public void run() { try { for (;;) { if (!this.client.connectionAlive) { this.client.forceDisconnect(direction, "Connection no longer alive"); return; } if (this.client.kickTargetTimestamp != 0) { if (this.client.kickTargetTimestamp < Utils.getTimestamp()) { this.client.closeConnection(); return; } continue; } #region Process Packet //Packet ID and Vaildity Check. uint temp = this.incoming.ReadVarUInt32(); if (temp < 1 || temp > 48) { this.client.forceDisconnect(direction, "Sent invalid packet ID [" + temp + "]."); return; } Packet packetID = (Packet)temp; //Packet Size and Compression Check. bool compressed = false; int packetSize = this.incoming.ReadVarInt32(); if (packetSize < 0) { packetSize = -packetSize; compressed = true; } //Create buffer for forwarding byte[] dataBuffer = this.incoming.ReadFully(packetSize); //Do decompression MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (compressed) { ZlibStream compressedStream = new ZlibStream(new MemoryStream(dataBuffer), CompressionMode.Decompress); byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; for (;;) { int read = compressedStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (read <= 0) break; ms.Write(buffer, 0, read); } ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } else { ms = new MemoryStream(dataBuffer); } //Create packet parser BinaryReader packetData = new BinaryReader(ms); #endregion //Return data for packet processor object returnData = true; if (packetID != Packet.Heartbeat && packetID != Packet.UniverseTimeUpdate) { if (direction == Direction.Client) #region Handle Client Packets { #region Protocol State Security ClientState curState = this.client.state; if (curState != ClientState.Connected) { if (curState == ClientState.PendingConnect && packetID != Packet.ClientConnect) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Violated PendingConnect protocol state with " + packetID); return; } else if (curState == ClientState.PendingAuthentication && packetID != Packet.HandshakeResponse) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Violated PendingAuthentication protocol state with " + packetID); return; } else if (curState == ClientState.PendingConnectResponse) { int startTime = Utils.getTimestamp(); while (true) { if (this.client.state == ClientState.Connected) break; if (Utils.getTimestamp() > startTime + StarryboundServer.config.connectTimeout) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Connection Failed: Server did not respond in time."); return; } } } } #endregion if (packetID == Packet.ChatSend) { returnData = new Packet11ChatSend(this.client, packetData, this.direction).onReceive(); } else if (packetID == Packet.ClientConnect) { this.client.state = ClientState.PendingAuthentication; returnData = new Packet7ClientConnect(this.client, packetData, this.direction).onReceive(); MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); passwordSalt = Utils.GenerateSecureSalt(); packetWrite.WriteStarString(""); packetWrite.WriteStarString(passwordSalt); packetWrite.WriteBE(StarryboundServer.config.passwordRounds); this.client.sendClientPacket(Packet.HandshakeChallenge, packet.ToArray()); } else if (packetID == Packet.HandshakeResponse) { string claimResponse = packetData.ReadStarString(); string passwordHash = packetData.ReadStarString(); string verifyHash = Utils.StarHashPassword(StarryboundServer.config.proxyPass, this.client.playerData.account + passwordSalt, StarryboundServer.config.passwordRounds); if (passwordHash != verifyHash) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Your password was incorrect."); return; } this.client.state = ClientState.PendingConnectResponse; returnData = false; } else if (packetID == Packet.WarpCommand) { WarpType cmd = (WarpType)packetData.ReadUInt32BE(); WorldCoordinate coord = packetData.ReadStarWorldCoordinate(); string player = packetData.ReadStarString(); if (cmd == WarpType.WarpToPlayerShip) { Client target = StarryboundServer.getClient(player); if (target != null) { if (!this.client.playerData.canAccessShip(target.playerData)) { this.client.sendChatMessage("^#5dc4f4;You cannot access this player's ship due to their ship access settings."); StarryboundServer.logDebug("ShipAccess", "Preventing " + + " from accessing " + + "'s ship."); MemoryStream packetWarp = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packetWarp); packetWrite.WriteBE((uint)WarpType.WarpToOwnShip); packetWrite.Write(new WorldCoordinate()); packetWrite.WriteStarString(""); client.sendServerPacket(Packet.WarpCommand, packetWarp.ToArray()); returnData = false; } } } StarryboundServer.logDebug("WarpCommand", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "][" + cmd + "]" + (coord != null ? "[" + coord.ToString() + "]" : "") + "[" + player + "]"); } else if (packetID == Packet.ModifyTileList || packetID == Packet.DamageTileGroup || packetID == Packet.DamageTile || packetID == Packet.ConnectWire || packetID == Packet.DisconnectAllWires) { if(!this.client.playerData.canIBuild()) returnData = false; } else if (packetID == Packet.EntityCreate) { while(true) { EntityType type = (EntityType)packetData.Read(); if(type == EntityType.EOF) break; byte[] entityData = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); int entityId = packetData.ReadVarInt32(); if(type == EntityType.Projectile) { BinaryReader entity = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(entityData)); string projectileKey = entity.ReadStarString(); object projParams = entity.ReadStarVariant(); if (StarryboundServer.config.projectileBlacklist.Contains(projectileKey)) { MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); packetWrite.WriteVarInt32(entityId); packetWrite.Write(false); this.client.sendClientPacket(Packet.EntityDestroy, packet.ToArray()); returnData = false; } if (StarryboundServer.serverConfig.useDefaultWorldCoordinate && StarryboundServer.config.spawnWorldProtection) { if (this.client.playerData.loc != null) { if (StarryboundServer.config.projectileBlacklistSpawn.Contains(projectileKey) && StarryboundServer.spawnPlanet.Equals(this.client.playerData.loc) && !"admin.spawnbuild") && !this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip) { MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); packetWrite.WriteVarInt32(entityId); packetWrite.Write(false); this.client.sendClientPacket(Packet.EntityDestroy, packet.ToArray()); returnData = false; } } else { MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); packetWrite.WriteVarInt32(entityId); packetWrite.Write(false); this.client.sendClientPacket(Packet.EntityDestroy, packet.ToArray()); returnData = false; } } } else if (type == EntityType.Object || type == EntityType.Plant || type == EntityType.PlantDrop || type == EntityType.Monster) { if (!this.client.playerData.canIBuild()) { MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); packetWrite.WriteVarInt32(entityId); packetWrite.Write(false); this.client.sendClientPacket(Packet.EntityDestroy, packet.ToArray()); returnData = false; } } } } else if (packetID == Packet.SpawnEntity) { while(true) { EntityType type = (EntityType)packetData.Read(); if (type == EntityType.EOF) break; byte[] entityData = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); if (type == EntityType.Projectile) { BinaryReader entity = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(entityData)); string projectileKey = entity.ReadStarString(); object projParams = entity.ReadStarVariant(); if (StarryboundServer.config.projectileBlacklist.Contains(projectileKey)) { returnData = false; } if (StarryboundServer.serverConfig.useDefaultWorldCoordinate && StarryboundServer.config.spawnWorldProtection) { if (this.client.playerData.loc != null) { if (StarryboundServer.config.projectileBlacklistSpawn.Contains(projectileKey) ^ StarryboundServer.config.projectileSpawnListIsWhitelist) { if (StarryboundServer.spawnPlanet.Equals(this.client.playerData.loc) && !"admin.spawnbuild") && !this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip) { returnData = false; } } } else { returnData = false; } } } else if (type == EntityType.Object || type == EntityType.Plant || type == EntityType.PlantDrop || type == EntityType.Monster) { if (!this.client.playerData.canIBuild()) returnData = false; } } } } #endregion else #region Handle Server Packets { if (packetID == Packet.ChatReceive) { returnData = new Packet5ChatReceive(this.client, packetData, this.direction).onReceive(); } else if (packetID == Packet.ProtocolVersion) { uint protocolVersion = packetData.ReadUInt32BE(); if (protocolVersion != StarryboundServer.ProtocolVersion) { MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); packetWrite.WriteBE(protocolVersion); this.client.sendClientPacket(Packet.ProtocolVersion, packet.ToArray()); this.client.rejectPreConnected("Connection Failed: Unable to handle parent server protocol version."); return; } } else if (packetID == Packet.HandshakeChallenge) { string claimMessage = packetData.ReadString(); string passwordSalt = packetData.ReadStarString(); int passwordRounds = packetData.ReadInt32BE(); MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); string passwordHash = Utils.StarHashPassword(StarryboundServer.privatePassword, passwordSalt, passwordRounds); packetWrite.WriteStarString(""); packetWrite.WriteStarString(passwordHash); this.client.sendServerPacket(Packet.HandshakeResponse, packet.ToArray()); returnData = false; } else if (packetID == Packet.ConnectResponse) { int startTime = Utils.getTimestamp(); while (true) { if (this.client.state == ClientState.PendingConnectResponse) break; if (Utils.getTimestamp() > startTime + StarryboundServer.config.connectTimeout) { this.client.rejectPreConnected("Connection Failed: Client did not respond with handshake."); return; } } returnData = new Packet2ConnectResponse(this.client, packetData, this.direction).onReceive(); } else if (packetID == Packet.WorldStart) { if (!this.client.playerData.sentMotd) { this.client.sendChatMessage(Config.GetMotd()); if (!"")) this.client.sendChatMessage("^#f75d5d;" + StarryboundServer.config.buildErrorMessage); this.client.playerData.sentMotd = true; } byte[] planet = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] worldStructure = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] sky = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] serverWeather = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); float spawnX = packetData.ReadSingleBE(); float spawnY = packetData.ReadSingleBE(); uint mapParamsSize = packetData.ReadVarUInt32(); Dictionary<string, object> mapParams = new Dictionary<string, object>(); int isPlayerShip = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mapParamsSize; i++) { string key = packetData.ReadStarString(); var value = packetData.ReadStarVariant(); mapParams.Add(key, value); if(key == "fuel.level") { isPlayerShip++; } else if(key == "fuel.max") { isPlayerShip++; } } this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip = (isPlayerShip == 2); uint clientID = packetData.ReadUInt32BE(); bool bool1 = packetData.ReadBoolean(); WorldCoordinate coords = Utils.findGlobalCoords(sky); if (coords != null) { this.client.playerData.loc = coords; StarryboundServer.logDebug("WorldStart", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "][" + bool1 + ":" + clientID + "] CurLoc:[" + this.client.playerData.loc.ToString() + "][" + this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); } else StarryboundServer.logDebug("WorldStart", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "][" + bool1 + ":" + clientID + "] InPlayerShip:[" + this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); } else if (packetID == Packet.WorldStop) { string status = packetData.ReadStarString(); } else if (packetID == Packet.GiveItem) { string name = packetData.ReadStarString(); uint count = packetData.ReadVarUInt32(); var itemDesc = packetData.ReadStarVariant(); } else if (packetID == Packet.EnvironmentUpdate) { byte[] sky = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] serverWeather = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); if (this.client.playerData.loc == null) { WorldCoordinate coords = Utils.findGlobalCoords(sky); if (coords != null) { this.client.playerData.loc = coords; StarryboundServer.logDebug("EnvUpdate", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] CurLoc:[" + this.client.playerData.loc.ToString() + "]"); } } } else if (packetID == Packet.ClientContextUpdate) { try { byte[] clientContextData = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); if (clientContextData.Length != 0) { BinaryReader clientContextReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(clientContextData)); byte[] data = clientContextReader.ReadStarByteArray(); if (data.Length > 8) //Should at least be more than 8 bytes for it to contain the data we want. { BinaryReader dataReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); byte dataBufferLength = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (dataBufferLength == 2) { byte arrayLength = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (arrayLength == 2 || arrayLength == 4) //Only observed these being used so far for what we want. { byte dataType = dataReader.ReadByte(); //04 = String, 0E = CelestialLog if (dataType == 4) { string string1 = dataReader.ReadStarString(); if (dataReader.BaseStream.Position != dataReader.BaseStream.Length) { if (string1 == "null") { byte[] worldHeader = dataReader.ReadStarByteArray(); //0008020A000C byte[] worldData = dataReader.ReadStarByteArray(); byte typeByte = dataReader.ReadByte(); //0E = CelestialLog if (typeByte == 14) { Dictionary<string, WorldCoordinate> log = dataReader.ReadStarCelestialLog(); log.TryGetValue("loc", out this.client.playerData.loc); if (!log.TryGetValue("home", out this.client.playerData.home)) this.client.playerData.home = this.client.playerData.loc; StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] CurLoc:[" + this.client.playerData.loc.ToString() + "][" + this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] CurHome:[" + this.client.playerData.home.ToString() + "]"); } } } } else if (dataType == 14) { Dictionary<string, WorldCoordinate> log = dataReader.ReadStarCelestialLog(); log.TryGetValue("loc", out this.client.playerData.loc); if (!log.TryGetValue("home", out this.client.playerData.home)) this.client.playerData.home = this.client.playerData.loc; StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] CurLoc:[" + this.client.playerData.loc.ToString() + "][" + this.client.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] CurHome:[" + this.client.playerData.home.ToString() + "]"); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.client.playerData.client + "] Failed to parse ClientContextUpdate from Server: " + e.ToString()); } } else if (packetID == Packet.EntityCreate) { MemoryStream sendStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter sendWriter = new BinaryWriter(sendStream); bool test = true; while (true) { EntityType type = (EntityType)packetData.Read(); if (type == EntityType.EOF) break; byte[] entityData = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); int entityId = packetData.ReadVarInt32(); if (type == EntityType.Player) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(entityData, 0, buffer, 0, 16); buffer = Utils.HashUUID(buffer); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, entityData, 0, 16); returnData = test = false; } sendWriter.Write((byte)type); sendWriter.WriteVarUInt64((ulong)entityData.Length); sendWriter.Write(entityData); sendWriter.WriteVarInt32(entityId); } if(test == false) { this.outgoing.WriteVarUInt32((uint)packetID); this.outgoing.WriteVarInt32((int)sendStream.Length); this.outgoing.Write(sendStream.ToArray()); this.outgoing.Flush(); } } } #endregion } //Check return data if (returnData is Boolean) { if ((Boolean)returnData == false) continue; } else if (returnData is int) { if ((int)returnData == -1) { this.client.forceDisconnect(direction, "Command processor requested to drop client"); return; } } #region Forward Packet //Write data to dest this.outgoing.WriteVarUInt32((uint)packetID); if (compressed) { this.outgoing.WriteVarInt32(-packetSize); this.outgoing.Write(dataBuffer, 0, packetSize); } else { this.outgoing.WriteVarInt32(packetSize); this.outgoing.Write(dataBuffer, 0, packetSize); } this.outgoing.Flush(); #endregion //If disconnect was forwarded to client, lets disconnect. if(packetID == Packet.ServerDisconnect && direction == Direction.Server) { this.client.closeConnection(); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (EndOfStreamException) { this.client.forceDisconnect(direction, "End of stream"); } catch (Exception e) { if(e.InnerException != null) { if(e.InnerException is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { this.client.forceDisconnect(direction, e.InnerException.Message); return; } } this.client.forceDisconnect(direction, "ForwardThread Exception: " + e.ToString()); } }
public void run() { try { for (;;) { if (!this.mParent.connectionAlive) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect("Connection Lost"); return; } if (this.mParent.kickTargetTimestamp != 0) { if (this.mParent.kickTargetTimestamp < Utils.getTimestamp()) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect("Kicked from server"); return; } continue; } #region Process Packet //Packet ID and Vaildity Check. uint temp = this.mInput.ReadVarUInt32(); if (temp < 1 || temp > 48) { this.mParent.errorDisconnect(mDirection, "Sent invalid packet ID [" + temp + "]."); return; } Packet packetID = (Packet)temp; //Packet Size and Compression Check. bool compressed = false; int packetSize = this.mInput.ReadVarInt32(); if (packetSize < 0) { packetSize = -packetSize; compressed = true; } //Create buffer for forwarding byte[] dataBuffer = this.mInput.ReadFully(packetSize); //Do decompression MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (compressed) { ZlibStream compressedStream = new ZlibStream(new MemoryStream(dataBuffer), CompressionMode.Decompress); byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; for (;;) { int read = compressedStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (read <= 0) break; ms.Write(buffer, 0, read); } ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } else { ms = new MemoryStream(dataBuffer); } //Create packet parser BinaryReader packetData = new BinaryReader(ms); #endregion //Return data for packet processor object returnData = true; if (packetID != Packet.Heartbeat && packetID != Packet.UniverseTimeUpdate) { if (mDirection == Direction.Client) #region Handle Client Packets { #region Protocol State Security ClientState curState = this.mParent.clientState; if (curState != ClientState.Connected) { if (curState == ClientState.PendingConnect && packetID != Packet.ClientConnect) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect("Violated PendingConnect protocol state with " + packetID); } else if (curState == ClientState.PendingAuthentication && packetID != Packet.HandshakeResponse) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect("Violated PendingAuthentication protocol state with " + packetID); } else if (curState == ClientState.PendingConnectResponse) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect("Violated PendingConnectResponse protocol state with " + packetID); } } #endregion if (packetID == Packet.ChatSend) { returnData = new Packet11ChatSend(this.mParent, packetData, this.mDirection).onReceive(); } else if (packetID == Packet.ClientConnect) { this.mParent.clientState = ClientState.PendingAuthentication; returnData = new Packet7ClientConnect(this.mParent, packetData, this.mDirection).onReceive(); MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); passwordSalt = Utils.GenerateSecureSalt(); packetWrite.WriteStarString(""); packetWrite.WriteStarString(passwordSalt); packetWrite.WriteBE(StarryboundServer.config.passwordRounds); this.mParent.sendClientPacket(Packet.HandshakeChallenge, packet.ToArray()); } else if (packetID == Packet.HandshakeResponse) { string claimResponse = packetData.ReadStarString(); string passwordHash = packetData.ReadStarString(); string verifyHash = Utils.StarHashPassword(StarryboundServer.config.proxyPass, this.mParent.playerData.account + passwordSalt, StarryboundServer.config.passwordRounds); if (passwordHash != verifyHash) { this.mParent.rejectPreConnected("Your password was incorrect."); } this.mParent.clientState = ClientState.PendingConnectResponse; returnData = false; } else if (packetID == Packet.WarpCommand) { uint warp = packetData.ReadUInt32BE(); WorldCoordinate coord = packetData.ReadStarWorldCoordinate(); string player = packetData.ReadStarString(); WarpType cmd = (WarpType)warp; if (cmd == WarpType.WarpToHomePlanet) { this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip = false; } else if (cmd == WarpType.WarpToOrbitedPlanet) { this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip = false; } else if (cmd == WarpType.WarpToOwnShip) { this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip = true; } else if (cmd == WarpType.WarpToPlayerShip) { this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip = true; } StarryboundServer.logDebug("WarpCommand", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "][" + warp + "]" + (coord != null ? "[" + coord.ToString() + "]" : "") + "[" + player + "]"); } else if (packetID == Packet.ModifyTileList || packetID == Packet.DamageTileGroup || packetID == Packet.DamageTile || packetID == Packet.ConnectWire || packetID == Packet.DisconnectAllWires) { if (!this.mParent.playerData.canBuild) continue; if (this.mParent.playerData.loc != null) { string planetCheck = this.mParent.playerData.loc.ToString(); string spawnPlanet = StarryboundServer.serverConfig.defaultWorldCoordinate; if (StarryboundServer.serverConfig.defaultWorldCoordinate.Split(':').Length == 5) spawnPlanet = spawnPlanet + ":0"; if ((planetCheck == spawnPlanet) && !"admin.spawnbuild") && !this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip) { continue; } } } } #endregion else #region Handle Server Packets { if (packetID == Packet.ChatReceive) { returnData = new Packet5ChatReceive(this.mParent, packetData, this.mDirection).onReceive(); } else if (packetID == Packet.ProtocolVersion) { uint protocolVersion = packetData.ReadUInt32BE(); if (protocolVersion != StarryboundServer.ProtocolVersion) { MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); packetWrite.WriteBE(protocolVersion); this.mParent.sendClientPacket(Packet.ProtocolVersion, packet.ToArray()); this.mParent.rejectPreConnected("Starrybound Server was unable to handle the parent server protocol version."); returnData = false; } } else if (packetID == Packet.HandshakeChallenge) { string claimMessage = packetData.ReadString(); string passwordSalt = packetData.ReadStarString(); int passwordRounds = packetData.ReadInt32BE(); MemoryStream packet = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter packetWrite = new BinaryWriter(packet); string passwordHash = Utils.StarHashPassword(StarryboundServer.config.serverPass, StarryboundServer.config.serverAccount + passwordSalt, passwordRounds); packetWrite.WriteStarString(""); packetWrite.WriteStarString(passwordHash); this.mParent.sendServerPacket(Packet.HandshakeResponse, packet.ToArray()); returnData = false; } else if (packetID == Packet.ConnectResponse) { while (this.mParent.clientState != ClientState.PendingConnectResponse) { } //TODO: needs timeout returnData = new Packet2ConnectResponse(this.mParent, packetData, this.mDirection).onReceive(); } else if (packetID == Packet.WorldStart) { if (!this.mParent.playerData.sentMotd) { this.mParent.sendChatMessage(Config.GetMotd()); this.mParent.playerData.sentMotd = true; } byte[] planet = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] worldStructure = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] sky = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] serverWeather = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); float spawnX = packetData.ReadSingleBE(); float spawnY = packetData.ReadSingleBE(); uint mapParamsSize = packetData.ReadVarUInt32(); Dictionary<string, object> mapParams = new Dictionary<string, object>(); for (int i = 0; i < mapParamsSize; i++) { mapParams.Add(packetData.ReadStarString(), packetData.ReadStarVariant()); } uint clientID = packetData.ReadUInt32BE(); bool bool1 = packetData.ReadBoolean(); WorldCoordinate coords = Utils.findGlobalCoords(sky); if (coords != null) { this.mParent.playerData.loc = coords; StarryboundServer.logDebug("WorldStart", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "][" + bool1 + ":" + clientID + "] CurLoc:[" + this.mParent.playerData.loc.ToString() + "][" + this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); } } else if (packetID == Packet.WorldStop) { string status = packetData.ReadStarString(); } else if (packetID == Packet.GiveItem) { string name = packetData.ReadStarString(); uint count = packetData.ReadVarUInt32(); List<object> itemDesc = packetData.ReadStarVariant(); } else if (packetID == Packet.EnvironmentUpdate) { byte[] sky = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); byte[] serverWeather = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); /*WorldCoordinate coords = Utils.findGlobalCoords(sky); if (coords != null) { this.mParent.playerData.loc = coords; StarryboundServer.logDebug("EnvUpdate", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] CurLoc:[" + this.mParent.playerData.loc.ToString() + "]"); }*/ } else if (packetID == Packet.ClientContextUpdate) { try { byte[] clientContextData = packetData.ReadStarByteArray(); if (clientContextData.Length != 0) { BinaryReader clientContextReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(clientContextData)); byte[] data = clientContextReader.ReadStarByteArray(); if (data.Length > 8) //Should at least be more than 8 bytes for it to contain the data we want. { BinaryReader dataReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); byte dataBufferLength = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (dataBufferLength == 2) { byte arrayLength = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (arrayLength == 2 || arrayLength == 4) //Only observed these being used so far for what we want. { byte dataType = dataReader.ReadByte(); //04 = String, 0E = CelestialLog if (dataType == 4) { string string1 = dataReader.ReadStarString(); if (dataReader.BaseStream.Position != dataReader.BaseStream.Length) { if (string1 == "null") { byte[] worldHeader = dataReader.ReadStarByteArray(); //0008020A000C byte[] worldData = dataReader.ReadStarByteArray(); byte typeByte = dataReader.ReadByte(); //0E = CelestialLog if (typeByte == 14) { Dictionary<string, WorldCoordinate> log = dataReader.ReadStarCelestialLog(); log.TryGetValue("loc", out this.mParent.playerData.loc); if (!log.TryGetValue("home", out this.mParent.playerData.home)) this.mParent.playerData.home = this.mParent.playerData.loc; StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] CurLoc:[" + this.mParent.playerData.loc.ToString() + "][" + this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] CurHome:[" + this.mParent.playerData.home.ToString() + "]"); } } } } else if (dataType == 14) { Dictionary<string, WorldCoordinate> log = dataReader.ReadStarCelestialLog(); log.TryGetValue("loc", out this.mParent.playerData.loc); if (!log.TryGetValue("home", out this.mParent.playerData.home)) this.mParent.playerData.home = this.mParent.playerData.loc; StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] CurLoc:[" + this.mParent.playerData.loc.ToString() + "][" + this.mParent.playerData.inPlayerShip + "]"); StarryboundServer.logDebug("ClientContext", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] CurHome:[" + this.mParent.playerData.home.ToString() + "]"); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { StarryboundServer.logException("[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] Failed to parse ClientContextUpdate from Server: " + e.Message); } } } #endregion } #if DEBUG if(packetID != Packet.Heartbeat) { //if (ms.Position != ms.Length) //StarryboundServer.logDebug("ForwardThread", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] [" + this.mDirection.ToString() + "][" + packetID + "] failed parse (" + ms.Position + " != " + ms.Length + ")"); //StarryboundServer.logDebug("ForwardThread", "[" + this.mParent.playerData.client + "] [" + this.mDirection.ToString() + "][" + packetID + "] Dumping " + ms.Length + " bytes: " + Utils.ByteArrayToString(ms.ToArray())); } #endif //Check return data if (returnData is Boolean) { if ((Boolean)returnData == false) continue; } else if (returnData is int) { if ((int)returnData == -1) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect("Command processor requested to drop client"); } } #region Forward Packet //Write data to dest this.mOutput.WriteVarUInt32((uint)packetID); if (compressed) { this.mOutput.WriteVarInt32(-packetSize); this.mOutput.Write(dataBuffer, 0, packetSize); } else { this.mOutput.WriteVarInt32(packetSize); this.mOutput.Write(dataBuffer, 0, packetSize); } this.mOutput.Flush(); #endregion //If disconnect was forwarded to client, lets disconnect. if(packetID == Packet.ServerDisconnect && mDirection == Direction.Server) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect(); } } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { this.mParent.forceDisconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { this.mParent.errorDisconnect(mDirection, "ForwardThread Exception: " + e.ToString()); } }