CreateWithExternalAssembly() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static CreateWithExternalAssembly ( string sourceName, AssemblyName assemblyName, string extension, bool createDynInitHelper ) : GenContext
sourceName string
assemblyName System.Reflection.AssemblyName
extension string
createDynInitHelper bool
리턴 GenContext
예제 #1
         * Current host interop uses reflection, which requires pre-existing classes
         * Work around this by:
         * Generate a stub class that has the same interfaces and fields as the class we are generating.
         * Use it as a type hint for this, and bind the simple name of the class to this stub (in resolve etc)
         * Unmunge the name (using a magic prefix) on any code gen for classes
        static Type CompileStub(Type super, NewInstanceExpr ret, Type[] interfaces, Object frm)
            GenContext  context = Compiler.CompilerContextVar.get() as GenContext ?? GenContext.CreateWithExternalAssembly("stub" + RT.nextID().ToString(), ".dll", false);
            TypeBuilder tb      = context.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(Compiler.CompileStubPrefix + "." + ret.InternalName, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract, super, interfaces);


            // instance fields for closed-overs
            for (ISeq s = RT.keys(ret.Closes); s != null; s =
                LocalBinding    lb     = (LocalBinding)s.first();
                FieldAttributes access = FieldAttributes.Public;

                // TODO: FIgure out Volatile
                if (!ret.IsVolatile(lb))
                    access |= FieldAttributes.InitOnly;

                if (lb.PrimitiveType != null)
                    tb.DefineField(lb.Name, lb.PrimitiveType, access);
                    tb.DefineField(lb.Name, typeof(Object), access);

            // ctor that takes closed-overs and does nothing
            if (ret.CtorTypes().Length > 0)
                ConstructorBuilder cb = tb.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.HasThis, ret.CtorTypes());
                ILGen ilg             = new ILGen(cb.GetILGenerator());
                ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Call, super.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));

                if (ret._altCtorDrops > 0)
                    Type[] ctorTypes = ret.CtorTypes();
                    int    newLen    = ctorTypes.Length - ret._altCtorDrops;
                    if (newLen > 0)
                        Type[] altCtorTypes = new Type[newLen];
                        for (int i = 0; i < altCtorTypes.Length; i++)
                            altCtorTypes[i] = ctorTypes[i];
                        ConstructorBuilder cb2 = tb.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.HasThis, altCtorTypes);
                        ILGen ilg2             = new ILGen(cb2.GetILGenerator());
                        for (int i = 0; i < newLen; i++)
                            ilg2.EmitLoadArg(i + 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < ret._altCtorDrops; i++)
                        ilg2.Emit(OpCodes.Call, cb);

            Type t = tb.CreateType();

예제 #2
        internal static ObjExpr Build(
            IPersistentVector interfaceSyms,
            IPersistentVector fieldSyms,
            Symbol thisSym,
            string tagName,
            Symbol className,
            Symbol typeTag,
            ISeq methodForms,
            Object frm)
            NewInstanceExpr ret = new NewInstanceExpr(null);

            ret._src         = frm;
            ret._name        = className.ToString();
            ret._classMeta   = GenInterface.ExtractAttributes(RT.meta(className));
            ret.InternalName = ret.Name;  // ret.Name.Replace('.', '/');
            // Java: ret.objtype = Type.getObjectType(ret.internalName);

            if (thisSym != null)
                ret._thisName = thisSym.Name;

            if (fieldSyms != null)
                IPersistentMap fmap      = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
                object[]       closesvec = new object[2 * fieldSyms.count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldSyms.count(); i++)
                    Symbol       sym = (Symbol)fieldSyms.nth(i);
                    LocalBinding lb  = new LocalBinding(-1, sym, null, new MethodParamExpr(Compiler.TagType(Compiler.TagOf(sym))), false, false);
                    fmap                 = fmap.assoc(sym, lb);
                    closesvec[i * 2]     = lb;
                    closesvec[i * 2 + 1] = lb;
                // Java TODO: inject __meta et al into closes - when?
                // use array map to preserve ctor order
                ret._closes = new PersistentArrayMap(closesvec);
                ret._fields = fmap;
                for (int i = fieldSyms.count() - 1; i >= 0 && ((Symbol)fieldSyms.nth(i)).Name.StartsWith("__"); --i)

            // Java TODO: set up volatiles
            //ret._volatiles = PersistentHashSet.create(RT.seq(RT.get(ret._optionsMap, volatileKey)));

            IPersistentVector interfaces = PersistentVector.EMPTY;

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(interfaceSyms); s != null; s =
                Type t = (Type)Compiler.Resolve((Symbol)s.first());
                if (!t.IsInterface)
                    throw new ParseException("only interfaces are supported, had: " + t.Name);
                interfaces = interfaces.cons(t);
            Type superClass = typeof(Object);

            Dictionary <IPersistentVector, List <MethodInfo> > overrideables;

            GatherMethods(superClass, RT.seq(interfaces), out overrideables);

            ret._methodMap = overrideables;

            //string[] inames = InterfaceNames(interfaces);

            Type   stub    = CompileStub(superClass, ret, SeqToTypeArray(interfaces), frm);
            Symbol thisTag = Symbol.intern(null, stub.FullName);
            //Symbol stubTag = Symbol.intern(null,stub.FullName);
            //Symbol thisTag = Symbol.intern(null, tagName);

            // Needs its own GenContext so it has its own DynInitHelper
            // Can't reuse Compiler.EvalContext if it is a DefType because we have to use the given name and will get a conflict on redefinition
            GenContext context = Compiler.CompilerContextVar.get() as GenContext ?? (ret.IsDefType ? GenContext.CreateWithExternalAssembly("deftype" + RT.nextID().ToString(), ".dll", true) : Compiler.EvalContext);
            GenContext genC    = context.WithNewDynInitHelper(ret.InternalName + "__dynInitHelper_" + RT.nextID().ToString());

            //genC.FnCompileMode = FnMode.Full;

                        Compiler.ConstantsVar, PersistentVector.EMPTY,
                        Compiler.ConstantIdsVar, new IdentityHashMap(),
                        Compiler.KeywordsVar, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY,
                        Compiler.VarsVar, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY,
                        Compiler.KeywordCallsitesVar, PersistentVector.EMPTY,
                        Compiler.ProtocolCallsitesVar, PersistentVector.EMPTY,
                        Compiler.VarCallsitesVar, Compiler.EmptyVarCallSites(),
                        Compiler.NoRecurVar, null,
                        Compiler.CompilerContextVar, genC

                if (ret.IsDefType)
                            Compiler.MethodVar, null,
                            Compiler.LocalEnvVar, ret._fields,
                            Compiler.CompileStubSymVar, Symbol.intern(null, tagName),
                            Compiler.CompileStubClassVar, stub
                    ret._hintedFields = RT.subvec(fieldSyms, 0, fieldSyms.count() - ret._altCtorDrops);
                // now (methodname [args] body)*
                // TODO: SourceLocation?
                //ret.line = (Integer)LINE.deref();
                IPersistentCollection methods = null;
                for (ISeq s = methodForms; s != null; s =
                    NewInstanceMethod m = NewInstanceMethod.Parse(ret, (ISeq)RT.first(s), thisTag, overrideables);
                    methods = RT.conj(methods, m);

                ret.Methods           = methods;
                ret.Keywords          = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.KeywordsVar.deref();
                ret.Vars              = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.VarsVar.deref();
                ret.Constants         = (PersistentVector)Compiler.ConstantsVar.deref();
                ret._constantsID      = RT.nextID();
                ret.KeywordCallsites  = (IPersistentVector)Compiler.KeywordCallsitesVar.deref();
                ret.ProtocolCallsites = (IPersistentVector)Compiler.ProtocolCallsitesVar.deref();
                ret.VarCallsites      = (IPersistentSet)Compiler.VarCallsitesVar.deref();
                if (ret.IsDefType)

            // TOD:  Really, the first stub here should be 'superclass' but can't handle hostexprs nested in method bodies -- reify method compilation takes place before this sucker is compiled, so can't replace the call.
            // Might be able to flag stub classes and not try to convert, leading to a dynsite.
            ret.Compile(stub, stub, interfaces, false, genC);
