedIensString = parentRecordIENS;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(correctedIensString))
                    if (correctedIensString.StartsWith(","))
                        correctedIensString = correctedIensString.Substring(1, correctedIensString.Length - 1); // remove leading comma so IENS string below is builts correctly
                correctedIensString = String.Concat(ddrResult.Split(new char[] { '^' })[0], ",", correctedIensString);// IEN from current ddr result + , + IENS string from top level query

                VistaQuery vq = new VistaQuery()
                    Fields    = topLevelQuery.WP_Or_Computed_Fields,
                    Flags     = "IN",
                    IENS      = correctedIensString,
                    SiteCode  = topLevelQuery.SiteCode,
                    VistaFile = topLevelQuery.VistaFile, // same vista file as specified in top level query

                Dictionary <String, String> result = VistaDaoUtils.toDictFromDdrGetsEntry(_dao.ddrGetsEntry(vq.SiteCode, vq.VistaFile, vq.IENS, vq.Fields, vq.Flags));

                resultsDict.Add(correctedIensString, result);
                //  verticalQueries.Enqueue(vq);

                //   _verticalResults.TryAdd(correctedIensString, new Dictionary<string, string>()); // we'll have multiple results per IENS

            // multi-thread queries
            //IList<Task> verticalTasks = new List<Task>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < _subQueryWorkers; i++)
            //    Task workerTask = new Task(() => queryKeyValue(verticalQueries));
            //    verticalTasks.Add(workerTask);
            //    workerTask.Start();

            //foreach (Task t in verticalTasks)
            //    t.Wait();

            // put all our results in to a single data table
            DateTime batchTimestamp = DateTime.Now; // we give all our Key/Val the same timestamp

            foreach (String key in resultsDict.Keys)
                // DataTableUtils.toKeyValTableFromDdrGetsEntry only needs the subfile info, IENS, sitecode, and timestamp
                VistaQuery reconstructedQuery = new VistaQuery()
                    IENS           = key,
                    SiteCode       = topLevelQuery.SiteCode,
                    IsSubFileQuery = topLevelQuery.IsSubFileQuery
                DataTable currentBatch = DataTableUtils.toKeyValTableFromDdrGetsEntry(reconstructedQuery, resultsDict[key], batchTimestamp);
                DataTableUtils.addResultsToTable(verticalResults, currentBatch);

            // done! return vertical/key-val datatable