private void PopulateMunicipalityList() { SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string sql = "SELECT munName, munNo FROM Municipalities WHERE munDeleted = 0 ORDER BY munName"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); // lvMunicipalities.Items.Clear() lvMunicipalities.Clear(); // Set to details view ColumnHeader columnheader; // Used for creating column headers. ListViewItem listviewitem; // Used for creating ListView items. // Make sure that the view is set to show details. lvMunicipalities.View = View.Details; try { cn.Open(); // Run the query; get the DataReader object. SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { // Create some ListView items consisting of first and last names. listviewitem = new myListViewItem((dr.item["munName"].ToString() + ""), "Municipality", System.Convert.ToInt32(dr.item["munNo"]), 1); this.lvMunicipalities.Items.Add(listviewitem); } // lstMunicipalities.SetSelected(0, True) dr.Close(); } catch (SqlException ex) { //A SqlException has occured - display details int i; string msg; for (i = 0; i <= ex.Errors.Count - 1; i++) { SqlError sqlErr = ex.Errors[i]; msg = "Message = " + sqlErr.Message + ControlChars.CrLf; msg += "Source = " + sqlErr.Source + ControlChars.CrLf; } MessageBox.Show(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { // A generic exception has occured MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { // Close the connection cn.Close(); } // Create some column headers for the data. columnheader = new ColumnHeader(); columnheader.Text = "Municipality"; this.lvMunicipalities.Columns.Add(columnheader); // Loop through and size each column header to fit the column header text. foreach (ColumnHeader tempLoopVar_columnheader in this.lvMunicipalities.Columns) { columnheader = tempLoopVar_columnheader; columnheader.Width = - 2; } }
private void Search() { ListView1.Clear(); ProgressBar1.Value = 15; // Set to details view ColumnHeader columnheader; // Used for creating column headers. ListViewItem listviewitem; // Used for creating ListView items. // Make sure that the view is set to show details. ListView1.View = View.Details; int intManNo; string strManager; string strProperty; int intPropNo; int intAssemNo; string strAssembly; SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string sql = "SELECT manNo, manName FROM Managers WHERE ( manName LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR manStrtAdd LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR manSuite LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR manCity LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR manZip LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR manCntct LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + ") AND manDeleted = 0"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); ProgressBar1.Value = 30; try { cn.Open(); // Run the query; get the DataReader object. SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { strManager = dr["manName"].ToString() + ""; intManNo = System.Convert.ToInt32(dr["manNo"]); // Create some ListView items consisting of first and last names. listviewitem = new myListViewItem(strManager, "Manager", intManNo, 0); listviewitem.SubItems.Add(strManager); this.ListView1.Items.Add(listviewitem); } dr.Close(); ProgressBar1.Value = 45; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT propNo, propName, storeNo, manName FROM Properties " + "LEFT JOIN Managers ON Managers.manNo = Properties.manNo WHERE ( " + "propName LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR storeNo LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR propCon LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR propStrt LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR propCity LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR propZip LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + ") AND propDeleted = 0"; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { intPropNo = System.Convert.ToInt32(dr["propNo"]); // strProperty = dr.Item("propName") & "" strManager = dr["manName"].ToString() + ""; if (Information.IsDBNull(dr["storeNo"])) { strProperty = dr["propName"].ToString() + ""; } else if (dr["storeNo"].ToString() == "") { strProperty = dr["propName"].ToString() + ""; } else { strProperty = dr["propName"].ToString() + " - " + dr["storeNo"].ToString(); } // Create some ListView items consisting of first and last names. listviewitem = new myListViewItem(strProperty, "Property", intPropNo, 1); listviewitem.SubItems.Add(strManager + " \\ " + strProperty); this.ListView1.Items.Add(listviewitem); } dr.Close(); ProgressBar1.Value = 60; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT assemNo, assemSerial, manName, propName, storeNo FROM Assemblies " + "LEFT JOIN Properties ON Properties.propNo = Assemblies.propNo " + "LEFT JOIN Managers ON Managers.manNo = Properties.manNo WHERE ( " + "assemSerial LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + "OR assemMod LIKE \'%" + txtSearch.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "%\' " + ") AND assemDeleted = 0"; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { intAssemNo = System.Convert.ToInt32(dr["assemNo"]); strAssembly = dr["assemSerial"].ToString() + ""; // strProperty = dr.Item("propName") & "" strManager = dr["manName"].ToString() + ""; if (Information.IsDBNull(dr["storeNo"])) { strProperty = dr["propName"].ToString() + ""; } else if (dr["storeNo"].ToString() == "") { strProperty = dr["propName"].ToString() + ""; } else { strProperty = dr["propName"].ToString() + " - " + dr["storeNo"].ToString(); } // Create some ListView items consisting of first and last names. listviewitem = new myListViewItem(strAssembly, "Assembly", intAssemNo, 2); listviewitem.SubItems.Add(strManager + " \\ " + strProperty + " \\ " + strAssembly); this.ListView1.Items.Add(listviewitem); } dr.Close(); ProgressBar1.Value = 75; // Create some column headers for the data. columnheader = new ColumnHeader(); columnheader.Text = "Item"; this.ListView1.Columns.Add(columnheader); columnheader = new ColumnHeader(); columnheader.Text = "Location"; this.ListView1.Columns.Add(columnheader); // Loop through and size each column header to fit the column header text. foreach (ColumnHeader tempLoopVar_columnheader in this.ListView1.Columns) { columnheader = tempLoopVar_columnheader; columnheader.Width = - 2; } ProgressBar1.Value = 100; } catch (SqlException ex) { //A SqlException has occured - display details int i; string msg = ""; // string msg; for (i = 0; i <= ex.Errors.Count - 1; i++) { SqlError sqlErr = ex.Errors[i]; msg = "Message = " + sqlErr.Message + ControlChars.CrLf; msg += "Source = " + sqlErr.Source + ControlChars.CrLf; } MessageBox.Show(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { // A generic exception has occured MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { // Close the connection cn.Close(); ProgressBar1.Value = 0; } }