예제 #1
        public Ser_Port_Listener(Form1 frmBattMon, string strIn_SerPortName) // serial port handling class ctor
            Debug.WriteLine("++Ser_Port_Listener(" + strIn_SerPortName + ") ctor");
            bSerPortOkay = false;
            _portName    = strIn_SerPortName;
            m_liErrCnt   = 0;
            m_dataparser = new batt_data_parser();
// copy supplied argument (form pointer) to local variable
            m_frmBattMon = frmBattMon;
// construct new instance of 1 serial port
                m_serptMcSerPort = new SerialPort(strIn_SerPortName, m_baudRate, System.IO.Ports.Parity.None, 8, System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One);
                bSerPortOkay     = true;
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor Created serial port " + _portName + "," + m_baudRate.ToString() + "," + System.IO.Ports.Parity.None.ToString() + ",8," + System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One.ToString());
// find out ser port read buffer size (comes from device driver through .net framework)
                iSerPortreadBuffSize = m_serptMcSerPort.ReadBufferSize;     // 4 kb or so
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor SerPort Buf size=" + iSerPortreadBuffSize.ToString());
// Initialize a buffer to hold the received data
                buffer = new byte[iSerPortreadBuffSize];
// configure flow control for serial connection between PC and microcontroller
                if (m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake == Handshake.None)
// to moderate data flow control from microcontroller, use one of flow control ways
// software flow control - XonXoff
//					Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor SerPort flow control=None, setting to XonXoff");
//					m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake=Handshake.XOnXOff;
// hardware flow control - CTS/RTS or DTR/DTD
//					m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake=Handshake.RequestToSend;
//					Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor SerPort flow control="+m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake.ToString());
            catch (IOException ioex)
                bSerPortOkay = false;
// before showing message box to user, also swicth state from started to stopped
//				frmBattMon.bOnStopMonitoring(true);
// now show message box to user - it is modal dialog which will stay
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to open COM port!\r\nI\\O Error",
                                "No MC connection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener ctor(): Unable to open COM port!" + ioex.ToString() + " Check settings...");

// create batt mon log file name using ser port name and current date-time
                strBatMonLogFileName = strIn_SerPortName + "_batt_mon_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("00") + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("00") + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString("00") + ".log";
// open battery logging file
                m_OutLogfile     = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strBatMonLogFileName, true);
                m_bLoggingToFile = true;
            catch (IOException ioex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor: Error " + ioex.ToString() + "! Cannot open log file");
                m_OutLogfile     = null;
                m_bLoggingToFile = false;

            if (false == bSerPortOkay)
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener(ERR) ctor failed to open serial port");
            Debug.WriteLine("--Ser_Port_Listener() ctor");
예제 #2
        private void FromFileRadioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl = -1;
            int iFuelGaugeLvl_D           = -1;
            int iFuelGaugeLvl_NL          = -1;
            int iFuelGaugeLvl_C           = -1;

// if selected
            if (true == FromFileRadioButton1.Checked)
                if (true == bIsRunning)
// stop if running
// disable start button
                StartStopButton.Enabled    = false;
                SerPortNameTextBox.Enabled = false;
                this.Text = "Battery Monitor - Recorded data; file ";
// clear chart
//				CurrentVoltageChart.Series.Clear();
// clear data stored in voltage and current series
// then restore zoom window view of X axis

// load data from file into chart
                StreamReader   strmReader      = null;
                OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
                if (strPreviousOpenedFileDir.Length != 0)
                    openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = strPreviousOpenedFileDir;                   // path as in "c:\\" ;
                    openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

// open CFile dialog and navigate to batt_mon log file on PC
                openFileDialog1.Filter           = "Batt mon log files (*.log)|*.log|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                openFileDialog1.FilterIndex      = 1;
                openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;
// OR read from SD card from arduino microcontroller
                if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() CFile dialog : file selected=" + openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString());
                        strmReader = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);

                        if (null != strmReader)
                            batt_data_parser prsDataparser = new batt_data_parser();
                            Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Opened file " + openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString() + " ok.");

                            this.Text += openFileDialog1.SafeFileName;
// save folder name of successfully opened file
                            strPreviousOpenedFileDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(openFileDialog1.FileName);
                            using (strmReader)
// store the current battery information for later comparison
                                int iCurrNumOfDischChrgCycles = m_batBattery.iGetNumStartingCycles();

                                String strOneDatapacketFromFile = null;
                                int    iLineCntr         = 0;
                                int    iErrorCntFromFile = 0;
                                ErrorCountTextBox.Text = " ";
// start busy cursor
//								Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                                UseWaitCursor = true;
// clear out SoC bar indicators
                                iUpdate3ChangePcntBars(0, 0, 0);
                                ChargeProgressBarD.BackColor  = Color.Gray;
                                ChargeProgressBarNL.BackColor = Color.Gray;
                                ChargeProgressBarC.BackColor  = Color.Gray;
// code to read the stream here.
                                while (strmReader.Peek() >= 0)
                                    strOneDatapacketFromFile = strmReader.ReadLine().ToString();

                                    if (strOneDatapacketFromFile.Length > 0)
//										Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Line: ["+iLineCntr.ToString() + "] "  +strOneDatapacketFromFile);
// parse one data packet into fields
                                        if (true == prsDataparser.bParseOneDataLine(strOneDatapacketFromFile))
// if fields are okay, then feed chart series with it
                                            m_stRecentBattData = prsDataparser.stbtGetParsedData();


// be sure we process starter mtr load case if there is one
                                            m_batBattery.bValuateBatteryData(m_stRecentBattData, iLineCntr);
// and then update text fields for R and CA accordingly

                                            iLineCntr += 1;
                                            if (iLineCntr % 100 == 0)
                                                Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Added " + iLineCntr.ToString() + " Data packets");
//												Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Batt average current="+m_batBattery.getLastAveCurrent().ToString("+0.0;-0.0;0")+" A");
// update counts live on the form
                                            m_slMeasIterCnt    += 1;
                                            IterCntTextBox.Text = m_slMeasIterCnt.ToString();
// determine SoC level and battery state
                                            iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl = iGetBattLifePrc();
// update SoC bar indicators accordingly
                                            switch (m_stRecentBattData.chBattState)
                                            case 'D':
                                                if (-1 != iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl)
                                                    iFuelGaugeLvl_D = iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl;

                                            case 'I':
                                                if (-1 != iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl)
                                                    iFuelGaugeLvl_NL = iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl;

                                            case 'C':
                                                if (-1 != iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl)
                                                    iFuelGaugeLvl_C = iFromRecordedFuelGaugeLvl;

                                                Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Chrg% error! Unknown battery state " + m_stRecentBattData.chBattState);

                                            if (iLineCntr % 10 == 0)
                                                iUpdate3ChangePcntBars(iFuelGaugeLvl_C, iFuelGaugeLvl_NL, iFuelGaugeLvl_D);
// data bad, ignore
                                            iErrorCntFromFile += 1;
                                            Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Failed to parse Line: [" + iLineCntr.ToString() + "] " + strOneDatapacketFromFile);
                                            ErrorCountTextBox.Text = iErrorCntFromFile.ToString();
// count errors
                                    ;                                      // end IF of if(strOneDatapacketFromFile.Length
// Release build only
// add some responsiveness
                                ;                                  // end of while(strmReader.Peek())
// end busy cursor
//								Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                                UseWaitCursor = false;

// we finished adding data from file. We may get new discharge-charge cycles added, so
                                Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Finished reading batery data from " + openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString());
                                Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Processed " + iLineCntr.ToString() + " lines of data.");
                                Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Found " + iErrorCntFromFile.ToString() + " errors.");
                                string strTemp = null;

                                strTemp  = "Finished reading batery data from " + openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString() + "\r\n";
                                strTemp += "Processed " + iLineCntr.ToString() + " lines of data.\r\n";
                                strTemp += "Found " + iErrorCntFromFile.ToString() + " errors.\r\n";

                                int iNumOfNewDchrgChrgCyles = m_batBattery.iGetNumStartingCycles() - iCurrNumOfDischChrgCycles;
// tell user what kind of information was added to our battery class instance
                                if (iNumOfNewDchrgChrgCyles > 0)
                                    Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Added " + iNumOfNewDchrgChrgCyles.ToString() + " new discharge-charge cycles.");
                                    strTemp += "Added " + iNumOfNewDchrgChrgCyles.ToString() + " new discharge-charge cycles.";
                                    Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Did not find any new discharge-charge cycles.");
                                    strTemp += " Did not find any new discharge-charge cycles.";

// update listbox from discharge-charge cycles array

// once all data are added, resize X axis zoom and scale
                                bResizeXAxisAndZoom(CurrentVoltageChart, CurrentVoltageChart.Series[0]);
// and also update R and CA if there was any starting cycle detected
                                if (true == m_batBattery.bWasEngineStarted())
                                    R_Ohm_TextBox1.Text = "<=" + m_batBattery.dblGetBattInternalResistance().ToString("0.000");
                                    CA_textBox2.Text    = ">=" + m_batBattery.dblGetBattCA().ToString("#") + " A";                              // at " + stcBattDatStarterOff.dblBattTemp.ToString("+#;-#;0")+ "°C";
//								Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() Batt Current ave="+m_batBattery.getLastAveCurrent().ToString("+#.#;-#.#;0"));
                            };                             // end of using(strmReader)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() FAILED to open file " + openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString() + " !");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: " + ex.Message);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Form1::OnFromFileRadioButton1() CFile dialog CANCELLed");
        }         // end of FromFileRadioButton1_CheckedChanged()
예제 #3
        // serial port handling class ctor
        public Ser_Port_Listener(Form1 frmBattMon, string strIn_SerPortName)
            Debug.WriteLine("++Ser_Port_Listener("+strIn_SerPortName+") ctor");
            bSerPortOkay = false;
            m_dataparser=new batt_data_parser();
            // copy supplied argument (form pointer) to local variable
            // construct new instance of 1 serial port
                m_serptMcSerPort = new SerialPort(strIn_SerPortName, m_baudRate,System.IO.Ports.Parity.None,8, System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One);
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor Created serial port "+_portName+","+m_baudRate.ToString()+","+System.IO.Ports.Parity.None.ToString()+",8,"+System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One.ToString());
            // find out ser port read buffer size (comes from device driver through .net framework)
                iSerPortreadBuffSize = m_serptMcSerPort.ReadBufferSize; // 4 kb or so
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor SerPort Buf size="+iSerPortreadBuffSize.ToString());
            // Initialize a buffer to hold the received data
                buffer = new byte[iSerPortreadBuffSize];
            // configure flow control for serial connection between PC and microcontroller
            // to moderate data flow control from microcontroller, use one of flow control ways
            // software flow control - XonXoff
            //					Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor SerPort flow control=None, setting to XonXoff");
            //					m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake=Handshake.XOnXOff;
            // hardware flow control - CTS/RTS or DTR/DTD
            //					m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake=Handshake.RequestToSend;
            //					Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor SerPort flow control="+m_serptMcSerPort.Handshake.ToString());
            catch(IOException ioex)
            // before showing message box to user, also swicth state from started to stopped
            //				frmBattMon.bOnStopMonitoring(true);
            // now show message box to user - it is modal dialog which will stay
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to open COM port!\r\nI\\O Error",
                    "No MC connection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener ctor(): Unable to open COM port!"+ioex.ToString()+" Check settings...");

            // create batt mon log file name using ser port name and current date-time
                strBatMonLogFileName=strIn_SerPortName + "_batt_mon_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("00") + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("00") + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString("00") + ".log";
            // open battery logging file
                m_OutLogfile=new System.IO.StreamWriter(strBatMonLogFileName, true);
            catch(IOException ioex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener() ctor: Error "+ ioex.ToString() +"! Cannot open log file");

            if(false == bSerPortOkay)
                Debug.WriteLine("Ser_Port_Listener(ERR) ctor failed to open serial port");
            Debug.WriteLine("--Ser_Port_Listener() ctor");