public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); service = new LibraryAdminService(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("server")); var client = new websocket.WebSocketClient(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("server")); this.DataContext = this; Gadgets = new ObservableCollection<Gadget>(service.GetAllGadgets()); Loans = new ObservableCollection<Loan>(service.GetAllLoans()); List<domain.Customer> customers = service.GetAllCustomers(); List<domain.Reservation> reservations = service.GetAllReservations(); //gadgetGrid.ItemsSource = gadgets; //loanGrid.ItemsSource = loans; reservationGrid.ItemsSource = reservations; customerGrid.ItemsSource = customers; client.NotificationReceived += (o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("WebSocket::Notification: " + e.Notification.Target + " > " + e.Notification.Type); // demonstrate how these updates could be further used if (e.Notification.Target == typeof(Loan).Name.ToLower()) { // deserialize the json representation of the data object to an object of type Gadget var loan = e.Notification.DataAs<Loan>(); // now you can use it as usual... //Console.WriteLine("Details: " + gadget); Loans.Add(loan); } }; // spawn a new background thread in which the websocket client listens to notifications from the server var bgTask = client.ListenAsync(); }
public GadgetControl() { InitializeComponent(); String ServerUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; service = new LibraryAdminService(ServerUrl); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String ServerUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; var service = new LibraryAdminService(ServerUrl); // Create Gadget String value = this.tbPrice.Text; Double result = 0; try { result = Convert.ToDouble(value); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '{0}' to a Double.", value); } catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is outside the range of a Double.", value); } ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition condition = new ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition(); switch (cbCondition.Text.ToUpper()) { case "NEW": condition = ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition.New; break; case "GOOD": condition = ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition.Good; break; case "DAMAGED": condition = ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition.Damaged; break; case "WASTE": condition = ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition.Waste; break; case "LOST": condition = ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition.Lost; break; default: condition = ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition.New; break; } Gadget newGadget = new Gadget(); string invetoryNr = "0"; if (!this.tbID.Text.Equals("")) { invetoryNr = this.tbID.Text; } newGadget.InventoryNumber = invetoryNr; newGadget.Name = this.tbName.Text; newGadget.Manufacturer = this.tbManufacturer.Text; newGadget.Price = result; newGadget.Condition = condition; service.UpdateGadget(newGadget); this.DialogResult = true; }
public Gadget_hinzufügen() { InitializeComponent(); String ServerUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; service = new LibraryAdminService(ServerUrl); tbID.Text = findInventoryNumber(); }
public AddGadgetWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _service = new LibraryAdminService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server"]); conditionComboBox.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ch.hsr.wpf.gadgeothek.domain.Condition)); conditionComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; idTextBlock.Text = GetNewGadgetId(); nameTextBox.Focus(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; ServerUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; Service = new LibraryAdminService(ServerUrl); ClientListener = new WebSocketClient(ServerUrl); ClientListener.NotificationReceived += ClientListenerNotified; ClientListener.ListenAsync(); Gadgets = new ObservableCollection<Gadget>(Service.GetAllGadgets()); Loans = new ObservableCollection<Loan>(Service.GetAllLoans()); InputComboCondition.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(domain.Condition)).Cast<domain.Condition>(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //DataContext = this; Ausleihe.DataContext = this; Gadget.DataContext = this; GadgetList = new ObservableCollection<Gadget>(); LoanList = new ObservableCollection<Loan>(); String ServerUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; service = new LibraryAdminService(ServerUrl); RefreshDataGrid(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _service = new LibraryAdminService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server"]); EnableDisableButtons(false); GadgetList = GetGadgets(); CustomerList = GetCustomers(); ReservationList = GetReservations(); LoanList = GetLoans(); DataContext = this; GadgetsDataGridView.ItemsSource = GadgetList; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Gadget gadget = new Gadget(name.Text.ToString()); double isDouble; double.TryParse(price.Text.ToString(), out isDouble); gadget.Price = isDouble; gadget.Manufacturer = manufacturer.Text.ToString(); LibraryAdminService service = new LibraryAdminService(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("server")); if (service.AddGadget(gadget)) { MessageBox.Show("Gadget successfully added!"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Operation failed!"); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String ServerUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; var service = new LibraryAdminService(ServerUrl); Customer customer = service.GetCustomer(tbStudentID.Text); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; String gadgetID = tbGadgetID.Text; Loan loan = new Loan( tbLoanID.Text, service.GetGadget(gadgetID), service.GetCustomer(tbStudentID.Text), time, time.AddDays(30) ); service.AddLoan(loan); this.DialogResult = true; }
public GadgetViewModel(LibraryAdminService service, Gadget gadget) { _service = service; _gadget = gadget; }
public LoanViewModel(LibraryAdminService service, Loan loan) { _service = service; _loan = loan; }
private void Initialisation() { libserv = new LibraryAdminService(""); GadgetList = new ObservableCollection<Gadget>(); dataGrid_Gadget.ItemsSource = GadgetList; LoanList = new ObservableCollection<Loan>(); dataGrid_Loan.ItemsSource = LoanList; ReservationList = new ObservableCollection<Reservation>(); dataGrid_Reservation.ItemsSource = ReservationList; refreshTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(refreshTimer_Tick); refreshTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1); refreshTimer.Start(); comboBox_GadgetCondition.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(domain.Condition)); }
public void Connect() { if (_connected) return; try { ServiceUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; _libraryAdminService = new LibraryAdminService(ServiceUrl); _connected = true; LoadData(); RefreshComponents(); StatusBarInfo.Content = $"Connected to {ServiceUrl}"; StatusBar.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x07, 0x78, 0xB5)); HideLoadingScreen(); var client = new WebSocketClient(ServiceUrl); client.NotificationReceived += (o, e) => { Debug.WriteLine("WebSocket::Notification: " + e.Notification.Target + " > " + e.Notification.Type); // demonstrate how these updates could be further used if (e.Notification.Target == typeof(Gadget).Name.ToLower()) { var gadget = e.Notification.DataAs<Gadget>(); var oldGadget = Gadgets.Find(g => g.InventoryNumber == gadget.InventoryNumber); Gadgets.Remove(oldGadget); if (e.Notification.Type != WebSocketClientNotificationTypeEnum.Delete) { Gadgets.Add(gadget); } } else if (e.Notification.Target == typeof(Reservation).Name.ToLower()) { var reservation = e.Notification.DataAs<Reservation>(); var oldReservation = Reservations.Find(r => r.Id == reservation.Id); Reservations.Remove(oldReservation); reservation.Customer = Customers.Find(c => c.Studentnumber == reservation.CustomerId); reservation.Gadget = Gadgets.Find(c => c.InventoryNumber == reservation.GadgetId); if (e.Notification.Type != WebSocketClientNotificationTypeEnum.Delete) { Reservations.Add(reservation); } } else if (e.Notification.Target == typeof(Loan).Name.ToLower()) { var loan = e.Notification.DataAs<Loan>(); var oldLoans = Loans.Find(l => l.Id == loan.Id); Loans.Remove(oldLoans); loan.Customer = Customers.Find(c => c.Studentnumber == loan.CustomerId); loan.Gadget = Gadgets.Find(c => c.InventoryNumber == loan.GadgetId); if (e.Notification.Type != WebSocketClientNotificationTypeEnum.Delete) { Loans.Add(loan); } } LoadModels(); UpdateView(); HideLoadingScreen(); }; // spawn a new background thread in which the websocket client listens to notifications from the server try { var bgTask = client.ListenAsync(); } catch (WebSocketException e) { ShowErrorScreen(); } } catch (Exception e) { _connected = false; StatusBarInfo.Content = $"Can't connect to {ServiceUrl} - Click here to reconnect"; StatusBar.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x62, 0x1F)); } }
public CustomerViewModel(LibraryAdminService service, Customer customer) { _service = service; _customer = customer; }
public ReservationViewModel(LibraryAdminService service, Reservation reservation) { _service = service; _reservation = reservation; }