예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /*Declaring a variable of type Employee (which is a class) and instanciating
             * a new instance of Employee and assigning it to the variable using
             * the NEW keyword means that memory will get allocated on the Heap for that class
             * */
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            /*use the properties to assign values.
             * */
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Patrick";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Lankford";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2010.56m;

            //Output the first name of the employee using the property

            //Output the entire employee, which will call the ToString method implicitly
            //This would work even without overriding the ToString method in the Employee class
            //however it would spit out the namespace and the name of the class instead of something useful.

            //Create the array of type Employee to hold a bunch of employees
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Assign values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Alice", "Cooper", 290.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Tonya", "Harding", 800.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Tony", "Danza", 750.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Leroy", "Jenkins", 320.00m);

            /*A Foreach loop. It is useful for doing a collection of object
             * Each object in the array 'employees' will get assigned to the local
             * variable 'employee' inside the loop.
             * */
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                // Run a check to make sure the spot in the arrau is not empty
                if (employee != null)
                    //Print the employee
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            //Use the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the employees from the csv file
            //if it is not in the bin folder
            // "..//..//folder it is in"
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            //Instantiate a new UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();


            //Get the user input from the UI class
            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();
            //Could use the instance one above, but to demonstrate using a static class we are calling the static version
            //If you hate static classes and want to avoid them, feel free to comment the below line out and uncomment
            //line above
            int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            //While the choice the user entered is not 2, we will loop to continue
            //to get the next choice of what they want to do
            while (choice != 2)
                //If the choice they made is 1, (which for us is the only choice)
                if (choice == 1)
                    //Create a string to concatinate the output
                    string allOutput = "";

                    //Loop through all of the employees just like above only instead of
                    //writing out the employees we are concating them together
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            //Create the string for printing the output
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary() + Environment.NewLine;
                    //Send the string over to the UI class to print the output
                //Get the input choice from the user
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Declaring a variable of type EMployee( which is a class) and
            //instantiating a new instance of Employee and assigning it to the variable.
            //Using the NEW keywoek means that memory will get allocated on the Heap for that class.
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            //Use the properties to assign values.
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Robert";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Cooley";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2048.54m;

            //Output the first name of the employee using the property

            //Output the entire employee, which will call the ToString() method implicitly.
            //This would work even without overriding the ToString method in the Employee class,
            //however it would only spit out the namespace and name of class instead of something useful.

            //Create an array of type Employee to hold a bunch of Employees.
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];    //Create an array

            //Assign values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee.
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jean-Luc", "Picard", 200m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 190.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Kathryn", "Janeway", 897.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Johnathan", "Archer", 425.00m);

            //A foreach loop. It is useful for doing a collection of objects.
            //Each object in the array 'employees' will get assigned to the local
            //variable 'employee' inside the loop.
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                //Run a check to make sure the spot in the array is not empty.
                if (employee != null)
                    //Print the employee
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            //Use the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the employees
            //from the csv file.
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            //Instantiate a new UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();


            //Get the user input from the UI class
            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            //Using static class/method here, could use the one aboive but won't.
            int choice = staticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            //While the choice that they entered is not 2, we will loop to
            //continue to get the next choice of what they want to do.
            while (choice != 2)
                //If the choice they made is 1, (Which for us is the only choice).
                if (choice == 1)
                    //Create a string to concatenate the output
                    string allOutput = "";

                    //Loop through all the employees just like above only instead of
                    //writing out the employees, we are concatenting them together.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString()
                                         + " " + employee.YearlySalary()
                                         + Environment.NewLine;
                    //Once the concatenation is done, have the UI class print out the result.
                //Get the next choice from the user.
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Jordan";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Koehler";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 200.00m;


            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            employees[0] = new Employee("Bob", "Jenkins", 500.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Bill", "Jenkins", 570.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Ben", "Jenkins", 506.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Bull", "Jenkins", 502.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Betty", "Jenkins", 504.00m);
            employees[5] = new Employee("Barbara", "Jenkins", 520.00m);
            employees[6] = new Employee("Butch", "Jenkins", 50.00m);

            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                if (employee != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            while (choice != 2)
                if (choice == 1)
                    string allOutput = "";

                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary() + Environment.NewLine;


                    choice = ui.GetUserInput();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Declaring a variable of type Employee(whic is a class) and instanciating a new instance of Employee and
            //assigning it to the variable using the NEW keywork means that memory will get allocated on the Heap for that class.
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            //Use the properties to assign values.
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "David";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Barnes";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2048.34m;

            //Output the first name of the employee using the property
            //Output the entre employee, which will cal the TooString method implicitly
            //This would work even without overriding the ToString method in the Employee class,
            //however it would only spit out the namespace and the name of the class instead of something useful.

            //Create an array of type Employee to hold a bunch of Employees
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Assing values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jean-Luc", "Picard", 290.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 530.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Kathryn", "Janeway", 350.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Johnathan", "Archer", 743.00m);

            //A foreach loop.  It is usefull for doing a collection of objects.
            //Each object in the array 'employees' will get assigned to the local
            //variable 'employee' inside the loop.
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                //Run a check to make sure the spot in the array is not empty
                if (employee != null)// Error checking to make sure each record exists
                    //Print the employee
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            //Use the SCVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the
            //employees from the scv file
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            //Instanciate a new UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //Get the user input from the UI Class
            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();
            //could use the instance one above, but to demonstrate using a static
            //class, we are calling the statice version.
            //If you HATE staic classes and want to avoid them, feel free to
            //cmmnet the below line and uncomment the above line.
            int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            //While the choice that was entered is not 2, we will loop to
            //continue to get the next choice of what they want to do.
            while (choice != 2)
                // If the choice they made is 1, (which for us is the only choice)
                if (choice == 1)
                    //Create a string to concat the output
                    string allOutput = "";

                    //Loop through all the employees just like above only instead of
                    //writing out the employees, we are concating them together.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + employee.YearlySalary() + Environment.NewLine;
                    //Once the concat is done, have the UI class print out the result
                //Get the next choice from the user.
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Declaring a variable of type Employee (which is a class) and
            //instanciating a new instance of Employee and assigning it to
            //a variable using the NEW keywordd means that the memory will get allocate on the Heap
            //for that class
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            //use the properties to assign values
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Marty";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Russon";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2048.34m;

            //Output the first name of the employee using the property.

            //Output the entire employee which will call the ToString method implicitly.
            //This would work even without overriding the ToString method in the Employee class.
            //however it would only spit out the namespace and name of the class instead of something useful.

            //Creat an array of type Employee to hold a bunch of Employees
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[12];

            //Assign values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jen-Luc", "Picard", 453.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 453.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Katheryn", "Janeway", 1253.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Jonathon", "Archer", 953.00m);
            employees[5] = new Employee("Bob", "Kirk", 253.00m);
            employees[6] = new Employee("Bill", "Kirk", 353.00m);
            employees[7] = new Employee("Steve", "Kirk", 553.00m);
            employees[8] = new Employee("Maggy", "Kirk", 653.00m);
            employees[9] = new Employee("Wilbur", "Kirk", 753.00m);

            //A foreach loop. It is useful for doing a collection of objects.
            //Each object in the array'employees' will get assigned to the local
            //variable 'employee' inside the loop.
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                //Run a check to make sure the spot in the array is not empty
                if (employee != null)
                    //print the employee
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            //Use the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the
            //employees from the csv file
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);
            //ImportCSV("../../employees.csv", employees); Relative path to csv file

            //Instanciate a new UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //Get the user input from the ui class
            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            //Could use the instance one above but to demonstrate using a static
            //class we are calling the static version
            //If you hate static classes and want to avoid them feel free
            //to comment the below line and uncomment above line
            int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            //While the choice that they entered is not 2, we will loop to
            //continue to get the next choice of what they want to do.
            while (choice != 2)
                //if the choice they made is 1, (which for us is the only choice)
                if (choice == 1) //May be better to use a switch statement
                    //Create a string to concat the output
                    string allOutput = "";

                    //Loop through the employees just like above only instead of
                    //writing out the employees, we are concating them together
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary() + Environment.NewLine;
                    //Once the concat is done, have the UI class print out the result
                //Get the next choice from user
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declaring a variable of type Employee (which is a class)
            // instancing a new instance of employee and assigning it to the variable
            // isomg the New keyword means that memory will get allocated on the Heap for that class
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee(); // references the default constructor of the Employee class

            // use the properties to assign values
            //myEmployee.FirstNameString = "Kyle";
            //myEmployee.LastNameString = "Sherman";
            //myEmployee.WeeklySalaryDecimal = 3000m;

            // output the information collected
            // Console.WriteLine("         Name: " + myEmployee.FirstNameString + " " + myEmployee.LastNameString + "\n" + "Weekly Salary: " + myEmployee.WeeklySalaryDecimal.ToString("C"));
            //Console.WriteLine("         Name: " + myEmployee + "\n" + "Weekly Salary: " + myEmployee.WeeklySalaryDecimal.ToString("C"));
            // output the entire employee, which will call the TosTring method implicitly
            // this would work even without overriding the ToString method in the Employee class,
            // however it would only spit out the namespace and name of class instead of something useful.
            // Console.WriteLine(myEmployee); // prints out the class name

            // create an array of type employee to hold a bunch of Employees
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10]; // create an array of 10 indexes

            // assign values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee
            // call the constructor of the Employee class and store the info into the array indexes
            //employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Cameron", 1200m); // index 1
            //employees[1] = new Employee("Seba", "Weber", 5000m);    // index 2
            //employees[2] = new Employee("John", "Hampton", 5000m);  // index 3
            //employees[3] = new Employee("RIP", "Harambe", 2500m);   // index 4
            //employees[4] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 1500.25m); // index 5

            // instantiate the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the
            // employees from the csv file
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            // instanciate a new UI class
            UserInterface UI = new UserInterface();

            // Static version of the UI class
            // we don't have to instantiate this class since it's static
            // it's instantiated at the beginning of the class

            // get the user input from the UI class
            int choice = UI.GetUserInput();

            // int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput(); // example with using the static UI class

            // continue until 2(exit) is entered as the menue value
            while (choice != 2)
                // if the user enters the 1(print out employees) do the required work
                if (choice == 1)
                    string allOutPut = "";
                    // a foreach loop. It is usefull for doing a collection of objects
                    // Each object in the array 'employees' will get assigned to the local variable 'employee' inside the loop
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees) // foreach(Employee(Type;like int) employee(pointer to Employee class) in employees(array))
                        // run a check to make sure the spot in the array is not empty
                        if (employee != null)
                            // print the employee
                            allOutPut += employee.ToString() + " " +
                                         employee.YearlySalary().ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine;
                            //Console.WriteLine("         Name: " + employee + "\n" + "YearlySalary: " + employee.YearlySalary().ToString("C"));
                    UI.PrintAllOutput(allOutPut); // print the concatinated line of accumulated values
                Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to continue.");
                Console.ReadKey();          // wait for the user to press a key
                choice = UI.GetUserInput(); // prompt the user to enter some input again
예제 #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declaring a variable of type Employee (Which is a class) and
            // instantiating a new instance of Employee and assigning it to the variable
            // Using the NEW keyword means that memory will get allocated on the Heap for that class
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            // Use the properties to assign values
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Daniel";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Richards";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2048.34m;

            // Output the first name of the employee
            // Output the entire employee, calling the ToString method by implicitly

            // Create an array of type Employee to hold a bunch of Employees
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            // Assign values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee
            employees[0] = new Employee("Frank", "Fontaine", 53.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Corvo", "Attano", 1280.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Emily", "Kaldwin", 3840.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Booker", "Dewitt", 453.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Andrew", "Ryan", 4633.00m);

            // A foreach loop. It is useful for doing a collection of objects
            // Each object in the array 'employees' will get assigned to the local
            // variable 'employee' inside the loop
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                if (employee != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            // Use the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the
            // Employees from the csv file
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            // Instantiate a new UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            // Get the user input from the UI class
            int choice = ui.GetUserInput();

            // While the choice entered is not 2, we will loop to
            // continue to get the next choice of what they want to do.
            while (choice != 2)
                if (choice == 1)
                    // Create a string to concat the output
                    string allOutput = "";

                    // Loop through all the employees just like above only instead of
                    // writing out the employees, we are concatenating them together.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " +
                                         employee.YearlySalary() +
                    // Once the concat is done, have the UI class print out the result
                // Get the next choice from the user
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
예제 #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Declaring a variable of type Employee and instantiate a new instance of Employee and assigning it to the variable
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            //Use properties to assign values
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Morgan";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Boon";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 298763.02m;

            //Output by property
            //Output the entire  employee, which will call the ToString method implicitly
            //This would work with out overriding the TOString method but we would print the name-space and the name of the class

            //Creates array and allocates memory for the objects
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Assign values to the arrayEach spot needs to contain an instance of Employee
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "blah", 45667.01m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jam", "blame", 45660000007.01m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Jes", "b", 67.01m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Mes", "cash", 0.01m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Sam", "lab", 7.01m);
            employees[5] = new Employee("Jack", "ah", 4563267.01m);
            employees[6] = new Employee("Ram", "bl h", 4524667.01m);

            //For each array item it goes through the loop
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                if (employee != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            //Use the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the employees from the csv file
            ImortCsv("employees.csv", employees);

            //Instantiate a new UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //Gets input from UI class
            int choice = ui.getUserInput();

            //While the input is not 2 it continues in the loop to see what they want to do
            while (choice != 2)
                //If one is chosen then it will go to the for each loop
                if (choice == 1)
                    //String a made to concatenate the list in
                    string allOutput = "";

                    //loops through the employees to concatenate them.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary() + Environment.NewLine;
                    //Once the loop is done the UI class will print the results
                //Gets the next choice from the user
                choice = ui.getUserInput();
예제 #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Declaring a variable of type Employee (which is a class) and
            //instanciating a new instance of Employee and assigning it to the variable
            //Using the NEW keyword means that memory will get allocated on the Heap for that class
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            //Use the properties to assign values.
            myEmployee.FirstName = "David";
            myEmployee.LastName = "Barnes";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2048.34m;

            //Output the first name of the employee using the property
            //Output the entire employee, which will call the ToString method implicitly
            //This would work even without overriding the ToString method in the Employee class,
            //however it would only spit out the namespace and name of class instead of something useful.

            //Create an array of type Employee to hold a bunch of Employees
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];

            //Assign values to the array. Each spot needs to contain an instance of an Employee
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453.00m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jean-Luc", "Picard", 290.00m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Benjamin", "Sisko", 530.00m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Kathryn", "Janeway", 359.00m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Johnathan", "Archer", 743.00m);

            //A foreach loop. It is usefull for doing a collection of objects.
            //Each object in the array 'employees' will get assigned to the local
            //variable 'employee' inside the loop.
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                //Run a check to make sure the spot in the array is not empty
                if (employee != null)
                    //Print the employee
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            //Use the CSVProcessor method that we wrote into main to load the
            //employees from the csv file
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            //Instanciate a ne UI class
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            //Get the user input from the UI class
            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();
            //Could use the instance one above, but to demonstrate using a static
            //class, we are calling the static version.
            //If you HATE static classes and want to avoid them, feel free to
            //comment the below line, and uncomment the above line.
            int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            //While the choice that they entered is not 2, we will loop to
            //continue to get the next choice of what they want to do.
            while (choice != 2)
                //If the chioce they made is 1, (Which for us is the only choice)
                if (choice == 1)
                    //Create a string to concat the output
                    string allOutput = "";

                    //Loop through all the employees just like above only instead of
                    //writing out the employees, we are concating them together.
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " +
                                        employee.YearlySalary() +
                    //Once the concat is done, have the UI class print out the result
                //Get the next choice from the user.
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();
예제 #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a variable of type Employee called myEmployee:
            Employee myEmployee = new Employee();

            // Assign values to the properties of myEmployee:
            myEmployee.FirstName    = "Alyssa";
            myEmployee.LastName     = "Strand";
            myEmployee.WeeklySalary = 2000.00m;

            // Display values:

            // Create and populate an array of Employee objects:
            Employee[] employees = new Employee[10];
            employees[0] = new Employee("James", "Kirk", 453m);
            employees[1] = new Employee("Jessica", "Holmes", 700m);
            employees[2] = new Employee("Alan", "Jones", 1000m);
            employees[3] = new Employee("Tara", "Richards", 800m);
            employees[4] = new Employee("Ella", "Fitzgerald", 520m);

            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
            {                         // Loop to display the employee's name and yearly salary for each employee....
                if (employee != null) // As long as the employee in the array is not null (5-9)
                    Console.WriteLine(employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary());

            // Use the CSVProcessor method to load the employee information from the CSV file:
            ImportCSV("employees.csv", employees);

            // Create a variable of type UserInterface:
            UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            /// NEW - How to call a static class method:

            // Get the user input and assign to variable choice:
            //int choice = ui.GetUserInput();
            // Can use static class instead:
            int choice = StaticUserInterface.GetUserInput();

            while (choice != 2) // If choice is not 2 (to exit), loop:
                if (choice == 1)
                {   // If choice is to output the info, clear allOutput before adding more information:
                    string allOutput = "";
                    // Loop to add each employee's information as a line to the string allOutput...
                    foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                        if (employee != null)   // As long as the employee isn't null.
                            // Concatenate the employee's name and yearly salary and add to allOutput:
                            allOutput += employee.ToString() + " " + employee.YearlySalary() + Environment.NewLine;
                    // Output allOutput to user:
                // Get user input again:
                choice = ui.GetUserInput();