private bool Check_log_in(string login, string password) { bool result; using BrainlyContext db = new BrainlyContext(); OperatorWorkspace user = db.OperatorsWorkspace.Where(op => op.Login == login).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { if (user.Password == Hash.HashMD5(password)) { User_info.Current_status = user.IsAdmin ? User_info.Status.Admin : User_info.Status.Operator; result = true; } else { result = false; } } else { result = false; } return(result); }
private void ExecuteAdd_registration(string login, string password) { using BrainlyContext db = new BrainlyContext(); db.OperatorsWorkspace.Add(new OperatorWorkspace(login, password)); try { db.SaveChanges(); label_result.Text = "Registration has finished successfully"; } catch (DbUpdateException ex) { PostgresException postgresException = (PostgresException)ex.InnerException; if (postgresException.SqlState == "23505") { label_result.Text = string.Format("User with the login \"{0}\" already exist. {1}", login, ex.Message); } } }