private void Eval_Part(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); this.users.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == name); if (u != null) { if (u.Writing) { u.Writing = false; this.Panel.UpdateWriter(u); } this.Panel.Userlist.RemoveUserItem(u); if (ScriptEvents.OnUserParting(this, u)) { this.Panel.AnnounceText(GlobalSettings.GetDefaultColorString(GlobalSettings.DefaultColorType.Part, this.BlackBG) + StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 12).Replace("+x", u.Name)); } ScriptEvents.OnUserParted(this, u); Scripting.ScriptManager.RemoveUser(this.EndPoint, u); u.Dispose(); u = null; } }
private void Eval_VC_PM_First(TCPPacketReader packet) { VoicePlayerInboundItem item = new VoicePlayerInboundItem(packet, this.crypto, this.EndPoint); VoicePlayer.Inbound.RemoveAll(x => x.Ident == item.Ident && x.EndPoint.Equals(this.EndPoint)); if (item.Received) { item.Save(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FileName)) { VoicePlayerItem vc = item.ToVoicePlayerItem(++VoicePlayer.NEXT_SHORTCUT, this.BlackBG); VoicePlayer.Records.Add(vc); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == vc.Sender); if (u != null) { if (!u.Ignored) { if (ScriptEvents.OnVoiceClipReceiving(this, u, true)) { this.Panel.PMTextReceived(this, u, vc.Sender, GlobalSettings.GetDefaultColorString(GlobalSettings.DefaultColorType.Server, this.BlackBG) + "--- \\\\voice_clip_#" + vc.ShortCut + " " + StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 8).Replace("+x", vc.Sender), null, PMTextReceivedType.Announce); ScriptEvents.OnVoiceClipReceived(this, u, true); } } } } } else { VoicePlayer.Inbound.Add(item); } }
private void Eval_Redirect(TCPPacketReader packet, uint time) { if (Settings.GetReg <bool>("block_redirect", false)) { return; } Redirect redirect = new Redirect(); redirect.IP = packet; redirect.Port = packet; packet.SkipBytes(4); redirect.Name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); redirect.Hashlink = Hashlink.EncodeHashlink(redirect); if (ScriptEvents.OnRedirecting(this, redirect)) { this.Credentials.IP = redirect.IP; this.Credentials.Port = redirect.Port; this.Credentials.Name = redirect.Name; this.ticks = (time - 19); this.state = SessionState.Sleeping; this.sock.Disconnect(); this.Panel.AnnounceText(StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 15).Replace("+x", redirect.Name)); } }
private void Eval_Emote(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); String text = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); AresFont font = null; if (u != null) { if (u.Ignored) { return; } if (u.Font != null) { font = u.Font; } } text = ScriptEvents.OnEmoteReceiving(this, name, text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { this.Panel.EmoteText(name, text, font); this.Panel.CheckUnreadStatus(); ScriptEvents.OnEmoteReceived(this, name, text); } }
private void Eval_Avatar(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); if (u != null) { if (!ScriptEvents.OnUserAvatarReceiving(this, u)) { return; } byte[] data = packet; if (data.Length <= 10) { u.ClearAvatar(); } else { u.SetAvatar(data); } this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateUserAppearance(u); } }
private void Eval_VC_UserSupported(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); if (packet.Remaining < 2) { return; } User user = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); if (user != null) { bool can_public = ((byte)packet) == 1; if (!can_public) { user.SupportsVC = false; user.SupportsOpusVC = false; this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateUserAppearance(user); } else if (!user.SupportsVC) { user.SupportsVC = true; user.SupportsOpusVC = false; this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateUserAppearance(user); } } }
private void Eval_StartBrowse(TCPPacketReader packet) { ushort ident = packet; ushort count = packet; this.Panel.StartBrowse(ident, count); }
private void Eval_BrowseItem(TCPPacketReader packet) { ushort ident = packet; BrowseItem item = new BrowseItem(packet, this.crypto); this.Panel.BrowseItemReceived(ident, item); }
private void Eval_Font(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); if (u != null) { if (packet.Remaining > 2) { AresFont f = new AresFont(); f.Size = (int)((byte)packet); f.FontName = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); byte oldN = packet; byte oldT = packet; if (oldN == 255 || oldT == 255) { u.Font = null; return; } if (this.new_sbot) { if (packet.Remaining > 0) { f.NameColor = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); } if (packet.Remaining > 0) { f.TextColor = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(f.NameColor)) { f.NameColor = Helpers.AresColorToHTMLColor(oldN); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(f.TextColor)) { f.TextColor = Helpers.AresColorToHTMLColor(oldT); } if (ScriptEvents.OnUserFontChanging(this, u, f)) { u.Font = f; } } else { u.Font = null; } } }
private void Eval_UserlistItem(TCPPacketReader packet) { User u = new User(); ushort files = packet; packet.SkipBytes(4); u.ExternalIP = packet; u.Port = packet; packet.SkipBytes(4); u.SupportsPMEnc = ((ushort)packet) == 65535; packet.SkipByte(); u.Name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); u.LocalIP = packet; u.HasFiles = ((byte)packet) == 1 && files > 0; u.Level = packet; u.Age = packet; u.Gender = packet; byte country = packet; u.Country = Helpers.CountryCodeToString(country); u.Region = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); if (packet.Remaining > 0) { ClientFeatures features = (ClientFeatures)((byte)packet); u.SupportsVC = ((features & ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_VC) == ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_VC); u.SupportsOpusVC = ((features & ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_OPUS_VC) == ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_OPUS_VC); if (u.SupportsOpusVC) { u.SupportsVC = true; } } u.IsFriend = Friends.IsFriend(u.Name); if (this.users.Find(x => x.Name == u.Name) != null) { return; } this.users.Add(u); this.Panel.Userlist.AddUserItem(u); Scripting.ScriptManager.AddUser(this.EndPoint, u); if (u.Name == this.MyName) { u.IsAway = Settings.IsAway; this.Panel.Userlist.MyLevel = u.Level; } }
private void Eval_VC_Chunk(TCPPacketReader packet) { String sender = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); uint ident = packet; int index = VoicePlayer.Inbound.FindIndex(x => x.EndPoint.Equals(this.EndPoint) && x.Ident == ident); byte[] chunk = packet; if (index > -1) { VoicePlayerInboundItem item = VoicePlayer.Inbound[index]; item.AddChunk(chunk); if (item.Received) { VoicePlayer.Inbound.RemoveAt(index); item.Save(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FileName)) { VoicePlayerItem vc = item.ToVoicePlayerItem(++VoicePlayer.NEXT_SHORTCUT, this.BlackBG); VoicePlayer.Records.Add(vc); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == vc.Sender); if (u != null) { if (!u.Ignored) { if (ScriptEvents.OnVoiceClipReceiving(this, u, false)) { if (this.CanAutoPlayVC) { vc.Auto = true; VoicePlayer.QueueItem(vc); } else { this.Panel.ShowVoice(vc.Sender, vc.ShortCut); } ScriptEvents.OnVoiceClipReceived(this, u, false); } } } } } } }
private void Eval_URL(TCPPacketReader packet) { String addr = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); String check = addr.ToUpper(); if (check.StartsWith("HTTP://") || check.StartsWith("ARLNK://") || check.StartsWith("WWW") || check.StartsWith("HTTPS://")) { String text = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); text = ScriptEvents.OnUrlReceiving(this, text, addr); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { this.Panel.SetURL(text, addr); } } }
private void Eval_Ack(TCPPacketReader packet, uint time) { this.ticks = time; this.last_lag = (time - 25); this.reconnect_count = 0; this.Panel.CheckUnreadStatus(); this.Panel.Userlist.ClearUserList(); this.users.ForEach(x => x.Dispose()); this.users.Clear(); this.users = new List <User>(); Scripting.ScriptManager.ClearUsers(this.EndPoint); this.Panel.ServerText(StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 18) + "..."); this.Panel.CanVC(false); this.CanVC = false; this.CanOpusVC = false; this.MyName = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); this.Panel.MyName = this.MyName; if (packet.Remaining > 0) { String room_name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); bool update_name = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Credentials.Name)) { if (this.Credentials.Name != room_name) { if (this.EndPoint.Equals(this.Credentials.ToEndPoint())) { update_name = true; } } } this.Credentials.Name = room_name; if (update_name) { this.RoomNameChanged(this.Credentials, EventArgs.Empty); } } this.Panel.Userlist.MyLevel = 0; this.is_writing = false; this.Panel.ClearWriters(); }
private void Eval_VC_Supported(TCPPacketReader packet) { bool supported = ((byte)packet) == 1; if (!supported) { this.CanVC = false; this.CanOpusVC = false; this.Panel.CanVC(false); } else if (!this.CanVC) { this.CanVC = true; this.CanOpusVC = false; this.Panel.CanVC(true); this.sock.Send(TCPOutbound.EnableClips()); } }
public void SetCrypto(TCPPacketReader packet) { byte[] guid = Settings.Guid.ToByteArray(); byte[] key = packet; using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create()) guid = md5.ComputeHash(guid); for (int i = (guid.Length - 2); i > -1; i -= 2) { key = this.d67(key, BitConverter.ToUInt16(guid, i)); } List <byte> list = new List <byte>(key); this.Mode = CryptoMode.Encrypted; this.IV = list.GetRange(0, 16).ToArray(); this.Key = list.GetRange(16, 32).ToArray(); }
private void Eval_VC_First(TCPPacketReader packet) { VoicePlayerInboundItem item = new VoicePlayerInboundItem(packet, this.crypto, this.EndPoint); VoicePlayer.Inbound.RemoveAll(x => x.Ident == item.Ident && x.EndPoint.Equals(this.EndPoint)); if (item.Received) { item.Save(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FileName)) { VoicePlayerItem vc = item.ToVoicePlayerItem(++VoicePlayer.NEXT_SHORTCUT, this.BlackBG); VoicePlayer.Records.Add(vc); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == vc.Sender); if (u != null) { if (!u.Ignored) { if (ScriptEvents.OnVoiceClipReceiving(this, u, false)) { if (this.CanAutoPlayVC) { vc.Auto = true; VoicePlayer.QueueItem(vc); } else { this.Panel.ShowVoice(vc.Sender, vc.ShortCut); } ScriptEvents.OnVoiceClipReceived(this, u, false); } } } } } else { VoicePlayer.Inbound.Add(item); } }
private void Eval_PersonalMessage(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); String text = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { text = Helpers.FormatAresColorCodes(text); } User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); if (u != null) { if (ScriptEvents.OnUserMessageReceiving(this, u, text)) { u.PersonalMessage = text; this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateUserAppearance(u); } } }
public VoicePlayerInboundItem(TCPPacketReader packet, CryptoService c, IPEndPoint ep) { this.EndPoint = ep; this.Sender = packet.ReadString(c); this.Ident = packet; packet.SkipByte(); this.compression_count = packet; this.uncompressed_length = packet; for (int i = 0; i < this.compression_count; i++) { this.compressed_length = packet; } if (this.compressed_length == 0) { this.compressed_length = this.uncompressed_length; } this.is_opus = (this.compressed_length == this.uncompressed_length); this.data_in.AddRange(((byte[])packet)); }
private void Eval_Announce(TCPPacketReader packet) { String str = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\0"); str = str.Replace("\r", "\0"); str = str.Replace("\n", "\0"); String[] lines = str.Split(new String[] { "\0" }, StringSplitOptions.None); String text; foreach (String l in lines) { text = l; text = ScriptEvents.OnAnnounceReceiving(this, text); if (text != null) { this.Panel.AnnounceText(text); ScriptEvents.OnAnnounceReceived(this, text); } } }
private void Eval_Private(TCPPacketReader packet) { if (!Settings.GetReg <bool>("can_receive_pms", true)) { return; } String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); String text = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); if (u == null) { return; } AresFont font = null; if (u.Font != null) { font = u.Font; } if (u.Ignored) { return; } text = ScriptEvents.OnPmReceiving(this, u, text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { this.Panel.PMTextReceived(this, u, name, text, font, PMTextReceivedType.Text); this.Panel.CheckUnreadStatus(); ScriptEvents.OnPmReceived(this, u, text); } }
private void Eval_UpdateUserStatus(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == name); if (u != null) { packet.SkipBytes(13); byte level = packet; if (u.Level != level) { byte before = u.Level; u.Level = level; this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateUserLevel(u, before); ScriptEvents.OnUserLevelChanged(this, u); } if (u.Name == this.MyName) { this.Panel.Userlist.MyLevel = u.Level; } } }
private void CustomProtoReceived(TCPPacketReader packet, uint time) { String command = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); String sender = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); User u = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == sender); ulong lag; bool b; switch (command) { case "cb0t_writing": if (u == null) { return; } b = ((byte)packet) == 2; if (b != u.Writing) { u.Writing = b; this.Panel.UpdateWriter(u); ScriptEvents.OnUserWritingStatusChanged(this, u); } break; case "cb0t_latency_check": lag = (Helpers.UnixTimeMS - ((ulong)packet)); this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateLag(lag); break; case "cb0t_latency_mcheck": lag = (Helpers.UnixTimeMS - ((ulong)packet)); this.sock.Send(TCPOutbound.Public(StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 7) + ": " + lag + " milliseconds", this.crypto)); break; case "cb0t_online_status": if (u == null) { return; } b = ((byte)packet) != 1; if (u.IsAway != b) { u.IsAway = b; this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateUserAppearance(u); ScriptEvents.OnUserOnlineStatusChanged(this, u); } break; case "cb0t_nudge": if (u == null) { return; } this.Eval_Nudge(u, ((byte[])packet), time); break; case "cb0t_pm_msg": if (u == null) { return; } this.Eval_cb0t_pm_msg(u, ((byte[])packet)); break; case "cb0t_scribble_once": if (u != null) { u.ScribbleBuffer = new List <byte>(); u.ScribbleBuffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); this.Eval_Scribble(u); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender)) { this.unknown_scribble_buffer = new List <byte>(); this.unknown_scribble_buffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); this.Eval_Scribble_Unknown(); } break; case "cb0t_scribble_first": if (u != null) { u.ScribbleBuffer = new List <byte>(); u.ScribbleBuffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender)) { this.unknown_scribble_buffer = new List <byte>(); this.unknown_scribble_buffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); } break; case "cb0t_scribble_chunk": if (u != null) { u.ScribbleBuffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender)) { this.unknown_scribble_buffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); } break; case "cb0t_scribble_last": if (u != null) { u.ScribbleBuffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); this.Eval_Scribble(u); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender)) { this.unknown_scribble_buffer.AddRange((byte[])packet); this.Eval_Scribble_Unknown(); } break; default: if (command.StartsWith("cb3_custom_")) { command = command.Substring(11); if (u != null) { String c_text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])packet); ScriptEvents.OnCustomDataReceived(this, u, command, c_text); } } break; } }
public BrowseItem(TCPPacketReader packet, CryptoService c) { byte b = packet; switch (b) { case 1: this.Mime = BrowseType.Audio; break; case 3: this.Mime = BrowseType.Software; break; case 5: this.Mime = BrowseType.Video; break; case 6: this.Mime = BrowseType.Document; break; case 7: this.Mime = BrowseType.Image; break; default: this.Mime = BrowseType.Other; break; } if (packet.Remaining >= 27) { this.FileSize = ((uint)packet); packet.SkipBytes(16); // ignore - pre 2005 file guid, now uses SHA1 switch (this.Mime) // params { case BrowseType.Audio: // audio this.param1 = packet; // bit rate this.param3 = packet; // duration break; case BrowseType.Video: // video this.param1 = packet; // bit rate this.param2 = packet; // sample rate this.param3 = packet; // duration break; case BrowseType.Image: // image this.param1 = packet; // width this.param2 = packet; // height this.param3 = ((byte)packet); // depth break; } if (packet.Remaining >= 10) { ushort data_size = packet; ushort counter = 0; while (packet.Remaining >= 2) // details { byte length = packet; byte type = packet; if (length > packet.Remaining) { break; } switch (type) // could make an object out of these !! { case 1: // title this.Title = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 2: // artist this.Artist = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 3: // album this.Album = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 4: // category this.Category = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 5: // year this.Year = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 6: // language this.Language = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 7: // url this.URL = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 8: // comment this.Comment = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 9: // genre this.Genre = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 10: // format this.Format = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 15: // filename this.FileName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 20: // SHA1 hash this.SHA1Hash = packet.ReadBytes(20); break; case 23: // path this.Path = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(length)); break; case 24: // size64 this.FileSize = packet; break; } counter += 2; counter += length; if (counter >= data_size) { break; } } } } if (this.Title.Length == 0) { this.Title = this.FileName; } this.FileSizeString = this.FileSize > 1024 ? (this.FileSize / 1024).ToString("#,##0") + " KB" : this.FileSize.ToString(); }
private void Eval_Features(TCPPacketReader packet) { String version = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); this.Credentials.Server = version; this.Panel.ServerText(StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 17) + ": " + version); this.Panel.Userlist.UpdateServerVersion(version); this.should_check_for_current_topic_update = true; if (version.StartsWith("sb0t 5.")) { version = version.Substring(version.IndexOf(" ") + 1).Split(' ')[0]; String vnum_str = new String(version.Where(x => Char.IsNumber(x)).ToArray()); uint vnum; if (!uint.TryParse(vnum_str, out vnum)) { vnum = 0; } this.new_sbot = (vnum >= 514); } else if (version.StartsWith("Ares 2.") || version.StartsWith("Ares_2.")) { this.new_sbot = true; // maybe future Ares Server will support cb0t Custom Fonts? } ServerFeatures flag = (ServerFeatures)((byte)packet); this.CanVC = ((flag & ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_VC) == ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_VC); bool has_html = ((flag & ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_HTML) == ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_HTML); bool has_scribble = ((flag & ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_ROOM_SCRIBBLES) == ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_ROOM_SCRIBBLES); bool has_pm_scribble = ((flag & ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_PM_SCRIBBLES) == ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_PM_SCRIBBLES); this.CanOpusVC = ((flag & ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_OPUS_VC) == ServerFeatures.SERVER_SUPPORTS_OPUS_VC); this.Panel.CanVC(this.CanVC); this.Panel.CanScribbleAll(has_scribble); this.Panel.CanScribblePM(has_pm_scribble); this.Panel.InitScribbleButton(); this.CanNP = true; if (has_html) { this.Panel.Userlist.AcquireServerIcon(this.EndPoint); } packet.SkipByte(); this.Panel.ServerText(StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 16) + ": " + (RoomLanguage)((byte)packet)); uint cookie = packet; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Credentials.Password)) { this.sock.Send(TCPOutbound.SecureAdminLogin(this.Credentials.Password, cookie, this.Credentials.IP)); } this.UpdatePersonalMessage(); if (Avatar.Data != null) { this.sock.SendTrickle(TCPOutbound.Avatar()); } if (Settings.GetReg <bool>("user_font_enabled", false)) { this.sock.SendTrickle(TCPOutbound.Font(this.new_sbot, this.crypto)); } if (Settings.GetReg <bool>("block_custom_names", false)) { this.sock.SendTrickle(TCPOutbound.BlockCustomNames(true)); } ScriptEvents.OnConnected(this); }
private void Eval_HTML(TCPPacketReader packet) { if (!Settings.CanHTML) { return; } String html = packet.ReadString(); if (html == "<!--MOTDSTART-->") { this.Panel.SetScreenWidth(true); this.IsMOTDReceiving = true; } else if (html == "<!--MOTDEND-->") { this.Panel.SetScreenWidth(false); this.IsMOTDReceiving = false; } else { /* SANDBOXED CUSTOM HTML CONTENT */ // images if (html.StartsWith("<img")) { if (Settings.GetReg <bool>("receive_scribbles", true)) { if (html.StartsWith("<img ") && !html.Contains("onload=")) { html = "<img onload=\"imageLoaded(this)\" " + html.Substring(5); } if (html.LastIndexOf("<") == 0) { this.Panel.ShowCustomHTML(html); } } } // audio else if (html.StartsWith("<audio") && this.IsMOTDReceiving) { if (html.LastIndexOf("<") == 0) { this.Panel.ShowCustomHTML(html); } } // video else if (html.StartsWith("<video") && this.IsMOTDReceiving) { if (html.LastIndexOf("<") == 0) { this.Panel.ShowCustomHTML(html); } } // youtube else if (html.StartsWith("<!--EMBEDYOUTUBE:") && this.IsMOTDReceiving) { html = html.Substring(17); if (html.EndsWith("-->")) { html = html.Substring(0, html.Length - 3); if (html.Length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<iframe width=\"420\" height=\"315\" src=\""); sb.Append(html); sb.Append("\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"); this.Panel.ShowCustomHTML(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); } } } // let the script engine decide... else if (!html.ToUpper().Contains("<object")) { ScriptEvents.OnHTMLReceived(this, html); } } }
private void Eval_FavIcon(TCPPacketReader packet) { byte[] buf = packet; this.Panel.Userlist.HereFavicon(buf); }
private void Eval_BrowseError(TCPPacketReader packet) { ushort ident = packet; this.Panel.BrowseError(ident); }
private void Eval_EndBrowse(TCPPacketReader packet) { ushort ident = packet; this.Panel.BrowseEnd(ident); }
private void Eval_OfflineUser(TCPPacketReader packet) { String name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); this.Panel.PMTextReceived(null, null, name, StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 9), null, PMTextReceivedType.Announce); }
private void Eval_Join(TCPPacketReader packet) { User u = new User(); ushort files = packet; packet.SkipBytes(4); u.ExternalIP = packet; u.Port = packet; packet.SkipBytes(4); u.SupportsPMEnc = ((ushort)packet) == 65535; packet.SkipByte(); u.Name = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); u.LocalIP = packet; u.HasFiles = ((byte)packet) == 1 && files > 0; u.Level = packet; u.Age = packet; u.Gender = packet; byte country = packet; u.Country = Helpers.CountryCodeToString(country); u.Region = packet.ReadString(this.crypto); u.IsFriend = Friends.IsFriend(u.Name); if (packet.Remaining > 0) { ClientFeatures features = (ClientFeatures)((byte)packet); u.SupportsVC = ((features & ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_VC) == ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_VC); u.SupportsOpusVC = ((features & ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_OPUS_VC) == ClientFeatures.CLIENT_SUPPORTS_OPUS_VC); if (u.SupportsOpusVC) { u.SupportsVC = true; } } User ghost = this.users.Find(x => x.Name == u.Name); if (ghost != null) { this.users.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == ghost.Name); if (ghost.Writing) { ghost.Writing = false; this.Panel.UpdateWriter(ghost); } this.Panel.Userlist.RemoveUserItem(ghost); if (ScriptEvents.OnUserParting(this, ghost)) { this.Panel.AnnounceText(GlobalSettings.GetDefaultColorString(GlobalSettings.DefaultColorType.Part, this.BlackBG) + StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 12).Replace("+x", ghost.Name)); } ScriptEvents.OnUserParted(this, ghost); Scripting.ScriptManager.RemoveUser(this.EndPoint, u); ghost.Dispose(); ghost = null; } this.users.Add(u); this.Panel.Userlist.AddUserItem(u); Scripting.ScriptManager.AddUser(this.EndPoint, u); if (ScriptEvents.OnUserJoining(this, u)) { this.Panel.AnnounceText(GlobalSettings.GetDefaultColorString(GlobalSettings.DefaultColorType.Join, this.BlackBG) + StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 13).Replace("+x", u.Name)); } if (u.Name == this.MyName) { u.IsAway = Settings.IsAway; this.Panel.Userlist.MyLevel = u.Level; } ScriptEvents.OnUserJoined(this, u); if (u.IsFriend) { if (!Settings.GetReg <bool>("block_friend_popup", false)) { this.ShowPopup("cb0t :: " + StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 4), StringTemplate.Get(STType.Messages, 14).Replace("+x", u.Name).Replace("+y", this.Credentials.Name), PopupSound.Friend); } } }