public virtual bool contains(AsDisplayObject child) { if (child == this) { return(true); } int childsCount = getNumChildren(); int i = 0; for (; i < childsCount; ++i) { AsDisplayObject currentChild = mChildren[i]; AsDisplayObjectContainer currentChildContainer = currentChild as AsDisplayObjectContainer; if (currentChildContainer != null && currentChildContainer.contains(child)) { return(true); } else { if (currentChild == child) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public virtual bool contains(AsDisplayObject child) { if((child == this)) { return true; } int numChildren = (int)(mChildren.getLength()); int i = 0; for (; (i < numChildren); ++i) { AsDisplayObject currentChild = mChildren[i]; AsDisplayObjectContainer currentChildContainer = ((currentChild is AsDisplayObjectContainer) ? ((AsDisplayObjectContainer)(currentChild)) : null); if(((currentChildContainer != null) && currentChildContainer.contains(child))) { return true; } else { if((currentChild == child)) { return true; } } } return false; }
public virtual bool contains(AsDisplayObject child) { if(child == this) { return true; } int childsCount = getNumChildren(); int i = 0; for (; i < childsCount; ++i) { AsDisplayObject currentChild = mChildren[i]; AsDisplayObjectContainer currentChildContainer = currentChild as AsDisplayObjectContainer; if(currentChildContainer != null && currentChildContainer.contains(child)) { return true; } else { if(currentChild == child) { return true; } } } return false; }
public virtual void swapChildrenAt(int index1, int index2) { AsDisplayObject child1 = getChildAt(index1); AsDisplayObject child2 = getChildAt(index2); mChildren[index1] = child2; mChildren[index2] = child1; }
public virtual void removeChild(AsDisplayObject child, bool dispose) { int childIndex = getChildIndex(child); if (childIndex != -1) { removeChildAt(childIndex, dispose); } }
public AsTouch(int id, float globalX, float globalY, String phase, AsDisplayObject target) { mID = id; mGlobalX = mPreviousGlobalX = globalX; mGlobalY = mPreviousGlobalY = globalY; mTapCount = 0; mPhase = phase; mTarget = target; }
public virtual AsDisplayObject getRoot() { AsDisplayObject currentObject = this; while (currentObject.getParent() != null) { currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } return(currentObject); }
public virtual void setChildIndex(AsDisplayObject child, int index) { int oldIndex = getChildIndex(child); if (oldIndex == -1) { throw new AsArgumentError("Not a child of this container"); } mChildren.splice(oldIndex, (uint)(1)); mChildren.splice(index, (uint)(0), child); }
public virtual void swapChildren(AsDisplayObject child1, AsDisplayObject child2) { int index1 = getChildIndex(child1); int index2 = getChildIndex(child2); if (index1 == -1 || index2 == -1) { throw new AsArgumentError("Not a child of this container"); } swapChildrenAt(index1, index2); }
public virtual AsPoint localToGlobal(AsPoint localPoint) { sTargetMatrix.identity(); AsDisplayObject currentObject = this; while (currentObject != null) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); sTargetMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } return(sTargetMatrix.transformPoint(localPoint)); }
public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect) { if ((resultRect == null)) { resultRect = new AsRectangle(); } if ((targetSpace == this)) { resultRect.x = getX(); resultRect.y = getY(); resultRect.width = mBitmapData.getWidth(); resultRect.height = mBitmapData.getHeight(); return(resultRect); } float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix); sPosition.x = getX(); sPosition.y = getY(); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); sPosition.x = (sPosition.x + getBitmapData().getWidth()); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); sPosition.y = (sPosition.y + getBitmapData().getHeight()); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); sPosition.x = getX(); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); resultRect.x = minX; resultRect.y = minY; resultRect.width = (maxX - minX); resultRect.height = (maxY - minY); return(resultRect); }
public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect) { if((resultRect == null)) { resultRect = new AsRectangle(); } if((targetSpace == this)) { resultRect.x = getX(); resultRect.y = getY(); resultRect.width = mBitmapData.getWidth(); resultRect.height = mBitmapData.getHeight(); return resultRect; } float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix); sPosition.x = getX(); sPosition.y = getY(); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); sPosition.x = (sPosition.x + getBitmapData().getWidth()); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); sPosition.y = (sPosition.y + getBitmapData().getHeight()); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); sPosition.x = getX(); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint); minX = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); maxX = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x)); minY = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); maxY = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y)); resultRect.x = minX; resultRect.y = minY; resultRect.width = (maxX - minX); resultRect.height = (maxY - minY); return resultRect; }
public override AsDisplayObject hitTest(AsPoint localPoint, bool forTouch) { if (forTouch && (!getVisible() || !getTouchable())) { return(null); } AsDisplayObject target = base.hitTest(localPoint, forTouch); if (target == null) { target = this; } return(target); }
public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect) { if (resultRect == null) { resultRect = new AsRectangle(); } int childsCount = getNumChildren(); if (childsCount == 0) { getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, sHelperPoint); resultRect.x = sHelperPoint.x; resultRect.y = sHelperPoint.y; resultRect.width = resultRect.height = 0; return(resultRect); } else { if (childsCount == 1) { return(mChildren[0].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect)); } else { float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; int i = 0; for (; i < childsCount; ++i) { mChildren[i].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect); minX = minX < resultRect.x ? minX : resultRect.x; maxX = maxX > resultRect.getRight() ? maxX : resultRect.getRight(); minY = minY < resultRect.y ? minY : resultRect.y; maxY = maxY > resultRect.getBottom() ? maxY : resultRect.getBottom(); } resultRect.x = minX; resultRect.y = minY; resultRect.width = maxX - minX; resultRect.height = maxY - minY; return(resultRect); } } }
public virtual void addChildAt(AsDisplayObject child, int index) { if(((index >= 0) && (index <= getNumChildren()))) { child.removeFromParent(); mChildren.splice(index, (uint)(0), child); child.setParent(this); child.dispatchEvent(new AsEvent(AsEvent.ADDED, true)); if(getStage() != null) { child.dispatchEventOnChildren(new AsEvent(AsEvent.ADDED_TO_STAGE)); } } else { throw new AsRangeError("Invalid child index"); } }
public override void render(AsRenderSupport support, float alpha) { alpha = alpha * this.getAlpha(); int childsCount = getNumChildren(); int i = 0; for (; i < childsCount; ++i) { AsDisplayObject child = mChildren[i]; if (child.getAlpha() != 0.0f && child.getVisible() && child.getScaleX() != 0.0f && child.getScaleY() != 0.0f) { support.pushMatrix(); support.transform(child.getTransform().getMatrix()); child.render(support, alpha); support.popMatrix(); } } }
public virtual void load(AsURLRequest request, AsLoaderContext context) { mRequest = request; String url = request.getUrl(); if (url.StartsWith("http")) { throw new NotImplementedException("Http loading not implemented"); } BcTexture2D image = BcResFactory.GetInstance().LoadImage(url); AsDebug.assert(image != null, url); AsBitmapData bitmapData = new AsBitmapData(image); mContent = new AsBitmap(bitmapData); Debug.WriteLine("Image loaded: " + url); dispatchEvent(new AsEvent(AsEvent.COMPLETE)); }
private void getChildEventListeners(AsDisplayObject _object, String eventType, AsVector <AsDisplayObject> listeners) { AsDisplayObjectContainer container = _object as AsDisplayObjectContainer; if (_object.hasEventListener(eventType)) { listeners.push(_object); } if (container != null && container.getNumChildren() > 0) { AsVector <AsDisplayObject> children = container.mChildren; int numChildren = (int)(children.getLength()); int i = 0; for (; i < numChildren; ++i) { getChildEventListeners(children[i], eventType, listeners); } } }
public virtual void removeChildAt(int index, bool dispose) { if (index >= 0 && index < getNumChildren()) { AsDisplayObject child = mChildren[index]; child.dispatchEvent(sRemovedEvent); if (getStage() != null) { child.dispatchEventOnChildren(sRemovedFromStageEvent); } child.setParent(null); mChildren.splice(index, (uint)(1)); if (dispose) { child.dispose(); } } else { throw new AsRangeError("Invalid child index"); } }
public virtual void addChildAt(AsDisplayObject child, int index) { if(mChildren == null) { mChildren = new AsVector<AsDisplayObject>(); } if(index >= 0 && index <= getNumChildren()) { child.removeFromParent(); mChildren.splice(index, (uint)(0), child); child.setParent(this); child.dispatchEvent(sAddedEvent); if(getStage() != null) { child.dispatchEventOnChildren(sAddedToStageEvent); } } else { throw new AsRangeError("Invalid child index"); } }
public virtual void addChildAt(AsDisplayObject child, int index) { if (mChildren == null) { mChildren = new AsVector <AsDisplayObject>(); } if (index >= 0 && index <= getNumChildren()) { child.removeFromParent(); mChildren.splice(index, (uint)(0), child); child.setParent(this); child.dispatchEvent(sAddedEvent); if (getStage() != null) { child.dispatchEventOnChildren(sAddedToStageEvent); } } else { throw new AsRangeError("Invalid child index"); } }
public override AsDisplayObject hitTest(AsPoint localPoint, bool forTouch) { if (forTouch && (!getVisible() || !getTouchable())) { return(null); } float localX = localPoint.x; float localY = localPoint.y; int childsCount = getNumChildren(); int i = childsCount - 1; for (; i >= 0; --i) { AsDisplayObject child = mChildren[i]; getTransformationMatrix(child, sHelperMatrix); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, localX, localY, sHelperPoint); AsDisplayObject target = child.hitTest(sHelperPoint, forTouch); if (target != null) { return(target); } } return(null); }
public virtual AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace) { return(getBounds(targetSpace, null)); }
private void getChildEventListeners(AsDisplayObject _object, String eventType, AsVector<AsDisplayObject> listeners) { AsDisplayObjectContainer container = _object as AsDisplayObjectContainer; if(_object.hasEventListener(eventType)) { listeners.push(_object); } if(container != null && container.getNumChildren() > 0) { AsVector<AsDisplayObject> children = container.mChildren; int numChildren = (int)(children.getLength()); int i = 0; for (; i < numChildren; ++i) { getChildEventListeners(children[i], eventType, listeners); } } }
public virtual AsMatrix getTransformationMatrix(AsDisplayObject targetSpace) { return(getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, null)); }
public virtual AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace) { return getBounds(targetSpace, null); }
public virtual AsMatrix getTransformationMatrix(AsDisplayObject targetSpace) { return getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, null); }
public AsTransform(AsDisplayObject displayObject) { mDisplayObject = displayObject; mColorTransform = new AsColorTransform(); mMatrix = new AsMatrix(); }
public virtual bool interactsWith(AsDisplayObject target) { if((getTouch(target) == null)) { return false; } else { AsVector<AsTouch> touches = getTouches(target); int i = (int)((touches.getLength() - 1)); for (; (i >= 0); --i) { if((touches[i].getPhase() != AsTouchPhase.ENDED)) { return true; } } return false; } }
public override void removeChild(AsDisplayObject child) { removeChild(child, false); }
public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect) { if(resultRect == null) { resultRect = new AsRectangle(); } int childsCount = getNumChildren(); if(childsCount == 0) { getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix); AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, sHelperPoint); resultRect.x = sHelperPoint.x; resultRect.y = sHelperPoint.y; resultRect.width = resultRect.height = 0; return resultRect; } else { if(childsCount == 1) { return mChildren[0].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect); } else { float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER; int i = 0; for (; i < childsCount; ++i) { mChildren[i].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect); minX = minX < resultRect.x ? minX : resultRect.x; maxX = maxX > resultRect.getRight() ? maxX : resultRect.getRight(); minY = minY < resultRect.y ? minY : resultRect.y; maxY = maxY > resultRect.getBottom() ? maxY : resultRect.getBottom(); } resultRect.x = minX; resultRect.y = minY; resultRect.width = maxX - minX; resultRect.height = maxY - minY; return resultRect; } } }
public virtual int getChildIndex(AsDisplayObject child) { return mChildren.indexOf(child); }
public virtual void removeChild(AsDisplayObject child, bool dispose) { int childIndex = getChildIndex(child); if(childIndex != -1) { removeChildAt(childIndex, dispose); } }
public virtual void removeChild(AsDisplayObject child) { removeChild(child, false); }
public virtual void setChildIndex(AsDisplayObject child, int index) { int oldIndex = getChildIndex(child); if(oldIndex == -1) { throw new AsArgumentError("Not a child of this container"); } mChildren.splice(oldIndex, (uint)(1)); mChildren.splice(index, (uint)(0), child); }
public virtual AsVector<AsTouch> getTouches(AsDisplayObject target) { return getTouches(target, null); }
public virtual void swapChildren(AsDisplayObject child1, AsDisplayObject child2) { int index1 = getChildIndex(child1); int index2 = getChildIndex(child2); if(index1 == -1 || index2 == -1) { throw new AsArgumentError("Not a child of this container"); } swapChildrenAt(index1, index2); }
public virtual AsTouch getTouch(AsDisplayObject target, String phase) { AsVector<AsTouch> touchesFound = getTouches(target, phase); if((touchesFound.getLength() > 0)) { return touchesFound[0]; } else { return null; } }
public virtual void addChild(AsDisplayObject child) { addChildAt(child, getNumChildren()); }
public virtual AsMatrix getTransformationMatrix(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsMatrix resultMatrix) { if(resultMatrix != null) { resultMatrix.identity(); } else { resultMatrix = new AsMatrix(); } AsDisplayObject currentObject = this; if(targetSpace == this) { return resultMatrix; } else { if(targetSpace == mParent || (targetSpace == null && mParent == null)) { if(mPivotX != 0.0f || mPivotY != 0.0f) { resultMatrix.translate(-mPivotX, -mPivotY); } if(mScaleX != 1.0f || mScaleY != 1.0f) { resultMatrix.scale(mScaleX, mScaleY); } if(mRotation != 0.0f) { resultMatrix.rotate(AsMathHelper.toRadians(mRotation)); } if(mX != 0.0f || mY != 0.0f) { resultMatrix.translate(mX, mY); } return resultMatrix; } else { if(targetSpace == null) { currentObject = this; while(currentObject != null) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); resultMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } return resultMatrix; } else { if(targetSpace.mParent == this) { targetSpace.getTransformationMatrix(this, resultMatrix); resultMatrix.invert(); return resultMatrix; } } } } sAncestors.setLength(0); AsDisplayObject commonParent = null; while(currentObject != null) { sAncestors.push(currentObject); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } currentObject = targetSpace; while(currentObject != null && sAncestors.indexOf(currentObject) == -1) { currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } if(currentObject == null) { throw new AsArgumentError("Object not connected to target"); } else { commonParent = currentObject; } currentObject = this; while(currentObject != commonParent) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); resultMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } sTargetMatrix.identity(); currentObject = targetSpace; while(currentObject != commonParent) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); sTargetMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } sTargetMatrix.invert(); resultMatrix.concat(sTargetMatrix); return resultMatrix; }
public virtual AsPoint getPreviousLocation(AsDisplayObject space) { throw new AsNotImplementedError(); }
public virtual AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect) { throw new AsAbstractMethodError("Method needs to be implemented in subclass"); }
public virtual AsMatrix getTransformationMatrix(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsMatrix resultMatrix) { if (resultMatrix != null) { resultMatrix.identity(); } else { resultMatrix = new AsMatrix(); } AsDisplayObject currentObject = this; if (targetSpace == this) { return(resultMatrix); } else { if (targetSpace == mParent || (targetSpace == null && mParent == null)) { if (mPivotX != 0.0f || mPivotY != 0.0f) { resultMatrix.translate(-mPivotX, -mPivotY); } if (mScaleX != 1.0f || mScaleY != 1.0f) { resultMatrix.scale(mScaleX, mScaleY); } if (mRotation != 0.0f) { resultMatrix.rotate(AsMathHelper.toRadians(mRotation)); } if (mX != 0.0f || mY != 0.0f) { resultMatrix.translate(mX, mY); } return(resultMatrix); } else { if (targetSpace == null) { currentObject = this; while (currentObject != null) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); resultMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } return(resultMatrix); } else { if (targetSpace.mParent == this) { targetSpace.getTransformationMatrix(this, resultMatrix); resultMatrix.invert(); return(resultMatrix); } } } } sAncestors.setLength(0); AsDisplayObject commonParent = null; while (currentObject != null) { sAncestors.push(currentObject); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } currentObject = targetSpace; while (currentObject != null && sAncestors.indexOf(currentObject) == -1) { currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } if (currentObject == null) { throw new AsArgumentError("Object not connected to target"); } else { commonParent = currentObject; } currentObject = this; while (currentObject != commonParent) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); resultMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } sTargetMatrix.identity(); currentObject = targetSpace; while (currentObject != commonParent) { currentObject.getTransformationMatrix(currentObject.mParent, sHelperMatrix); sTargetMatrix.concat(sHelperMatrix); currentObject = currentObject.getParent(); } sTargetMatrix.invert(); resultMatrix.concat(sTargetMatrix); return(resultMatrix); }
public override void removeChild(AsDisplayObject child, bool dispose) { throw new AsIllegalOperationError(); }
public override void addChildAt(AsDisplayObject child, int index) { throw new AsIllegalOperationError(); }
public AsTouchData(AsTouch touch, AsDisplayObject target) { this.touch = touch; = target; }
public virtual int getChildIndex(AsDisplayObject child) { return(mChildren.indexOf(child)); }
public virtual AsTouch getTouch(AsDisplayObject target) { return getTouch(target, null); }
public virtual AsVector<AsTouch> getTouches(AsDisplayObject target, String phase) { AsVector<AsTouch> touchesFound = new AsVector<AsTouch>(); int numTouches = (int)(mTouches.getLength()); int i = 0; for (; (i < numTouches); ++i) { AsTouch touch = mTouches[i]; bool correctTarget = ((touch.getTarget() == target) || (target is AsDisplayObjectContainer && ((target is AsDisplayObjectContainer) ? ((AsDisplayObjectContainer)(target)) : null).contains(touch.getTarget()))); bool correctPhase = ((phase == null) || (phase == touch.getPhase())); if((correctTarget && correctPhase)) { touchesFound.push(touch); } } return touchesFound; }