public Spear() { name = "Spear"; flavor = "A long-range tool of warfare"; cost = 1; icon = new I_Axe(0, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.spear1; die = new int[2] { 1, 6 }; hitFX = new Pierce(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Piercing; }
public Battleaxe() { name = "Battleaxe"; flavor = "A proper warrior's axe.\n1d8 slashing damage."; cost = 10; icon = new I_Axe(3, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.axe2; die = new int[2] { 1, 8 }; hitFX = new Slash(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Slashing; }
public Handaxe() { name = "Handaxe"; flavor = "A survival tool fashioned into a weapon.\n1d6 slashing damage."; cost = 5; icon = new I_Axe(0, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.axe1; die = new int[2] { 1, 6 }; hitFX = new Slash(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Slashing; }
public Greataxe() { name = "Greataxe"; flavor = "An axe for those with superior strength.\n1d12 slashing damage."; cost = 30; icon = new I_Axe(7, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.axe3; die = new int[2] { 1, 12 }; hitFX = new Slash(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Slashing; twoHand = true; }