public void CheckToEditBooking()
     //Checks the edit booking and makes sure a result is returned.
     bookingDetails = new BookingDetails();
     bookingDetails.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
     bookingDetails.Quantity = 2;
     ResultsEdit result = myBook.CheckToEditBooking(bookingDetails);
        /// <summary>
        /// Ryan Blake
        /// Created: 2015/03/06
        /// Allows user to edit a booking
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invoiceToEdit">Invoice info from the view invoice UI</param>
        /// <param name="inBookingDetails">Booking info from the view invoice UI</param>
        /// <param name="readOnly">Make the form ReadOnly.</param>
        /// <exception cref="WanderingTurtleException">Occurs making components readonly.</exception>
        public EditBooking(InvoiceDetails invoiceToEdit, BookingDetails inBookingDetails, bool readOnly = false)
            CurrentInvoice = invoiceToEdit;
            CurrentBookingDetails = inBookingDetails;
            Title = "Editing Booking: " + CurrentBookingDetails.EventItemName;

            _eId = (int)Globals.UserToken.EmployeeID;

            if (readOnly) { (Content as Panel).MakeReadOnly(BtnCancel); }
 public void InvoiceManagerCalculateDue()
     //Updated: Create a list of booking details
     List<BookingDetails> guestBookings = new List<BookingDetails>();
     //Creates two fake Total Charges to be added to the guestBookings list
     BookingDetails test = new BookingDetails();
     test.TotalCharge = 40m;
     BookingDetails test2 = new BookingDetails();
     test2.TotalCharge = 50m;
     //Fake BookingDetails added
     //Calculates by calling manager method to test
     decimal amount = access.CalculateTotalDue(guestBookings);
     //Asserts that 90 will be returned.
     Assert.AreEqual((decimal)90, amount);
 public void InvoiceManagerCheckArchiveInvoice()
     //Grabs the fake guest ID
     int id = TestCleanupAccessor.GetHotelGuest();
     //Retrieves the invoice for the guest
     Invoice invoice = access.RetrieveInvoiceByGuest(id);
     InvoiceDetails invoice2 = (InvoiceDetails)invoice;
     //creates a list of BookingDetails
     List<BookingDetails> fakeBookings = new List<BookingDetails>();
     //Creates a bookingDetails object and adds a date and quantity to it.
     BookingDetails booking = new BookingDetails();
     DateTime date = new DateTime(2020,05,01);
     booking.StartDate = date;
     booking.Quantity = 0;
     //Adds it to the list
     //checks to archive
     var result = access.CheckToArchiveInvoice(invoice2, fakeBookings);
     //Asserts it will be a success
     Assert.AreEqual(ResultsArchive.OkToArchive, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Pat Banks
        /// Created: 2015/02/25
        /// Creates a connection with database and
        /// calls the stored procedure spSelectInvoiceBookings
        /// that querys the database for all bookings of a specified hotel guest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GuestID">A Hotel Guest's ID</param>
        /// <returns>List of Booking details for a guest</returns>
        public static List<BookingDetails> GetInvoiceBookingsByGuest(int guestID)
            //create list of bookingdetails
            List<BookingDetails> guestBookings = new List<BookingDetails>();

            var conn = DatabaseConnection.GetDatabaseConnection();
            string sql = @"spSelectInvoiceBookings";

            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hotelGuestID", guestID);

            //connect to db and retrieve information
                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.HasRows == true)
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var details = new BookingDetails();

                        details.BookingID = reader.GetInt32(0);
                        details.GuestID = reader.GetInt32(1);
                        details.EmployeeID = reader.GetInt32(2);
                        details.ItemListID = reader.GetInt32(3);
                        details.Quantity = reader.GetInt32(4);
                        details.DateBooked = reader.GetDateTime(5);
                        details.Discount = reader.GetDecimal(6);
                        details.Active = reader.GetBoolean(7);
                        details.TicketPrice = reader.GetDecimal(8);
                        details.ExtendedPrice = reader.GetDecimal(9);
                        details.TotalCharge = reader.GetDecimal(10);
                        details.StartDate = reader.GetDateTime(11);
                        details.EventItemName = reader.GetString(12);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return guestBookings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Miguel Santana
        /// Created:  2015/04/06
        /// added read-only capability to the ui
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedItem"></param>
        /// <param name="readOnly"></param>
        private void OpenBookingDetail(BookingDetails selectedItem = null, bool readOnly = false)
                if (selectedItem == null)
                    if (new AddBooking(CurrentInvoice).ShowDialog() == false) return;
                    if (readOnly)
                        new EditBooking(CurrentInvoice, selectedItem, true).ShowDialog();
                    //check if selected item can be edited
                    switch (_bookingManager.CheckToEditBooking(selectedItem))
                        case (ResultsEdit.CannotEditTooOld):
                            throw new WanderingTurtleException(this, "Bookings in the past cannot be edited.");
                        case (ResultsEdit.Cancelled):
                            throw new WanderingTurtleException(this, "This booking has been cancelled and cannot be edited.");

                        case (ResultsEdit.OkToEdit):
                            if (new EditBooking(CurrentInvoice, selectedItem).ShowDialog() == false) return;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WanderingTurtleException(this, ex);
 public void TestCancelBookingResults()
     //Tests the Cancel Booking Results method in the Booking Manager- which takes a BookingDetails object.
     //Grabs the ID for the dummy booking
     int id = TestCleanupAccessor.GetBooking();
     //retrieves the full booking information
     Booking booking1 = myBook.RetrieveBooking(id);
     //Creates a BookingDetails object and assigns variables from the booking to it.
     bookingDetails = new BookingDetails();
     bookingDetails.BookingID = id;
     bookingDetails.GuestID = guestID;
     bookingDetails.EmployeeID = empID;
     bookingDetails.ItemListID = itemID;
     bookingDetails.Quantity = bQuantity;
     bookingDetails.DateBooked = dateBooked;
     bookingDetails.TicketPrice = ticket;
     bookingDetails.ExtendedPrice = extended;
     bookingDetails.Discount = discount;
     bookingDetails.TotalCharge = total;
     //Passes the object to the CancelBookingResults method and asserts that that cancel will be successful
     ResultsEdit result = myBook.CancelBookingResults(bookingDetails);
     ResultsEdit expected = ResultsEdit.Success;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Pat Banks
        /// Created: 2015/03/19
        /// Gives the results of cancelling a booking to the preseantation layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookingToCancel">The bookingDetails object to cancel</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerated result depicting pass or fail</returns>
        public ResultsEdit CancelBookingResults(BookingDetails bookingToCancel)
                //update the numbers
                bookingToCancel.Quantity = 0;
                bookingToCancel.TicketPrice = 0;
                bookingToCancel.ExtendedPrice = 0;
                bookingToCancel.Discount = 0;

                int result = EditBooking(bookingToCancel);

                //result should be 2 - one for the booking, one to update the number of guests for the item listing
                if (result == 2)
                    //refresh Data Cache
                    return ResultsEdit.Success;
                return ResultsEdit.ChangedByOtherUser;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
 /// <summary>
 /// Pat Banks
 /// Created: 2015/03/19
 /// Checks if a booking can be edited by performing logical checks if booking is too old or cancelled
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bookingToCheck">The BookingDetails object to crossreference against</param>
 /// <returns>An enumerated result depicting pass or fail</returns>
 public ResultsEdit CheckToEditBooking(BookingDetails bookingToCheck)
     if (bookingToCheck.StartDate < DateTime.Now)
         return ResultsEdit.CannotEditTooOld;
     return bookingToCheck.Quantity == 0 ? ResultsEdit.Cancelled : ResultsEdit.OkToEdit;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Tony Noel
        /// Created: 2015/03/04
        /// A method to compare two different dates and determine a cancellation fee amount.
        /// Stores today's date, then subtracts todays date from the start date of the event
        /// Uses a TimeSpan object which represents an interval of time and is able to perform calculations on time.
        /// The difference of days is stored on an double and used to test conditions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Pat Banks
        /// Updated: 2015/03/07
        /// Tony Noel
        /// Updated: 2015/03/10
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="bookingStartTime">The BookingDetails being refunded for</param>
        /// <returns>Decimal containing the total cancellation fee % amount</returns>
        public decimal CalculateTime(BookingDetails bookingStartTime)
            decimal feePercent;
            //TimeSpan is used to calculate date differences

            TimeSpan ts = bookingStartTime.StartDate - DateTime.Now;

            //The .TotalDays gets the amount of days inbetween returns a double to account for partial days

            double difference = ts.TotalDays;

            //if event is more than 3 days away, there is no fee charged
            if (difference >= 3)
                feePercent = 0m;
            //if event is between 1 and 3 days, 1/2 the total price is charged
            else if (difference < 3 && difference > 1)
                feePercent = 0.5m;

            //if event is less than 1 day away, guest pays for entire amount
                feePercent = 1.0m;

            return feePercent;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Tony Noel
        /// Updated: 2015/03/10
        /// Method to calculate the cancellation fee using the CalculateTime method * TotalCharge
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookingToCancel">The BookingDetails object to be cancelled</param>
        /// <returns>the actual fee in $ that will be charged for cancelling a booking</returns>
        public decimal CalculateCancellationFee(BookingDetails bookingToCancel)
            decimal feePercent = CalculateTime(bookingToCancel);

            return feePercent * bookingToCancel.TotalCharge;
 public void TestBookingCalculateTimeFeeHalf()
     //Creates a Bookingdetails object to pass to BookingManager to check calculation of CalculateTime
     BookingDetails bookingD = new BookingDetails();
     DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
     DateTime value = today.AddDays(2);
     bookingD.StartDate = value;
     decimal result = myBook.CalculateTime(bookingD);
     decimal expected = .5m;
     //Asserts that the expected and the result will be .5M
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
 public void TestBookingCalculateTimeFee1()
     //Creates a Bookingdetails object to pass to BookingManager to check calculation of CalculateTime
     BookingDetails bookingD = new BookingDetails();
     DateTime value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 31, 17, 30, 00);
     bookingD.StartDate = value;
     decimal result = myBook.CalculateTime(bookingD);
     decimal expected = 1.0m;
     //Asserts that the expected and the result will be 1.0M
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
 public void TestBookingCalcCancellationFee()
     //Creates a bookingDetails object used to perform calculations. Method uses the TotalCharge and the startdate
     BookingDetails bookingD = new BookingDetails();
     DateTime value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 31);
     bookingD.StartDate = value;
     bookingD.TotalCharge = 3.0m;
     decimal expected = 3.0m;
     decimal result = myBook.CalculateCancellationFee(bookingD);
     //Asserts that the expected and the result will be .5M
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);