예제 #1
 public void PerformMove2(Board b2, AMove a, int color)
     //change the board according to a planned ove. assuming the move is legal.
     if (b2.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]].GetType() == typeof(Piece)) //if its a regular piece and not a queen
         b2.BoardArray[a.To[0], a.To[1]]     = b2.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]];
         b2.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]] = null;
         if ((Math.Abs(a.From[0] - a.To[0]) == 2) && (Math.Abs(a.From[1] - a.To[1])) == 2) //regular piece eating step
             b2.BoardArray[(a.From[0] + a.To[0]) / 2, (a.From[1] + a.To[1]) / 2] = null;
         if (a.To[1] == 0 || a.To[1] == 7)                       //reaching the furthest row
             b2.BoardArray[a.To[0], a.To[1]] = new Queen(color); //transform the piece to a queen
     else //if its a queen
         b2.BoardArray[a.To[0], a.To[1]]     = b2.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]];
         b2.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]] = null;
         int x = a.From[0] + Math.Sign(a.To[0] - a.From[0]) * (Math.Abs(a.To[0] - a.From[0]) - 1);
         int y = a.From[1] + Math.Sign(a.To[1] - a.From[1]) * (Math.Abs(a.To[1] - a.From[1]) - 1);
         b2.BoardArray[x, y] = null; //the tile before the To tile is cleared. if there was a piece there it died.
예제 #2
        public override AMove ChooseMove(AMove[] options, Board b, Form1 f, Player[] players, int depth)
            this.form = f;
            b.PrintBoard2(f); //
            AMove ans;
            int   f1 = 0, f2 = 0, t1 = 0, t2 = 0;

            string[] from, to;

            form.printMessageGui("Please enter your next move");
            while (form.getMoveIsClicked() == false)

            if (form.getMoveIsClicked() == true)
                from = form.getTextBox1().Split(' ');
                    f1 = int.Parse(from[0]);
                    f2 = int.Parse(from[1]);
                    to = form.getTextBox2().Split(' ');
                    t1 = int.Parse(to[0]);
                    t2 = int.Parse(to[1]);
                catch (Exception invalid_input)
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid input");
                    ans = new AMove(-1, -1, -1, -1);     //this move is guarenteed to fire the ilegal move catcher in game master
                while (f1 == null || f2 == null || t1 == null || t2 == null || f1 < 0 || f1 > 7 && f2 < 0 || f2 > 7 && t1 < 0 || t1 > 7 && t2 < 0 || t2 > 7)
                    form.printMessageGui("Please enter a valid move!");
                    if (form.getMoveIsClicked() == true)
                        form.printMessageGui(" ");
                        from = form.getTextBox1().Split(' ');
                        f1   = int.Parse(from[0]);
                        f2   = int.Parse(from[1]);
                        to   = form.getTextBox2().Split(' ');
                        t1   = int.Parse(to[0]);
                        t2   = int.Parse(to[1]);

            ans = new AMove(f1, f2, t1, t2);
            //ans = stored;
            //stored = null;
예제 #3
파일: Player.cs 프로젝트: etial1/Checkers
        public virtual AMove ChooseMove(AMove[] options, Board b, Form1 f, Player[] players, int depth)
            if (options == null || options.Length == 0)
            //temporary hotfix.
            //int a = rnd.Next(0, options.Length);
            AMove a = Minimax(options, b, depth, players);

예제 #4
        public Player PvP(Player p1, Player p2, bool human)
            Console.WriteLine("game start!");
            b = new Board();
            player1           = p1;
            player2           = p2;
            player1.color     = 1;
            player1.direction = 1;
            player2.color     = 2;
            player2.direction = -1;

            int logInd = 0; //

            Player[] players = { p1, p2 };
            turn = rnd.Next(2);
            while (logInd < 150) //max moves
                AMove[] MA = GetAllMoves(b, players[turn]);
                AMove   m  = players[turn].ChooseMove(MA, b, f, players, 3);
                while (MA != null && m != null && !IsLegalMove(b, m, players[turn]))
                { //will only shoot in case of human player making an illegal move
                    if (m.From[0] == -1 && m.From[1] == -1 && m.To[0] == -1 && m.To[1] == -1)
                        f.printMessageGui("Please fill all fields with valid input");
                        f.printMessageGui("the move " + m.From[0] + "," + m.From[1] + " to " + m.To[0] + "," + m.To[1] +
                                          " isn't legal.");
                    Thread.Sleep(2000);                                                                //give the human player time to read the messege
                    if (human)                                                                         //there is a human player in the game
                        m = players[turn].ChooseMove(GetAllMoves(b, players[turn]), b, f, players, 5); //the AI thinks 5 moves ahead
                        m = players[turn].ChooseMove(GetAllMoves(b, players[turn]), b, f, players, 3);  //the AI thinks 3 moves ahead
                if (m == null) //the player currently playing has no legal move to make. win condition
                    f.printMessageGui("player " + (Math.Abs(turn - 1) + 1) + " is the winner! ");
                    //Console.WriteLine("Total moves: " + logInd);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player " + Math.Abs(turn - 1) + " is the winner!");
                    return(players[Math.Abs(turn - 1)]); //return the player who hasent lost

                 * if (logInd > 100 && b.QueenRatio(players[turn], b) == 1.0 && b.SoldierRatio(players[turn], b)==1.0) //soft tie condition
                 * {
                 *  return null;
                 * }
                PerformMove(b, m, players[turn]);
                logInd++; //
                turn = Math.Abs(turn - 1);
            return(null); //in case of a game beyond max moves, its a tie.
예제 #5
        public AMove[] GetAllMoves(Board b, Player p)
            //return an array with all the legal moves a player can make based on the board inputed.
            int ind = 0;

            AMove[] ans = new AMove[200]; //array of possible legal moves

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    if (b.BoardArray[i, j] != null && b.BoardArray[i, j].color == p.color) //for every piece of the player currently playing
                        if (b.BoardArray[i, j].GetType() == typeof(Piece))                 //its a regular piece
                            AMove[] possible = new AMove[4];
                            possible[0] = new AMove(i, j, i + 1, j + p.direction);     //regular moves
                            possible[1] = new AMove(i, j, i - 1, j + p.direction);
                            possible[2] = new AMove(i, j, i + 2, j + 2 * p.direction); //eating
                            possible[3] = new AMove(i, j, i - 2, j + 2 * p.direction);

                            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) //add the legal moves to the ans array
                                if (possible[k] != null && IsLegalMove(b, possible[k], p))
                                    ans[ind] = possible[k];
                        else //its a queen
                            int     ind2     = 0;
                            AMove[] possible = new AMove[32];
                            for (int r = 1; r < 8; r++) //consider all the possible moves availabe for a queen in (i,j) //TODO: can be  optimised
                                possible[ind2] = new AMove(i, j, i + r, j + r); ind2++;
                                possible[ind2] = new AMove(i, j, i + r, j - r); ind2++;
                                possible[ind2] = new AMove(i, j, i - r, j + r); ind2++;
                                possible[ind2] = new AMove(i, j, i - r, j - r); ind2++;
                            for (int k = 0; k < ind2; k++) //add the legal moves to the ans array
                                if (possible[k] != null && IsLegalMove(b, possible[k], p))
                                    ans[ind] = possible[k];
            //copy the legal moves array to a tmp array so there are non null slots
            AMove[] tmp = new AMove[ind];
            for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++)
                tmp[i] = ans[i];
            //Console.WriteLine("possible moves for player "+(turn+1)+": "+tmp.Length);
예제 #6
 public void PerformMove(Board b1, AMove a, Player p)
     PerformMove2(b1, a, p.color);
예제 #7
        public bool IsLegalMove(Board b, AMove a, Player p)
            bool ans = true;

            if (a.From[0] % 2 == a.From[1] % 2 || a.To[0] % 2 == a.To[1] % 2) //not from a black position or not to a black position
            if (a.From[0] < 0 || a.From[0] > 7 || a.From[1] < 0 || a.From[1] > 7) //move from out of board
            if (a.To[0] < 0 || a.To[0] > 7 || a.To[1] < 0 || a.To[1] > 7) //move to out of board

            if ((b.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]].color != p.color)) //not from a player positioned piece
            if ((b.BoardArray[a.To[0], a.To[1]] != null)) //not to an open space

            if ((Math.Abs(a.From[0] - a.To[0])) != (Math.Abs(a.From[1] - a.To[1]))) //not diagonal move

            if (b.BoardArray[a.From[0], a.From[1]].GetType() == typeof(Piece)) //its a regular soldier yo!
                if (p.direction * (a.From[1] - a.To[1]) > -1)                  //not moving in the right direction for the player
                if ((Math.Abs(a.From[0] - a.To[0]) == 2) && (Math.Abs(a.From[1] - a.To[1])) == 2)
                //piece eating step
                    Piece skipped = b.BoardArray[(a.From[0] + a.To[0]) / 2, (a.From[1] + a.To[1]) / 2];
                    if (skipped == null || skipped.color == p.color)
                        //the position being skipped is empty, or occupied by the player currently playing
                if ((Math.Abs(a.From[0] - a.To[0]) > 2) || (Math.Abs(a.From[1] - a.To[1])) > 2)
                // To furter than 2 from From
            else //its a queen yo!
                int dis  = Math.Abs(a.To[0] - a.From[0]); //from (3,5) to (0,2) is 3 distance
                int dirx = Math.Sign(a.To[0] - a.From[0]); //in example its negative direction on x axis
                int diry = Math.Sign(a.To[1] - a.From[1]); //in example its negative direction on y axis
                for (int i = 1; i < dis - 1; i++)          //start from 1 because the starting position was already checked
                    if (b.BoardArray[a.From[0] + dirx * i, a.From[1] + diry * i] != null)
                        return(false);                                                                  //one of the tiles along the path tha isnt legal for eating was occupied
                if (dis > 1) //there was at least one tile skipped
                    Piece skipped = b.BoardArray[a.To[0] - dirx, a.To[1] - diry];
                    if (skipped != null && skipped.color == p.color)
                        return(false); //the tile right before the stopping tile is auccupied by a player piece
