public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (this == obj) { return(true); } //if (o == null || GetType() != o.GetType()) return false; TaggedLiteral that = obj as TaggedLiteral; if (that == null) { return(false); } if (_form != null ? !_form.Equals(that._form) : that._form != null) { return(false); } if (_tag != null ? !_tag.Equals(that._tag) : that._tag != null) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static Namespace remove(Symbol name) { if (name.Equals(RT.ClojureNamespace.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot remove clojure namespace"); } return(_namespaces.Remove(name)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if an object is equal to this keyword. Value semantics. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">The object to compare to.</param> /// <returns><value>true</value> if equal; <value>false</value> otherwise.</returns> public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return(true); } return(obj is Keyword keyword && _sym.Equals(keyword.Symbol)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if an object is equal to this keyword. Value semantics. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">The object to compare to.</param> /// <returns><value>true</value> if equal; <value>false</value> otherwise.</returns> public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return(true); } Keyword keyword = obj as Keyword; if (ReferenceEquals(keyword, null)) { return(false); } return(_sym.Equals(keyword.Symbol)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if an object is equal to this keyword. Value semantics. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">The object to compare to.</param> /// <returns><value>true</value> if equal; <value>false</value> otherwise.</returns> public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == this) { return(true); } Keyword keyword = obj as Keyword; if (keyword == null) { return(false); } return(_sym.Equals(keyword.Symbol)); }
internal static Type[] CreateTypeArray(ISeq seq) { List <Type> types = new List <Type>(); for (ISeq s = seq?.seq(); s != null; s = { Object o = s.first(); Type oAsType = o as Type; if (oAsType != null) { types.Add(oAsType); } else if (o is ISeq) { object first = RT.first(o); Symbol firstAsSymbol = first as Symbol; if (firstAsSymbol == null || !firstAsSymbol.Equals(HostExpr.ByRefSym)) { throw new ArgumentException("First element of parameter definition is not by-ref"); } Type secondAsType = RT.second(o) as Type; if (secondAsType == null) { throw new ArgumentException("by-ref must be paired with a type"); } types.Add(secondAsType.MakeByRefType()); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Bad parameter definition"); } } if (types.Count == 0) { return(Type.EmptyTypes); } return(types.ToArray <Type>()); }
protected override object Read(PushbackTextReader r, char eq) { if (!RT.booleanCast(RT.READEVAL.deref())) { throw new Exception("EvalReader not allowed when *read-eval* is false."); } Object o = read(r, true, null, true); if (o is Symbol) { return(RT.classForName(o.ToString())); } else if (o is IPersistentList) { Symbol fs = (Symbol)RT.first(o); if (fs.Equals(THE_VAR)) { Symbol vs = (Symbol)RT.second(o); return(RT.var(vs.Namespace, vs.Name)); //Compiler.resolve((Symbol) RT.second(o),true); } if (fs.Name.EndsWith(".")) { Object[] args = RT.toArray(; return(Reflector.InvokeConstructor(RT.classForName(fs.Name.Substring(0, fs.Name.Length - 1)), args)); } if (Compiler.NamesStaticMember(fs)) { Object[] args = RT.toArray(; return(Reflector.InvokeStaticMethod(fs.Namespace, fs.Name, args)); } Object v = Compiler.maybeResolveIn(Compiler.CurrentNamespace, fs); if (v is Var) { return(((IFn)v).applyTo(; } throw new Exception("Can't resolve " + fs); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported #= form"); } }
internal static Var LookupVar(Symbol sym, bool internNew) { Var var = null; // Note: ns-qualified vars in other namespaces must exist already if (sym.Namespace != null) { Namespace ns = Compiler.NamespaceFor(sym); if (ns == null) return null; Symbol name = Symbol.create(sym.Name); if (internNew && ns == CurrentNamespace) var = CurrentNamespace.intern(name); else var = ns.FindInternedVar(name); } else if (sym.Equals(NS)) var = RT.NS_VAR; else if (sym.Equals(IN_NS)) var = RT.IN_NS_VAR; else { // is it mapped? Object o = CurrentNamespace.GetMapping(sym); if (o == null) { // introduce a new var in the current ns if (internNew) var = CurrentNamespace.intern(Symbol.create(sym.Name)); } else if (o is Var) var = (Var)o; else throw new Exception(string.Format("Expecting var, but {0} is mapped to {1}", sym, o)); } if (var != null) RegisterVar(var); return var; }
// core.clj compatibility public static object maybeResolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol symbol) { // note: ns-qualified vars must already exist if (symbol.Namespace != null) { Namespace ns = NamespaceFor(n, symbol); if (ns == null) return null; Var v = ns.FindInternedVar(Symbol.create(symbol.Name)); if (v == null) return null; return v; } else if (symbol.Name.IndexOf('.') > 0 || symbol.Name[0] == '[') return RT.classForName(symbol.Name); else if (symbol.Equals(NS)) return RT.NS_VAR; else if (symbol.Equals(IN_NS)) return RT.IN_NS_VAR; else { object o = n.GetMapping(symbol); return o; } }
private static object ResolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol symbol, bool allowPrivate) { // note: ns-qualified vars must already exist if (symbol.Namespace != null) { Namespace ns = NamespaceFor(n, symbol); if (ns == null) throw new Exception("No such namespace: " + symbol.Namespace); Var v = ns.FindInternedVar(Symbol.create(symbol.Name)); if (v == null) throw new Exception("No such var: " + symbol); else if (v.Namespace != CurrentNamespace && !v.IsPublic && !allowPrivate) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("var: {0} is not public", symbol)); return v; } else if (symbol.Name.IndexOf('.') > 0 || symbol.Name[0] == '[') return RT.classForName(symbol.Name); else if (symbol.Equals(NS)) return RT.NS_VAR; else if (symbol.Equals(IN_NS)) return RT.IN_NS_VAR; else { object o = n.GetMapping(symbol); if (o == null) { if (RT.booleanCast(RT.ALLOW_UNRESOLVED_VARS.deref())) return symbol; else throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to resolve symbol: {0} in this context", symbol)); } return o; } }
public static object maybeResolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol symbol) { // note: ns-qualified vars must already exist if (symbol.Namespace != null) { Namespace ns = namespaceFor(n, symbol); if (ns == null) return null; Var v = ns.FindInternedVar(Symbol.intern(symbol.Name)); if (v == null) return null; return v; } else if (symbol.Name.IndexOf('.') > 0 && !symbol.Name.EndsWith(".") || symbol.Name[symbol.Name.Length - 1] == ']') /// JAVA: symbol.Name[0] == '[') return RT.classForNameE(symbol.Name); else if (symbol.Equals(NsSym)) return RT.NSVar; else if (symbol.Equals(InNsSym)) return RT.InNSVar; else { object o = n.GetMapping(symbol); return o; } }
private static object ResolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol symbol, bool allowPrivate) { // note: ns-qualified vars must already exist if (symbol.Namespace != null) { Namespace ns = namespaceFor(n, symbol); if (ns == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No such namespace: " + symbol.Namespace); Var v = ns.FindInternedVar(Symbol.intern(symbol.Name)); if (v == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No such var: " + symbol); else if (v.Namespace != CurrentNamespace && !v.isPublic && !allowPrivate) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("var: {0} is not public", symbol)); return v; } else if (symbol.Name.IndexOf('.') > 0 || symbol.Name[symbol.Name.Length - 1] == ']') return RT.classForNameE(symbol.Name); else if (symbol.Equals(NsSym)) return RT.NSVar; else if (symbol.Equals(InNsSym)) return RT.InNSVar; else { if (Util.equals(symbol, CompileStubSymVar.get())) return CompileStubClassVar.get(); object o = n.GetMapping(symbol); if (o == null) { if (RT.booleanCast(RT.AllowUnresolvedVarsVar.deref())) return symbol; else throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to resolve symbol: {0} in this context", symbol)); } return o; } }
internal static Var LookupVar(Symbol sym, bool internNew, Boolean registerMacro) { Var var = null; // Note: ns-qualified vars in other namespaces must exist already if (sym.Namespace != null) { Namespace ns = Compiler.namespaceFor(sym); if (ns == null) return null; Symbol name = Symbol.intern(sym.Name); if (internNew && ns == CurrentNamespace) var = CurrentNamespace.intern(name); else var = ns.FindInternedVar(name); } else if (sym.Equals(NsSym)) var = RT.NSVar; else if (sym.Equals(InNsSym)) var = RT.InNSVar; else { // is it mapped? Object o = CurrentNamespace.GetMapping(sym); if (o == null) { // introduce a new var in the current ns if (internNew) var = CurrentNamespace.intern(Symbol.intern(sym.Name)); } else { var = o as Var; if (var == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Expecting var, but {0} is mapped to {1}", sym, o)); } } if (var != null && (!var.IsMacro || registerMacro)) RegisterVar(var); return var; }
/// <summary> /// Remove a namespace (by name). /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The (Symbol) name of the namespace to remove.</param> /// <returns>The namespace that was removed.</returns> /// <remarks>Trying to remove the clomure namespace throws an exception.</remarks> public static Namespace remove(Symbol name) { if (name.Equals(RT.CLOJURE_NS.Name)) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot remove clojure namespace"); return _namespaces.Remove(name); }