public void Update(Player _player, InputState _inputState, Nothing _nothing, Lantern _lantern, List <AggressiveEnemy> _aggressiveEnemies) { if (_player.X == X && _player.Y == Y) { if (IsUsed == false) { if (_inputState.IsActivateItem(PlayerIndex.One)) { if (_player.Light.durability < this.durability || _player.Light == _nothing) { message = "E to use"; _player.Light = this; IsUsed = true; _player.Actions--; if (_player.Actions == 0) { _player.EndTurn(_player, _lantern, _nothing, _aggressiveEnemies); } } else { message = "Less durable"; } } } } if (_player.Light == this) { _player.Fov = Brightness; } if (_player.Light.durability == 0) { _player.Light = _nothing; } if (_player.Light == _nothing) { _player.Fov = 3; } }
public void EndTurn(Player _player, Lantern _lantern, Nothing _nothing, List <AggressiveEnemy> _aggressiveEnemies) { Actions = MaxActions; TurnsPassed++; if (_player.Light != _nothing) { _player.Light.durability--; } if (_aggressiveEnemies.Count == 0) { Global.GameState = GameStates.PlayerTurn; } else { Global.GameState = GameStates.EnemyTurn; } }
public Game1() : base() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; _inputState = new InputState(); rnd = new Random(); _nothing = new Nothing() { durability = 0, DamageDice = "1d4+" }; _potion = new Potion(_map); _lantern = new Lantern(_map); _sword = new Weapon(_map); }
public void Update(Player _player, InputState _inputState, Nothing _nothing, Lantern _lantern, List <AggressiveEnemy> _aggressiveEnemies) { if (_player.X == X && _player.Y == Y) { if (IsUsed == false) { if (_inputState.IsActivateItem(PlayerIndex.One)) { if (_player.Weapon == _nothing) { message = "E to use"; _player.Weapon = this; IsUsed = true; _player.Actions--; if (_player.Actions == 0) { _player.EndTurn(_player, _lantern, _nothing, _aggressiveEnemies); } } if (_player.Weapon != _nothing) { message = "E to use"; _player.Weapon.IsUsed = false; if (_map.IsWalkable(_player.X, _player.Y + 1)) { _player.Weapon.X = _player.X; _player.Weapon.Y = _player.Y + 1; } else if (_map.IsWalkable(_player.X, _player.Y - 1)) { _player.Weapon.X = _player.X; _player.Weapon.Y = _player.Y - 1; } else if (_map.IsWalkable(_player.X + 1, _player.Y)) { _player.Weapon.X = _player.X + 1; _player.Weapon.Y = _player.Y; } else if (_map.IsWalkable(_player.X - 1, _player.Y)) { _player.Weapon.X = _player.X - 1; _player.Weapon.Y = _player.Y; } _player.Weapon = this; IsUsed = true; _player.Actions--; if (_player.Actions == 0) { _player.EndTurn(_player, _lantern, _nothing, _aggressiveEnemies); } } } } } if (_player.Weapon == this) { _player.DamageDice = DamageDice; } if (_player.Weapon == _nothing) { _player.DamageDice = "1d4+"; } }