private void btnDownloadTags_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTags.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please specify tags to download."); return; } string[] length = txtTags.Text.Split(' '); if (length.Length > 6) { MessageBox.Show("6 tags is the maximum length you're allowed to download from e621. If your tag has a space between words, be sure to add an underscore. (_)"); return; } string NewTags = txtTags.Text; if (NewTags.StartsWith(" ")) { NewTags = NewTags.TrimStart(' '); } if (NewTags.EndsWith(" ")) { NewTags = NewTags.TrimEnd(' '); } if (NewTags.Contains("/")) { NewTags = NewTags.Replace("/", "%25-2F"); } TagDownloadInfo NewInfo = new TagDownloadInfo(NewTags); NewInfo.PageLimit = (int)numTagsPageLimit.Value; NewInfo.UseMinimumScore = chkTagsUseMinimumScore.Checked; NewInfo.MinimumScoreAsTag = chkTagsUseScoreAsTag.Checked; NewInfo.MinimumScore = (int)numTagsMinimumScore.Value; NewInfo.ImageLimit = (int)numTagsImageLimit.Value; NewInfo.SaveExplicit = chkTagsDownloadExplicit.Checked; NewInfo.SaveQuestionable = chkTagsDownloadQuestionable.Checked; NewInfo.SaveSafe = chkTagsDownloadSafe.Checked; NewInfo.SeparateRatings = chkTagsSeparateRatings.Checked; NewInfo.SeparateNonImages = chkTagSeparateNonImages.Checked; NewInfo.OpenAfter = chkTagsOpenAfterDownload.Checked; NewInfo.DownloadNewestToOldest = chkTagsDownloadInUploadOrder.Checked; frmTagDownloader Downloader = new frmTagDownloader(); Downloader.DownloadInfo = NewInfo; Downloader.Show(); }
public static bool DownloadPage(string PageUrl, bool UseDialog = true) { try { frmTagDownloader tagDL = new frmTagDownloader(); tagDL.DownloadInfo = new TagDownloadInfo(true, PageUrl); switch (UseDialog) { case true: tagDL.ShowDialog(); break; case false: tagDL.Show(); break; } return(true); } catch { throw; } }