/// <summary>
        /// get the SCORM version by examining the namespace declaration
        /// People have misused the "Version" attribute so you can't depend on it.
        /// Version SHOULD be in the metadata but some people don't even include that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSCORMVersion(adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.manifestType root)
            string  version = "unknown";
            XmlNode node    = root.getDOMNode();

            foreach (XmlNode attr in node.Attributes)
                if (attr.Name.ToLower() == "xmlns:adlcp")
                    string ns = attr.Value;
                    switch (ns.ToLower())
                    case "http://www.adlnet.org/xsd/adlcp_rootv1p1":
                        version = "1.1";

                    case "http://www.adlnet.org/xsd/adlcp_rootv1p2":
                        version = "1.2";

                    case "http://www.adlnet.org/xsd/adlcp_v1p3":
                        version = "1.3";
 private string FindDefaultWebPage(adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.manifestType root)
     if (root.Hasorganizations())
         adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.organizationsType orgs = root.Getorganizations();
         if (orgs.Hasorganization()) // its possible but fatal to have a blank "organizations" node
             string org_default = "";
             if (orgs.Hasdefault2())
                 org_default = orgs.default2.ToString();
                 var    org         = FindDefaultOrg(org_default, orgs);
                 string identifier1 = "";
                 if (org.Hasidentifier())
                     identifier1 = org.Getidentifier().ToString();
                 if (org.Hastitle())
                     title = org.Gettitle().ToString();
                 if (org.Hasitem())
                     int i = org.GetitemCount();
                     if (i > 0)
                         adlcp_itemType item = org.GetitemAt(0);
                         adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.identifierrefType2 item_identifier = item.identifierref;
                         // find the resource for this item
                         adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.resourceType resource = FindDefaultResource(item_identifier, root.resources);
                         if (resource.Hashref())
                             href = resource.href.ToString();
     } // end of "organizations" object
        public void parseManifest(string pathToManifest)
            string XMLPath      = pathToManifest;
            string XMLDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToManifest);

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(XMLPath))
                logger.LogWarning("Manifest file not found!");
            adlcp_rootv1p2Doc doc = new adlcp_rootv1p2Doc();

            adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.manifestType root = new adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.manifestType(doc.Load(XMLPath));
            this.identifier = root.identifier.Value;
            // SCORM version should be in the metadata. It should have the following values:
            //   Schema: ADL SCORM
            //   SchemaVersion: 1.2
            // for SCORM2004 it will say "1.3" or "CAM 1.3"
            // unfortunately I have seen a lot of manifests without this which forces you to guess
            if (root.Hasmetadata())
                adlcp_metadataType meta = root.Getmetadata();

                if (meta.Hasschemaversion())
                    // this is the way we SHOULD get the version but some manifests don't have this
                    SCORM_Version = meta.schemaversion.Value;
            if (SCORM_Version == string.Empty || SCORM_Version == null)
                SCORM_Version = this.GetSCORMVersion(root); //backwards way to get the version

            if (SCORM_Version == "1.2")
                logger.LogInformation("Module is SCORM 1.2");
                adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.versionType versionType;
                if (root.Hasversion())
                    versionType = root.Getversion(); // this is the manifest's creator's version of this manifest, not SCORM version
                    versionType = new adlcp_rootv1p2.imscp.versionType("1.0");

                version = versionType.Value;
                title   = identifier; //this will become the course title unless there is one in Organizations (should be!)
                if (root.Hasmetadata())
                    adlcp_metadataType md = root.Getmetadata();
                    if (md.HasLOM())
                        if (md.LOM.Hasgeneral())
                            if (md.LOM.general.Hasdescription())
                                description = md.LOM.general.description.ToString();
                href = FindDefaultWebPage(root);
            } // end if version == 1.2
            else if (SCORM_Version == "1.3" || SCORM_Version == "CAM 1.3" || SCORM_Version.IndexOf("2004") >= 0)
                logger.LogInformation("Module is SCORM2004");
                adlcp_v1p3Doc        doc2  = new adlcp_v1p3Doc();
                manifestTypeExtended root2 = new manifestTypeExtended(doc2.Load(XMLPath));
                identifier = root.Getidentifier().Value;
                title      = identifier;
                version    = root.Getversion().Value;
                // Now we start looking for the default web page. Organizations => organization => item
                // get the identifierref for the first item
                // then find that identifier in resources => resource. That resource.href is the default launching page for the sco

                // get all organizations for this manifest. "Organizations" is a container for "Organization" objects
                href = FindDefaultWebPage(root);
                logger.LogInformation("Manifest version is " + SCORM_Version + ". Must be 1.2 or 1.3");
            logger.LogInformation("Parse of manifest completed successfully");
 public organizationsEnumerator(manifestType par)
     parent = par;
     nIndex = -1;
 public base2Enumerator(manifestType par)
     parent = par;
     nIndex = -1;
 public metadataEnumerator(manifestType par)
     parent = par;
     nIndex = -1;
 public versionEnumerator(manifestType par)
     parent = par;
     nIndex = -1;
 public identifierEnumerator(manifestType par)
     parent = par;
     nIndex = -1;
 public void ReplacemanifestAt(manifestType newValue, int index)
     ReplaceDomElementAt("http://www.imsproject.org/xsd/imscp_rootv1p1p2", "manifest", index, newValue);
 public void Addmanifest(manifestType newValue)
     AppendDomElement("http://www.imsproject.org/xsd/imscp_rootv1p1p2", "manifest", newValue);
 public resourcesEnumerator(manifestType par)
     parent = par;
     nIndex = -1;