public string GetCurrentVersion() { frmStart myStart = new frmStart(); string result = ""; XmlDocument oXML = new XmlDocument(); string sVersion = ""; // Create the web request RETRIES = 6; for (int i = 1; i <= RETRIES; i++) { if (sVersion != "") { return(sVersion); } try { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(VERSION_URL); WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); using (response) { // Get the response stream StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); // Read the whole contents and return as a string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); oXML.LoadXml(result); XmlNodeList oList = oXML.GetElementsByTagName("version"); sVersion = oList.Item(0).InnerText; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Exception:" + i.ToString()); if (i == 5) { frmStart.HandleException(ex, false); } return(sVersion); } } return(sVersion); }
private frmShowLog ShowLog; //Debug logging public frmSearch() { #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); //kill log if (File.Exists("logfile.txt")) { File.Delete("logfile.txt"); } mylog.makelog("Starting PO Search"); #endregion InitializeComponent(); }
public frmStockCountStart(frmStockMenu pfrmParent) { #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Starting Stock Count"); #endregion InitializeComponent(); this.button1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; this.textBox1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige; this.textBox2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige; this.frmParent = pfrmParent; this.RefreshSAPGateway(); this.comboBox1.Focus(); }
private void cmdLogon_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Login"); HTTPSAPGateway SAPGateway = new HTTPSAPGateway(); string sMessage = ""; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Cursor.Show(); if (SAPGateway.CheckLogin(this.txtUname.Text, this.txtPword.Text, out sMessage)) { frmStart frmMain = (frmStart)this.Parent; this.frmParent.SAPUname = this.txtUname.Text; this.frmParent.SAPPword = this.txtPword.Text; this.frmParent.SAPUname = this.txtUname.Text; this.frmParent.SAPPword = this.txtPword.Text; try { this.frmParent.SAPlogontime = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { frmStart.HandleException(ex, true); } } else { //MessageBox.Show(sMessage, frmStart.MESSAGE_BOX_TITLE); if (sMessage == "") { this.lblStatusBar.Text = "Cannot Connect"; } else { this.lblStatusBar.Text = sMessage; } } SAPGateway = null; Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
public bool CheckLogin(string sUname, string sPassword, out string sMessage) { //check the wifi status int WIFISTATE = (int)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\State\\Hardware", "WiFi", -1); logger mylog = new logger(); sMessage = "WIFI:" + WIFISTATE; mylog.makelog(sMessage); string sPOST = BASE_URL + "?FUNCTION=LOGIN&UNAME=" + sUname + "&PWORD=" + sPassword; if (frmStart.debug != true) { mylog.makelog(sPOST); } string sXML = RunQuery(sPOST); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(sXML); XmlNodeList nodeResult = xml.GetElementsByTagName("result"); bool bOK = false; sMessage = ""; if (nodeResult.Count > 0) { if (nodeResult.Item(0).InnerText.Trim() == "OK") { bOK = true; sMessage = ""; } else { sMessage = "Check Account (Locked?)"; } } return(bOK); }
/// <summary> /// Warns the user if the version in the assembly file does not match /// the version on the web servers' CurrentVersionXML /// </summary> private void CheckVersion() { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Calling CheckVersion"); this.lblStatusBar.Text = "Checking Version.."; this.lblStatusBar.Update(); Type t = typeof(ce5b.frmStart); HTTPSAPGateway oGateway = new HTTPSAPGateway(); this.sCurrent = oGateway.GetCurrentVersion().Trim(); this.sRunning = t.Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString().Trim(); //if (this.sCurrent != this.sRunning) //{ // if (Program.PlatformType == "SYMBOL WinCE") // { // string sWarn = "The application is not the current version.\n " + // "Please Close Application and Download latest version via link"; // MessageBox.Show(sWarn, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); // this.lblStatusBar.Text = "Incorrect Version :" + sCurrent; // } // else // { // string sWarn = "The application is not the current version.\n " + // "Please Close Application and Download latest version via link"; // MessageBox.Show(sWarn, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); // this.lblStatusBar.Text = "Incorrect Version :" + sCurrent; // } //} //else //{ // this.lblStatusBar.Text = "Checked Version :" + sCurrent; //} this.lblStatusBar.Update(); mylog.makelog("Exit Check Version"); mylog.makelog(this.sCurrent); }
private void SetSystem(string SystemName) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("SetSystem:" + SystemName); if (SystemName == "Debug") { cmdPMGI.Enabled = false; } cmdPMGR.Enabled = false; cmdStockCount.Enabled = false; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Cursor.Show(); this.Refresh(); if (SystemName != "LIVE") { //go to DEV, TEST etc SERVICE_URL = "http://nisapwireless/PMWebServices" + SystemName + "/POFunctions.asmx"; } else //go to LIVE { SERVICE_URL = "http://nisapwireless/PMWebServices/POFunctions.asmx"; } this.sSystemText = SystemName + " SYSTEM "; RUNNING_SYSTEM = SystemName;; LogoffSAP(); this.Refresh(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; cmdPMGI.Enabled = true; cmdPMGR.Enabled = true; cmdStockCount.Enabled = true; }
public static void HandleException(Exception ex, string sBoxTitle, bool bIgnore) { if (!bIgnore) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog(ex.Message); string sMess = ex.Message; if (IsConnectionError(ex)) { sMess += "\nPlease try again as the network connection may have been temporarily lost."; //MessageBox.Show(sMess, sBoxTitle); mylog.makelog(ex.Message); mylog.makelog(sMess); } else { mylog.makelog(ex.Message); } } }
public frmStockCountMain(string sDoc, string sXML, string sPlantName, string psPlant, frmCountByDocument pfrmParent) { #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Starting Stock Count Main"); #endregion InitializeComponent(); this.sIBLNR = sDoc; this.frmParent = pfrmParent; this.txtEdit.Font = this.dgOverview.Font; this.txtSernrEdit.Font = this.dgSerial.Font; this.txtPlant.Text = sPlantName; this.sPlant = psPlant; this.cmdPost.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; this.BuildGrid(); this.BuildVarianceGrid(); this.BuildSernrTab(); this.LoadData(sXML); this.RefreshSAPGateway(); }
public static void HandleException(Exception ex, bool bIgnore) { if (!bIgnore) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog(ex.Message); string sMess = ex.Message; if (IsConnectionError(ex)) { sMess += "\nPlease try again as the network connection may have been temporarily lost."; //MessageBox.Show(sMess, MESSAGE_BOX_TITLE); mylog.makelog(ex.Message); mylog.makelog(sMess); } else { sMess = "Unknown Error-See Log"; mylog.makelog(ex.Message); } } }
public frmSearch(frmPOGR lfrmParent) { #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); //kill log if (File.Exists("logfile.txt")) { File.Delete("logfile.txt"); } mylog.makelog("Starting PMGM"); #endregion // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // this.frmParent = lfrmParent; }
// public frmCountByDocument(frmStockCountStart pfrmParent) public frmCountByDocument(frmStockMenu pfrmParent) { #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); //kill log if (File.Exists("logfile.txt")) { File.Delete("logfile.txt"); } mylog.makelog("Starting CountByDocument"); #endregion InitializeComponent(); this.frmParent = pfrmParent; this.RefreshSAPGateway(); this.lblStatusBar.Text = this.frmParent.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Text; this.lblStatusBar.Update(); }
private void frmStart_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); //kill log if (File.Exists("logfile.txt")) { File.Delete("logfile.txt"); } mylog.makelog("Starting Application"); mylog.makelog("VersionDate:28.07.10:12:00"); // if (Program.PlatformType == "SYMBOL WinCE") // { // mylog.makelog("CE5 Device"); // } // else // { ////At the moment the CE5 guns will be updated manually so the version check is temporarily disabled // this.CheckVersion(); // mylog.makelog("PPC Device"); // } #endregion this.cmdExit.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; this.cmdPMGI.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; this.cmdPMGR.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; this.cmdStockCount.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; //define the default starting system SetSystem("LIVE"); }
//Call Inventory functions via Login private void cmdStockCount_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Calling INV"); frmStock = new frmStockMenu(this); frmStock.SetParent(this); UpdateLastDidSomethingAt(); try { frmStock.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); HandleException(ex, true); } frmStock = null; this.Refresh(); }
private string RunQuery(string sPOST) { logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("RunQuery"); string sXML = "<result></result>"; WebRequest oReq; WebResponse oRes = null; Encoding encode; StreamReader sr; Stream ReceiveStream = null; // sPOST = ""; byte[] requestBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sPOST); RETRIES = 6; try { for (int i = 1; i <= RETRIES; i++) { try { mylog.makelog("RunQuery:" + i.ToString()); oReq = WebRequest.Create(sPOST); //// If required by the server, set the credentials. oReq.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; //// Check for aproxy server //if (oReq.DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy(new System.Uri (sPOST)).ToString() ==sPOST) //{ // //is a proxy //} //else //{ // //is not a proxy //} //// If required by the server, set the credentials. //request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; //// Get the response. //HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); //// Get the stream containing content returned by the server. //Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); //// Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access. //StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); //// Read the content. //string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd(); //reader.Close(); oReq.Timeout = TIMEOUT; oReq.ContentLength = requestBytes.Length; oReq.ContentType = "appliication/x-www-form-urlencoded"; oReq.Method = "POST"; Stream requestStream = oReq.GetRequestStream(); requestStream.Write(requestBytes, 0, requestBytes.Length); requestStream.Close(); // oReq.Proxy = null; oRes = oReq.GetResponse(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { //frmStart myStart = new frmStart(); mylog.makelog("Exception:" + i.ToString() + ":" + ex.Message); //myStart.lblStatusBar.Text = ex.Message; if (i == 5) { frmStart.HandleException(ex, false); } } } ReceiveStream = oRes.GetResponseStream(); if (ReceiveStream != null) { encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); sr = new StreamReader(ReceiveStream, encode); sXML = sr.ReadToEnd(); mylog.makelog(sXML); ReceiveStream.Close(); oRes.Close(); } ReceiveStream = null; encode = null; sr = null; oRes = null; oReq = null; } catch (Exception ex) { frmStart.HandleException(ex, false); } return(sXML); }
public frmLogon(frmStart frmParent) { string WifiString, HoldString; #region Start Logger logger mylog = new logger(); mylog.makelog("Starting Login"); #endregion InitializeComponent(); this.frmParent = frmParent; //save the orinal message HoldString = this.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Text; //check wifi int WIFISTATE = (int)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\State\\Hardware", "WiFi", -1); switch (WIFISTATE) { case 1: WifiString = "WIFI:" + "Off"; break; case 3: WifiString = "WIFI:" + "Medium"; break; case 13: WifiString = "WIFI:" + "Good"; break; default: WifiString = "WIFI:" + "Unknown:" + WIFISTATE; break; } //display wifi state this.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Text = WifiString; this.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Update(); //wait System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(4000); //replace original message this.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Text = HoldString; lblStatusBar.Text = this.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Text; this.frmParent.lblStatusBar.Update(); #region Set Debuuger if (frmStart.debug != false)//TRUE { this.mnuiDebugOn.Enabled = true; this.mnuiDebugOn.Text = "Debug Off"; } else { this.mnuiDebugOn.Enabled = true; this.mnuiDebugOn.Text = "Debug On"; } #endregion }