public void mReadMapFor(RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD, JniPMMLItem aJniPMMLItem, PrintWriter pw, Boolean bFillDictionaryNames) //throws WDSException { try { int i = -1; int ii = -1; int j = -1; int jj = -1; int k = -1; int kk = -1; //are we using a JniPMML object (as when called from C# and does it have PMMLMatter Boolean bUsingJniPMML = (aJniPMMLItem != null); Boolean bCheckingAgainstPMML = (aJniPMMLItem != null && aJniPMMLItem.PMMLMatter.Doc != null); String[] lFieldStringNames = null; int nDataFieldNames = 0; if (bCheckingAgainstPMML) { lFieldStringNames = aJniPMMLItem.PMMLDataFieldStringNames(); nDataFieldNames = lFieldStringNames.Length; } if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter == null) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter not populated"); } //if using JniPMML, does it already have InputSchema Matter if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaFileName == null && bUsingJniPMML && aJniPMMLItem.InputMatter._XSDFileName != null) { aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaFileName = aJniPMMLItem.InputMatter._XSDFileName; } if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString == null && bUsingJniPMML && aJniPMMLItem.InputMatter._XSDString != null) { aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString = aJniPMMLItem.InputMatter._XSDString; } if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema == null && bUsingJniPMML && aJniPMMLItem.InputMatter._XSDDoc != null) { aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema = aJniPMMLItem.InputMatter._XSDDoc; } //else go get it if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema == null) { if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString == null) { if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaFileName == null) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, InputMap XSD not provided or valid!"); } aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString = com.WDataSci.WDS.Util.FetchFileAsString(aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaFileName); } /* Java >>> * * if ( bUsingJniPMML ) * aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema = aJniPMMLItem.mReadMapFromXSDString(aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString); * else * aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema = new JniPMMLItem().mReadMapFromXSDString(aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString); * /* <<< Java */ /* C# >>> */ aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema = new XmlDocument(); aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema.LoadXml(aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchemaString); /* <<< C# */ } this.mReadMapFor(aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema, aRecordSetMD, aJniPMMLItem, pw, bFillDictionaryNames); } catch (Exception e) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error mapping input columns:", e); } }
public void mReadMap(RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD, JniPMMLItem aJniPMML, PrintWriter pw, Boolean bFillDictionaryNames) //throws com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException { try { int i = -1; int ii = -1; int j = -1; int jj = -1; int k = -1; int kk = -1; //Java Boolean bUsingPMML = (aJniPMML != null && aJniPMML.PMMLMatter.Doc != null); //C# Boolean bUsingPMML = false; String[] lFieldStringNames = null; int nDataFieldNames = 0; if (bUsingPMML) { lFieldStringNames = aJniPMML.PMMLDataFieldStringNames(); nDataFieldNames = lFieldStringNames.Length; } if (pw != null) { pw.printf("In RecordSetMD constructor\n"); } if (pw != null) { pw.flush(); } //point to file or memory DBB buffer = this.Header.Buffer; buffer.position(0, 0, 0); try { //get compound dataset information long nColumns = buffer.nRecords; long nBlockMaxStringByteLength = this.Header.MaxStringByteLength; int nBlockCoreColumnSize = (int)(buffer.nRecordFLenBytes); int nBlockAllocatedSize = (int)(buffer.nDBBRequiredBytes); if (nBlockAllocatedSize > this.Header.Buffer.Length) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, HeaderBuffer capacity, " + this.Header.Buffer.Length + ", is less then what should be BlockAllocatedSize, " + nBlockAllocatedSize ); } int nBlockCoreSize = (int)(buffer.nDBBLeadingBytes + buffer.nDBBFLenBytes); if (pw != null) { pw.printf("In RecordSetMD constructor, nColumns=%d\n", nColumns); } if (pw != null) { pw.flush(); } byte[] namebuffer = new byte[(int)(nBlockMaxStringByteLength)]; //iterate through columns (dataset members) aRecordSetMD.Column = new FieldMD[(int)(nColumns)]; int bptr = 0; for (ii = 0; ii < nColumns; ii++, bptr += (int)nBlockCoreColumnSize) { buffer.position(buffer.ptr, bptr, buffer.vlenptr); aRecordSetMD.Column[ii] = new FieldMD(); FieldMD col = aRecordSetMD.Column[ii]; //the first two fields are always names and taken to be variable length col.Name = buffer.GetLayerVLenString(1, nBlockMaxStringByteLength); //Check for PMML DataFieldName map //If not mapped externally, the next VLenString pointer will be 0 and will come back as empty String tmpname = buffer.GetLayerVLenString(1, nBlockMaxStringByteLength); //Search for PMML DataFieldName map, take input supplied map first, then the usual search /* Java >>> * * Boolean found = false; * if ( bUsingPMML && tmpname.length() > 0 ) { * for (j = 0; !found && j < nDataFieldNames; j++) { * if ( tmpname.equals(lFieldStringNames[j]) ) { * col.MapToMapKey(lFieldStringNames[j]); * found = true; * break; * } * } * } * if ( bUsingPMML && !found ) { * for (j = 0; !found && j < nDataFieldNames; j++) { * if ( col.Name.equals(lFieldStringNames[j]) ) { * col.MapToMapKey(lFieldNames[j]); * found = true; * break; * } * } * } * /* <<< Java */ if (!bUsingPMML && bFillDictionaryNames) { col.MapToMapKey(col.Name); } //Java col.DTyp = FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.FromInt(buffer.GetLayerInt(1)); //C# col.DTyp = FieldMDExt.eDTyp_FromInt((int)buffer.GetLayerInt(1)); //See notes above on Date and DateTime types //Since the header block is being passed in, Date and DateTime types are provided. col.ByteMemLength = (long)buffer.GetLayerLong(1); col.ByteMaxLength = (long)buffer.GetLayerLong(1); if (col.DTyp.bIn(FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.VLS, FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Str)) { col.StringMaxLength = (int)(col.ByteMaxLength / 2); } //no longer using the last byte for bIsMappedToPMMLFieldName, so there is filler space at the end } } catch (Exception e) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error in RecordSetMD processing of Header DBB:", e); } if (pw != null) { pw.printf("leaving RecordSetMD constructor\n"); } if (pw != null) { pw.flush(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error in ProcessInputMapFor", e); } }
//Java public void mReadMapFor(Document aDoc, RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD, JniPMMLItem aJniPMMLItem, PrintWriter pw, Boolean bFillDictionaryNames) //C# public void mReadMapFor(XmlDocument aDoc, RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD, JniPMMLItem aJniPMMLItem, PrintWriter pw, Boolean bFillDictionaryNames) //throws com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException { try { int jj = -1; int j = -1; //are we using a JniPMML object (as when called from C# and does it have PMMLMatter Boolean bUsingJniPMML = (aJniPMMLItem != null); Boolean bCheckingAgainstPMML = (aJniPMMLItem != null && aJniPMMLItem.PMMLMatter.Doc != null); String[] lFieldStringNames = null; int nDataFieldNames = 0; if (bCheckingAgainstPMML) { lFieldStringNames = aJniPMMLItem.PMMLDataFieldStringNames(); nDataFieldNames = lFieldStringNames.Length; } if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter == null) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter not populated"); } String rns = aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.RecordSetElementName; String rn = aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.RecordElementName; if (rns == null || rns.isEmpty()) { rns = Util.RecordSetElementName(aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema); } if (rn == null || rn.isEmpty()) { rn = Util.RecordSingleName(rns); } if (rns.equals(rn)) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, RecordSetMD needs a valid RecordSetElementName, it's singular version, and they cannot be equal"); } if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.RecordSetElementName == null) { aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.RecordSetElementName = rns; } if (aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.RecordElementName == null) { aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.RecordElementName = rn; } String xPathQ = "/node()/child::*[local-name()='element' and @name='" + rns + "']" + "//*[local-name()='element' and @name='" + rn + "']" + "//*[local-name()='element']"; //Java XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); //Java NodeList xnl = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate(xPathQ, aDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); //C# XmlNodeList xnl = aDoc.SelectNodes(xPathQ); int xnlLength = xnl.getLength(); aRecordSetMD.Column = new FieldMD[xnlLength]; //for when the Length is packed into the XSD type for limiting strings int[] typl = new int[1]; for (jj = 0; jj < xnlLength; jj++) { aRecordSetMD.Column[jj] = new FieldMD(); FieldMD cm = aRecordSetMD.Column[jj]; //Get the XML/XSD element //Java Element xn = (Element) xnl.item(jj); //C# XmlNode xn = xnl[jj]; //Get the name and initialize the mapped names //Java cm.Name = xn.getAttribute("name"); //C# cm.Name = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").Value; //Get the XML/XSD - type //Java String typ = xn.getAttribute("type"); //C# String typ = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value; //Java cm.DTyp = FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.FromAlias(typ, typl); //C# cm.DTyp = FieldMDExt.eDTyp_FromAlias(typ, ref typl); if (typl[0] > 0) { cm.StringMaxLength = typl[0]; } else if (typl[0] < 0) { //C# XmlNode wds_StringMaxLength = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("wds:StringMaxLength"); //Java String wds_StringMaxLength = xn.getAttribute("wds:StringMaxLength"); if (wds_StringMaxLength != null) { try { //C# cm.StringMaxLength = int.Parse(wds_StringMaxLength.Value); //Java cm.StringMaxLength = Integer.parseInt(wds_StringMaxLength); } catch (Exception e) { cm.StringMaxLength = FieldMD.Default.StringMaxLength; } } else { /* Java >>> * * if (xn.hasAttributes()) { * for ( int ani = 0; ani < xn.getAttributes().getLength(); ani++ ) { * if ( xn.getAttributes().item(ani).getNodeName().toLowerCase().endsWith("maxlength") ) { * cm.StringMaxLength = Integer.parseInt(xn.getAttributes().item(ani).getNodeValue()); * typl[0] = 0; * break; * } * } * } * /* <<< Java */ /* C# >>> */ for (int ani = 0; ani < xn.Attributes.Count; ani++) { if (xn.Attributes.Item(ani).LocalName.toLowerCase().endsWith("maxlength")) { cm.StringMaxLength = int.Parse(xn.Attributes.Item(ani).Value); typl[0] = 0; break; } } /* <<< C# */ if (typl[0] < 0) { xPathQ = "//*[local-name()='simpleType' and @name='" + typ + "']//*[local-name()='maxLength']"; //Java NodeList xnr = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate(xPathQ, aDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); //C# XmlNodeList xnr = aDoc.SelectNodes(xPathQ); if (xnr.getLength() == 1) { try { //Java cm.StringMaxLength = Integer.parseInt(((Element) xnr.item(0)).getAttribute("value")); //Cs cm.StringMaxLength = int.Parse(xnr[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("value").Value); } catch (Exception e) { cm.StringMaxLength = FieldMD.Default.StringMaxLength; } } else { cm.StringMaxLength = FieldMD.Default.StringMaxLength; } } } } if (bCheckingAgainstPMML) { //Search for PMML DataFieldName map for (j = 0; j < nDataFieldNames; j++) { if (cm.Name.equals(lFieldStringNames[j])) { cm.MapToMapKey(lFieldStringNames[j]); break; } } } else if (bFillDictionaryNames) { cm.MapToMapKey(cm.Name); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error mapping input columns:", e); } }