public bool ComputingImageInput(DPRLAgent agent, out string code, out int[] shape, out int numObjects) { Sensor sensor; if (agent.TryGetSensor("raycasting", out sensor)) { RaycastingSensor rsensor = (RaycastingSensor)sensor; code = "to_image(fields['" + rsensor.perceptionKey + "'])"; shape = new int[] { rsensor.shape[0], rsensor.shape[1], rsensor.shape[2] }; numObjects = rsensor.objectMapping.Length; return(true); } code = ""; shape = null; numObjects = 0; return(false); }
public override string GenCode(EnvironmentGenerator gen, DPRLAgent agent) { string head = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/baselineppo2_head.tpl"); string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/baselineppo2.tpl"); int dim = inputs.Count; if (dim == 1) { if (!inputs[0].isImage) //only linear input { string code; int shape = 0; if (sensorsExtractor.ComputingLinearInput(agent, out code, out shape)) { text = head + text; text = text.Replace("#DISABLE51", ""); text = text.Replace("#TPL_RETURN_STATE", "return[np.array(" + code + "), None]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_INPUT_SHAPE", "(" + shape + ", )"); text = text.Replace("#IW", "0"); text = text.Replace("#IH", "0"); text = text.Replace("#ARRAY_SIZE", "" + shape); text = text.Replace("#MODELNAME", modelName); text = text.Replace("#OUTPUT_LOG", outputLogName); text = text.Replace("#TIMESTEPS", "" + timeSteps); text = text.Replace("#INPUT_PORT", "" + inputPort); text = text.Replace("#OUTPUT_PORT", "" + outputPort); if (useLSTM) { text = text.Replace("#PPO2POLICY", "MlpLstmPolicy"); } else { text = text.Replace("#PPO2POLICY", "MlpPolicy"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("BaselinePPO2Template error: there is no enough information to generate agent program!!!"); } } else //only image input { string code; int[] shape; int numObjects = 0; if (sensorsExtractor.ComputingImageInput(agent, out code, out shape, out numObjects)) { string neuralCode = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/baselineppo2_imageInput.tpl"); text = head + neuralCode + text; text = text.Replace("#IW", "" + shape[0]); text = text.Replace("#IH", "" + shape[1]); text = text.Replace("#TPL_RETURN_STATE", "return [None, " + code + "]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_INPUT_SHAPE", "(" + shape[0] + ", " + shape[1] + ", " + shape[2] + ")"); text = text.Replace("#NUMOBJ", "" + numObjects); text = text.Replace("#LINEARINPUTNORM", "" + linearInputNorm); text = text.Replace("#MODELNAME", modelName); text = text.Replace("#OUTPUT_LOG", outputLogName); text = text.Replace("#TIMESTEPS", "" + timeSteps); text = text.Replace("#INPUT_PORT", "" + inputPort); text = text.Replace("#OUTPUT_PORT", "" + outputPort); if (useLSTM) { text = text.Replace("#PPO2POLICY", "MlpLstmPolicy"); } else { text = text.Replace("#PPO2POLICY", "MlpPolicy"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("BaselinePPO2 error: there is no enough information to generate agent program!!!"); } } } else if (dim == 2) //two inputs: image, and linear array. { string code1; int shape1; string code2; int[] shape2; int numObjects; if (sensorsExtractor.ComputingLinearInput(agent, out code1, out shape1) && sensorsExtractor.ComputingImageInput(agent, out code2, out shape2, out numObjects)) { Debug.LogWarning("BaselinePPO2 warning: BaselinePPO2 does not yet support multiple entries. You will have to adapt the generated code to support this functionality. See more at"); string neuralCode = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/baselineppo2_linearImageInput.tpl"); text = head + neuralCode + text; text = text.Replace("#IW", "" + shape2[0]); text = text.Replace("#IH", "" + shape2[1]); text = text.Replace("#TPL_RETURN_STATE", "return [" + code1 + ", " + code2 + "]"); text = text.Replace("#ARRAY_SIZE", "" + shape1); text = text.Replace("#TPL_INPUT_SHAPE", "(" + shape2[0] + ", " + shape2[1] + ", " + shape2[2] + ")"); text = text.Replace("#DISABLE51", ""); text = text.Replace("#DISABLE52", ""); text = text.Replace("#RAYCASTING1", ""); text = text.Replace("#RAYCASTING2", ""); text = text.Replace("#HISTSIZE", "" + shape2[2]); text = text.Replace("#SHAPE1", "" + shape2[0]); text = text.Replace("#SHAPE2", "" + shape2[1]); text = text.Replace("#NETWORK", ""); text = text.Replace("#NUMOBJ", "" + numObjects); text = text.Replace("#LINEARINPUTNORM", "" + linearInputNorm); text = text.Replace("#MODELNAME", modelName); text = text.Replace("#OUTPUT_LOG", outputLogName); text = text.Replace("#TIMESTEPS", "" + timeSteps); text = text.Replace("#INPUT_PORT", "" + inputPort); text = text.Replace("#OUTPUT_PORT", "" + outputPort); if (useLSTM) { text = text.Replace("#PPO2POLICY", "MlpLstmPolicy"); } else { text = text.Replace("#PPO2POLICY", "MlpPolicy"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("BaselinePPO2 error: there is no enough information to generate agent program!!!"); } } else { text = text.Replace("#IW", "0"); text = text.Replace("#IH", "0"); } if (outputs.Count > 0) { text = text.Replace("#TPL_OUTPUT_SHAPE", "(" + outputs[0].size + ", )"); } if (gen.actions.Length > 0) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < gen.actions.Length; i++) { sb.Append("('").Append(gen.actions[i].name).Append("',").Append(gen.actions[i].value).Append(")"); if (i + 1 < gen.actions.Length) { sb.Append(','); } } sb.Append("]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_ACTIONS", sb.ToString()); } else { text = text.Replace("#TPL_ACTIONS", "[('Move', [1, 0, 0]), ('Move', [-1, 0, 0]), ('Move', [0, 1, 0]), ('Move', [0, -1, 0]), ('Move', [0, 0, 1]), ('Move', [0, 0, -1])]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_OUTPUT_SHAPE", "(6, )"); } text = text.Replace("#SKIP_FRAMES", "" + gen.skipFrames); for (int i = 0; i < replacement.Length; i++) { text = text.Replace(replacement[i].name, replacement[i].value); } text += "\n"; return(text); }
public void SetAgent(DPRLAgent own) { agent = own; }
public abstract string GenCode(EnvironmentGenerator env, DPRLAgent agent);
public bool ComputingLinearInput(DPRLAgent agent, out string code, out int size) { StringBuilder list1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder list2 = new StringBuilder(); list1.Append("["); list2.Append("np.concatenate( ("); int countL1 = 0; int countL2 = 0; int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; size = 0; foreach (Sensor s in agent.sensors) { if (s.isState) { if (s.type == SensorType.sfloat) { size++; if (i1 > 0) { list1.Append(","); } list1.Append("fields['" + s.perceptionKey + "']"); countL1++; i1++; } else if (s.type == SensorType.sfloatarray) { size += s.shape[0]; if (i2 > 0) { list2.Append(", "); } list2.Append("fields['" + s.perceptionKey + "']"); countL2++; i2++; } } } list1.Append(']'); list2.Append("))"); string gen = ""; if (countL1 > 0) { if (countL2 > 0) { gen += "np.concatenate((" + list1.ToString(); gen += ", " + list2.ToString() + "))"; } else { gen = list1.ToString(); } code = gen; return(true); } else if (countL2 > 0) { gen = list2.ToString(); code = gen; return(true); } code = string.Empty; size = 0; return(false); }
public override string GenCode(EnvironmentGenerator gen, DPRLAgent agent) { string head = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/builtina3c_head.tpl"); string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/builtina3c.tpl"); int dim = inputs.Count; if (dim == 1) { if (!inputs[0].isImage) //only linear input { string code; int shape = 0; if (sensorsExtractor.ComputingLinearInput(agent, out code, out shape)) { text = head + text; text = text.Replace("#DISABLE51", ""); text = text.Replace("#TPL_RETURN_STATE", "return[np.array(" + code + "), None]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_INPUT_SHAPE", "(" + shape + ", )"); text = text.Replace("#ARRAY_SIZE", "" + shape); text = text.Replace("#IW", "0"); text = text.Replace("#IH", "0"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("A3CBuiltInGenerator error: there is no enough information to generate agent program!!!"); } } else //only image input { string code; int[] shape; int numObjects = 0; if (sensorsExtractor.ComputingImageInput(agent, out code, out shape, out numObjects)) { string neuralCode = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/builtina3c_imageInput.tpl"); text = head + neuralCode + text; text = text.Replace("#IW", "" + shape[0]); text = text.Replace("#IH", "" + shape[1]); text = text.Replace("#TPL_RETURN_STATE", "return [None, " + code + "]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_INPUT_SHAPE", "(" + shape[0] + ", " + shape[1] + ", " + shape[2] + ")"); text = text.Replace("#DISABLE51", ""); text = text.Replace("#RAYCASTING1", ""); text = text.Replace("#RAYCASTING2", ""); text = text.Replace("#HISTSIZE", "" + shape[2]); text = text.Replace("#SHAPE1", "" + shape[0]); text = text.Replace("#SHAPE2", "" + shape[1]); text = text.Replace("#NETWORK", ""); text = text.Replace("#NUMOBJ", "" + numObjects); text = text.Replace("#LINEARINPUTNORM", "" + linearInputNorm); } else { Debug.LogWarning("A3CBuiltInGenerator error: there is no enough information to generate agent program!!!"); } } } else if (dim == 2) //two inputs: image, and linear array. { string code1; int shape1; string code2; int[] shape2; int numObjects; if (sensorsExtractor.ComputingLinearInput(agent, out code1, out shape1) && sensorsExtractor.ComputingImageInput(agent, out code2, out shape2, out numObjects)) { string neuralCode = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/baseline/builtina3c_linearImageInput.tpl"); text = head + neuralCode + text; text = text.Replace("#IW", "" + shape2[0]); text = text.Replace("#IH", "" + shape2[1]); text = text.Replace("#TPL_RETURN_STATE", "return [" + code1 + ", " + code2 + "]"); text = text.Replace("#ARRAY_SIZE", "" + shape1); text = text.Replace("#TPL_INPUT_SHAPE", "(" + shape2[0] + ", " + shape2[1] + ", " + shape2[2] + ")"); text = text.Replace("#DISABLE51", ""); text = text.Replace("#DISABLE52", ""); text = text.Replace("#RAYCASTING1", ""); text = text.Replace("#RAYCASTING2", ""); text = text.Replace("#HISTSIZE", "" + shape2[2]); text = text.Replace("#SHAPE1", "" + shape2[0]); text = text.Replace("#SHAPE2", "" + shape2[1]); text = text.Replace("#NETWORK", ""); text = text.Replace("#NUMOBJ", "" + numObjects); text = text.Replace("#LINEARINPUTNORM", "" + linearInputNorm); } else { Debug.LogWarning("A3CBuiltInGenerator error: there is no enough information to generate agent program!!!"); } } else { text = text.Replace("#IW", "0"); text = text.Replace("#IH", "0"); } if (outputs.Count > 0) { text = text.Replace("#TPL_OUTPUT_SHAPE", "(" + outputs[0].size + ", )"); } if (gen.actions.Length > 0) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < gen.actions.Length; i++) { sb.Append("('").Append(gen.actions[i].name).Append("',").Append(gen.actions[i].value).Append(")"); if (i + 1 < gen.actions.Length) { sb.Append(','); } } sb.Append("]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_ACTIONS", sb.ToString()); } else { text = text.Replace("#TPL_ACTIONS", "[('Move', [1, 0, 0]), ('Move', [-1, 0, 0]), ('Move', [0, 1, 0]), ('Move', [0, -1, 0]), ('Move', [0, 0, 1]), ('Move', [0, 0, -1])]"); text = text.Replace("#TPL_OUTPUT_SHAPE", "(6, )"); } text = text.Replace("#SKIP_FRAMES", "" + gen.skipFrames); for (int i = 0; i < replacement.Length; i++) { text = text.Replace(replacement[i].name, replacement[i].value); } text += "\n"; return(text); }