예제 #1
 public double Get_polar_max(double pol_ang)
     if (polar_Max == null)
예제 #2
        /// Set body-relative coord. and update auxiliary variables
        /// Also, current position becomes the 'resting position' coordinates
        /// for the current time.
        public void Impose_Rel_Coord(ChCoordsys m_coord)
            ChQuaternion qtemp;// = new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0);

            // set the actual coordinates
            // set the resting position coordinates
            rest_coord.pos.x = m_coord.pos.x - motion_X.Get_y(ChTime);
            rest_coord.pos.y = m_coord.pos.y - motion_Y.Get_y(ChTime);
            rest_coord.pos.z = m_coord.pos.z - motion_Z.Get_y(ChTime);
            qtemp            = ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(-(motion_ang.Get_y(ChTime)), motion_axis);
            rest_coord.rot   = ChQuaternion.Qcross(m_coord.rot, qtemp); // ***%%% check
            // set also the absolute positions, and other.
예제 #3
        public double Get_Rcurrent(double x, double x_dt, double t)
            double mR = 0;

            if (active)
                double modulator;

                if (modul_R != null)
                    modulator = modul_R.Get_y(x);
                    modulator = 1;
                mR = R * modulator;
예제 #4
        public double Get_Kcurrent(double x, double x_dt, double t)
            double mK = 0;

            if (active)
                double modulator;

                if (modul_K != null)
                    modulator = modul_K.Get_y(x);
                    modulator = 1;
                mK = K * modulator;
예제 #5
        public double Get_iFcurrent(double x, double x_dt, double t)
            double mforce = 0;

            if (active)
                double modulator;

                // the internal force contribute = iforce
                if (modul_iforce != null)
                    modulator = modul_iforce.Get_y(t);
                    modulator = 1;
                mforce = iforce * modulator;
예제 #6
        /// Inherits, then also adds the spring custom forces to the C_force and C_torque.
        public override void UpdateForces(double mytime)
            // Inherit force computation:
            // also base class can add its own forces.

            spr_react = 0.0;
            ChVector m_force;
            double   deform = Get_SpringDeform();

            spr_react  = spr_f * mod_f_time.Get_y(ChTime);
            spr_react -= (spr_k * mod_k_d.Get_y(deform) * mod_k_speed.Get_y(dist_dt)) * (deform);
            spr_react -= (spr_r * mod_r_d.Get_y(deform) * mod_r_speed.Get_y(dist_dt)) * (dist_dt);

            m_force = ChVector.Vmul(ChVector.Vnorm(relM.pos), spr_react);

            C_force = ChVector.Vadd(C_force, m_force);
예제 #7
        /// Updates motion laws, etc. for the impose rotation / impose speed modes
        public override void UpdateTime(double mytime)
            // First, inherit to parent class

            if (!IsActive())

            // DEFAULTS compute rotation vars...
            // by default for torque control..

            motion_axis    = ChVector.VECT_Z; // motion axis is always the marker2 Z axis (in m2 relative coords)
            mot_rot        = relAngle;
            mot_rot_dt     = ChVector.Vdot(relWvel, motion_axis);
            mot_rot_dtdt   = ChVector.Vdot(relWacc, motion_axis);
            mot_rerot      = mot_rot / mot_tau;
            mot_rerot_dt   = mot_rot_dt / mot_tau;
            mot_rerot_dtdt = mot_rot_dtdt / mot_tau;

            // nothing more to do here for torque control
            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_TORQUE)

            // If LEARN MODE, just record motion
            if (learn)
                deltaC.pos      = ChVector.VNULL;
                deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
                deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;
                if (!(limit_Rx.Get_active() || limit_Ry.Get_active() || limit_Rz.Get_active()))
                    deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT;
                    deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
                    deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.QNULL;

                if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION)
                    if (rot_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                        rot_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                    // record point
                    double rec_rot = relAngle;  // ***TO DO*** compute also rotations with cardano mode?
                    if (impose_reducer)
                        rec_rot = rec_rot / mot_tau;
                    ChFunction_Recorder rec = (ChFunction_Recorder)rot_funct;
                    rec.AddPoint(mytime, rec_rot, 1);  // x=t

                if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_SPEED)
                    if (spe_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                        spe_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                    // record point
                    double rec_spe = ChVector.Vlength(relWvel);  // ***TO DO*** compute also with cardano mode?
                    if (impose_reducer)
                        rec_spe = rec_spe / mot_tau;
                    ChFunction_Recorder rec = (ChFunction_Recorder)spe_funct;
                    rec.AddPoint(mytime, rec_spe, 1);  //  x=t

            if (learn)
                return;  // no need to go on further...--.>>>
            // Impose relative positions/speeds

            deltaC.pos      = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;

            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION)
                if (impose_reducer)
                    mot_rerot      = rot_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dt   = rot_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = rot_funct.Get_y_dxdx(ChTime);
                    mot_rot        = mot_rerot * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dt     = mot_rerot_dt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = mot_rerot_dtdt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot        = rot_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dt     = rot_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = rot_funct.Get_y_dxdx(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot      = mot_rot / mot_tau;
                    mot_rerot_dt   = mot_rot_dt / mot_tau;
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = mot_rot_dtdt / mot_tau;
                deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(mot_rot, motion_axis);
                deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.Qdt_from_AngAxis(deltaC.rot, mot_rot_dt, motion_axis);
                deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.Qdtdt_from_AngAxis(mot_rot_dtdt, motion_axis, deltaC.rot, deltaC_dt.rot);

            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_SPEED)
                if (impose_reducer)
                    mot_rerot_dt   = spe_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = spe_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dt     = mot_rerot_dt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = mot_rerot_dtdt * mot_tau;
                    mot_rot_dt     = spe_funct.Get_y(ChTime);
                    mot_rot_dtdt   = spe_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);
                    mot_rerot_dt   = mot_rot_dt / mot_tau;
                    mot_rerot_dtdt = mot_rot_dtdt / mot_tau;
                deltaC.rot = ChQuaternion.Qnorm(GetRelM().rot); // just keep current position, -assume always good after integration-.
                ChMatrix33 <double> relA = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                relA.Set_A_quaternion(GetRelM().rot);           // ..but adjust to keep Z axis aligned to shaft, anyway!
                ChVector displaced_z_axis = relA.Get_A_Zaxis();
                ChVector adjustment       = ChVector.Vcross(displaced_z_axis, ChVector.VECT_Z);
                deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.Q_from_AngAxis2(ChVector.Vlength(adjustment), ChVector.Vnorm(adjustment)) % deltaC.rot;
                deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.Qdt_from_AngAxis(deltaC.rot, mot_rot_dt, motion_axis);
                deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.Qdtdt_from_AngAxis(mot_rot_dtdt, motion_axis, deltaC.rot, deltaC_dt.rot);
예제 #8
        public double GetForce(double x, double x_dt)
            double cush_coord;
            double cush_coord_norm;
            double force;
            double m_min, m_max;

            if (!penalty_only)
                m_min = min;
                m_max = max;
                m_min = -999999999;
                m_max = 999999999;

            if ((x > m_min) && (x < (min + minCushion)))
                cush_coord = (min + minCushion) - x;

                if (minCushion >= 0.0000001)
                    cush_coord_norm = cush_coord / minCushion;
                    cush_coord_norm = 1;

                if (cush_coord_norm > 1)
                    cush_coord_norm = 1;  // clip cushion forces at stopper limit
                force  = cush_coord * Kmin * modul_Kmin.Get_y(cush_coord_norm);
                force += (-x_dt) * Rmin * modul_Rmin.Get_y(cush_coord_norm);
                if (force < 0)
                    force = 0;
                }  // damping could cause neg force while going away,
                   // so -as the limit is not "sticky"- clip force sign.


            if ((x < m_max) && (x > (max - maxCushion)))
                cush_coord = x - (max - maxCushion);

                if (maxCushion >= 0.0000001)
                    cush_coord_norm = cush_coord / maxCushion;
                    cush_coord_norm = 1;

                if (cush_coord_norm > 1)
                    cush_coord_norm = 1;  // clip cushion forces at stopper limit
                force  = (-cush_coord) * Kmax * modul_Kmax.Get_y(cush_coord_norm);
                force += (-x_dt) * Rmax * modul_Rmax.Get_y(cush_coord_norm);
                if (force > 0)
                    force = 0;
                }  // damping could cause pos force while going away,
                   // so -as the limit is not "sticky"- clip force sign.
예제 #9
        // Updates motion laws, marker positions, etc.
        public override void UpdateTime(double mytime)
            // First, inherit to parent class

            // If LEARN MODE, just record motion
            if (learn)
                /*   do not change deltas, in free mode maybe that 'limit on X' changed them
                 * deltaC.pos = VNULL;
                 * deltaC_dt.pos = VNULL;
                 * deltaC_dtdt.pos = VNULL;
                 * deltaC.rot = QUNIT;
                 * deltaC_dt.rot = QNULL;
                 * deltaC_dtdt.rot = QNULL;
                // if (dist_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                //   dist_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                // record point
                double rec_dist = ChVector.Vlength(ChVector.Vsub(marker1.GetAbsCoord().pos, marker2.GetAbsCoord().pos));
                rec_dist -= offset;
                // (ChFunction_Recorder)(dist_funct).AddPoint(mytime, rec_dist, 1);  // (x,y,w)  x=t

            // Move (well, rotate...) marker 2 to align it in actuator direction

            // ! Require that the BDF routine of marker won't handle speed and acc.calculus of the moved marker 2!

            // ChMatrix33<double> ma = new ChMatrix33<double>(0);
            ChVector absdist = ChVector.Vsub(marker1.GetAbsCoord().pos, marker2.GetAbsCoord().pos);

            ChVector mx = ChVector.Vnorm(absdist);

            ChVector my = ma.Get_A_Yaxis();

            if (ChVector.Vequal(mx, my))
                if (mx.x == 1.0)
                    my = ChVector.VECT_Y;
                    my = ChVector.VECT_X;
            ChVector mz = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(mx, my));

            my = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(mz, mx));

            ma.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

            ChCoordsys newmarkpos;
            ChVector   oldpos = marker2.FrameMoving.GetPos(); // backup to avoid numerical err.accumulation

            newmarkpos.pos = marker2.GetAbsCoord().pos;
            newmarkpos.rot = ma.Get_A_quaternion();

            marker2.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // rotate "main" marker2 into tangent position (may add err.accumulation)
            marker2.FrameMoving.SetPos(oldpos);    // backup to avoid numerical err.accumulation

            if (learn)
                return;  // no need to go on further...--.>>>
            // imposed relative positions/speeds
            deltaC.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC.pos.x = dist_funct.Get_y(ChTime) + offset;  // distance is always on M2 'X' axis

            deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dt.pos.x = dist_funct.Get_y_dx(ChTime);  // distance speed

            deltaC_dtdt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.pos.x = dist_funct.Get_y_dxdx(ChTime);  // distance acceleration
                                                                // add also the centripetal acceleration if distance vector's rotating,
                                                                // as centripetal acc. of point sliding on a sphere surface.
            ChVector tang_speed = GetRelM_dt().pos;

            tang_speed.x = 0;                               // only z-y coords in relative tang speed vector
            double len_absdist = ChVector.Vlength(absdist); // don't divide by zero

            if (len_absdist > 1E-6)
                deltaC_dtdt.pos.x -= Math.Pow(ChVector.Vlength(tang_speed), 2) / ChVector.Vlength(absdist); // An = Adelta -(Vt^2 / r)
            deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT;                                                           // no relative rotations imposed!
            deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.QNULL;

            // Compute motor variables
            // double m_rotation;
            // double m_torque;
            mot_rerot      = (deltaC.pos.x - offset) / mot_tau;
            mot_rerot_dt   = deltaC_dt.pos.x / mot_tau;
            mot_rerot_dtdt = deltaC_dtdt.pos.x / mot_tau;
            mot_retorque   = mot_rerot_dtdt * mot_inertia + (react_force.x * mot_tau) / mot_eta;
            //  m_rotation = (deltaC.pos.x() - offset) / mot_tau;
            //  m_torque =  (deltaC_dtdt.pos.x() / mot_tau) * mot_inertia + (react_force.x() * mot_tau) / mot_eta;

            if (learn_torque_rotation)
                // if (mot_torque.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                //    mot_torque = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                // if (mot_rot.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                //    mot_rot = new ChFunction_Recorder();

                // std::static_pointer_cast<ChFunction_Recorder>(mot_torque).AddPoint(mytime, mot_retorque, 1);  // (x,y,w)  x=t
                // std::static_pointer_cast<ChFunction_Recorder>(mot_rot).AddPoint(mytime, mot_rerot, 1);        // (x,y,w)  x=t