public static bool dfs(TreeNode root)
            if (root == null)
                return true;

            // Judge the left tree.
            if (!dfs(root.left))
                return false;

            // judge the sequence.
            if (pre != null && root.val <= pre.val)
                return false;
            pre = root;

            // Judge the right tree.
            if (!dfs(root.right))
                return false;

            return true;
        public bool isValidBST_E(TreeNode root)
            if (root == null)
                return true;

            if (!isValidBST_E(root.left))
                return false;

            if (!isFirstNode && root.val <= lastVal)
                return false;

            isFirstNode = false;
            lastVal = root.val;

            if (!isValidBST_E(root.right))
                return false;

            return true;
 public static bool isValidBST_D(TreeNode root)
     // Just use the inOrder traversal to solve the problem.
     return dfs(root);
         * Reference:
         * Just use the inOrder traversal to solve the problem.
         * Julia's comment:
         * 1. review iterative solution inorder traversal algorithm
         *  thought process, here is the script written:
         *  Iterative solution, need a stack, and two nodes variables to help tracking.
         *  Start from root node as cur, pre node is null
         *  Start a loop,
         *  inside the loop,
         *  1. push all the left  nodes into the stack;
         *  2. if stack is empty, time to exit the loop;
         *  3. pop a node from the stack, since no left nodes, just deal with the current node.
         *  4. check BST, a value check: based on assumption, inorder traversal output is increasing order.
         *  5. Recover for code reuse, next iteration, set cur to pre;
         *  6. go to the right node.
         * 2. online judge passed:
         *      74 / 74 test cases passed.
                Status: Accepted
                Runtime: 172 ms
        public bool isValidBST1(TreeNode root)
            if (root == null)
                return true;

            Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();

            TreeNode cur = root;
            TreeNode pre = null;

            while (true)
                while (cur != null)    //  step 1
                    cur = cur.left;

                if (s.Count == 0 )    //  step 2

                cur = s.Pop();        //   step 3

                if (pre != null && pre.val >= cur.val)  // step 4
                    return false;

                pre = cur;           // step 5

                cur = cur.right;     // step 6

            return true;
        public static bool isValidBST_C(TreeNode root)
            if (root == null)
                return true;

            if (isValidBST_C(root.left) == false)  // left subtree
                return false;

            if (root.val <= previous)              // the current node
                return false;

            previous = root.val;

            if (isValidBST_C(root.right) == false) //the right subtree
                return false;

            return true;
        public static bool IsValidBST_B(TreeNode node, long MIN, long MAX)
            if (node == null)
                return true;

            int v = node.val;
            if (!(v > MIN && v < MAX))                            // Range: (MIN, MAX)
                return false;

            if (!IsValidBST_B(node.left, MIN, v))                 // left sub tree BST check: new Range: (MIN, v)
                return false;

            if (!IsValidBST_B(node.right, v, MAX))                // right sub tree BST check: new Range: (v, MAX)
                return false;

            return true;
  * julia's comment:
  * 1. change int.MinValue to long.MinValue, int.MaxValue to long.MaxValue
  * 2. pass online judge:
  *   74 / 74 test cases passed.
      Status: Accepted
      Runtime: 216 ms
  * 3. Some analysis about the binary search tree range: Maximum value and minimum value, thought process please:
  *    Go over an example, binary search tree:
  *        A
  *      /    \
  *     B      C
  *    / \    /  \
  *   D   E  F    G
  *   Level 1: A,   A is in range: [long.MIN, long.MAX] <- tip: all nodes are int, to include int.MAX, int.MIN, use long range
  *   Level 2:
  *            B,   B is in range: [long.MIN, A.value]   <- A, go to left , to B, update upper value.
  *            C,   C is in range: [A.value, long.Max]   <- A, go to right, to C, update lower value.
  *   Level 3:
  *            D,   D is in range: [long.MIN, B.value]
  *            E,   E is in range: [B.value,  A. value]
  *            ...
  *   How to think recursively?
  *   Every step, there is a value range to maintain
  * 4. Read the alpha-beat pruning articles:
 public static bool isValidBST_B(TreeNode root)
     return IsValidBST_B(root, long.MinValue, long.MaxValue);
        public static bool IsValidBST(TreeNode node, int MIN, int MAX)
            if (node == null)
                return true;

            int v = node.val;
            bool rootInRange = v > MIN && v < MAX;                 // Range: (MIN, MAX)
            if (!rootInRange)
                return false;

            bool l_BST = IsValidBST(node.left, MIN, v);  // left sub tree BST check: new Range: (MIN, v)
            if (!l_BST)
                return false;

            bool r_BST = IsValidBST(node.right, v, MAX); // right sub tree BST check: new Range: (v, MAX)
            if (!r_BST)
                return false;

            return true;
         * Spent over 4 hours to go over solutions, on August 28, August 29, 2015
         * A list of solutions tried:
         * 1. recursive, time O(n), using beta-alpha pruning?
         * 2. recursive, use long Max value / min Value instead of int's to avoid the bug
         * 3. use inorder traversal output to help checking BST
         * 4. same as 3, value TreeNode variable
         * 5. sames as 3,
         * 6. same as 3,
         * 7. same as 3, but use iterative solution
         * 8. Great analysis, brute force solution, time complexity O(n^2) vs beta-alpha pruning time O(n)
         * Reference:
         * analysis from the above blog:
         * 对于每一个子树,限制它的最大,最小值,如果超过则返回false。

         * 红字部分是关键点。不把变量遗传下去的话,没法解决如下例子:
         * julia's comment:
         * 1. Failed to pass online judge:
         *  [2147483647] input, false, should be true
        public static bool isValidBST(TreeNode root)
            return IsValidBST(root, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);