예제 #1
        private void LoadData()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            Int16 Limit = 20;
            Int16 offset = 0;
            DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTips xmlTips = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.TipSearch(_strLat + "," + _strLon, Limit.ToString(), offset.ToString(), "", "",Program.AccessToken);

            if (xmlTips.count > 0)
                int y = 0;
                foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTip xmlTip in xmlTips.tips)
                    DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareVenue xmlVenue = xmlTip.venue;
                    if (xmlVenue != null)
                        ucVenueListItem oVenue = new ucVenueListItem(xmlVenue);

                        oVenue.Location = new Point(0, y);
                        oVenue.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                        oVenue.Width = pnlList.Width;

                        pnlList.Height = oVenue.Location.Y + oVenue.Height;

                        y += oVenue.Height + 3;

                    ucTipListItem oTip = new ucTipListItem(xmlTip);
                    oTip.Location = new Point(0, y);
                    oTip.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                    oTip.Width = pnlList.Width;

                    pnlList.Height = oTip.Location.Y + oTip.Height;

                    y += oTip.Height + 3;

                    Panel oLine = new Panel();
                    oLine.Location = new Point(0, y);
                    oLine.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                    oLine.Width = pnlList.Width;
                    oLine.Height = 1;
                    oLine.BackColor = Color.Black;

                    pnlList.Height = oLine.Location.Y + oLine.Height;

                    y += oLine.Height + 3;

                pnlList.Height += 3;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
예제 #2
        private void LoadData()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTodos xmlTodos;

            if (_strVenueName == "")
                xmlTodos = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.UserTodos("self", "recent", "", Program.AccessToken);
                xmlTodos = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.UserTodos("self", "nearby", _strLat + "," + _strLon, Program.AccessToken);

            if (xmlTodos.count > 0)
                int y = 0;
                foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTodo xmlTodo in xmlTodos.todos)
                    if (xmlTodo.tip != null)
                        DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareVenue xmlVenue = xmlTodo.tip.venue;
                        if (xmlVenue != null)
                            ucVenueListItem oVenue = new ucVenueListItem(xmlVenue);

                            oVenue.Location = new Point(0, y);
                            oVenue.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                            oVenue.Width = pnlList.Width;

                            pnlList.Height = oVenue.Location.Y + oVenue.Height;

                            y += oVenue.Height + 3;

                        if (xmlTodo.tip.user != null)
                            ucTipListItem oTip = new ucTipListItem(xmlTodo.tip);
                            oTip.Location = new Point(0, y);
                            oTip.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                            oTip.Width = pnlList.Width;

                            pnlList.Height = oTip.Location.Y + oTip.Height;

                            y += oTip.Height + 3;

                            Panel oLine = new Panel();
                            oLine.Location = new Point(0, y);
                            oLine.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                            oLine.Width = pnlList.Width;
                            oLine.Height = 1;
                            oLine.BackColor = Color.Black;

                            pnlList.Height = oLine.Location.Y + oLine.Height;

                            y += oLine.Height + 3;
                pnlList.Height += 3;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
예제 #3
        private void frmVenueDetails_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareVenue xmlVenue = DotNetSquare.NetSquare.Venue(_strVenueID, Program.AccessToken);

            if (xmlVenue.id != "")

                _strVenueName = xmlVenue.name;
                lblName.Text = _strVenueName;

                List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCategory> xmlCategories = xmlVenue.categories;
                lblCategory.Text = "Uncategorized";
                foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCategory xmlCategory in xmlCategories)
                    if (xmlCategory.primary)
                        _strCategory = xmlCategory.name;
                        lblCategory.Text = _strCategory;

                        _strIconURL = xmlCategory.icon;
                        pbIcon.Image = Program.getImageFromURL(_strIconURL);

                if (xmlVenue.contact != null)
                { _strTwitterID = xmlVenue.contact.twitter; }

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_strTwitterID))
                    pbTwitter.Visible = false;
                    pbTwitter.Visible = true;

                //geolat, geolong
                _strLat = xmlVenue.location.Lat;
                _strLon = xmlVenue.location.Long;
                if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_strLat)) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_strLon)))
                    pbMap.Image = Program.getImageFromURL(GoogleGeoCode.getGoogleMapURL(_strLat, _strLon, pbMap.Size, false));

                // address
                lblAddress.Text = Program.buildAddress(xmlVenue.location);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lblAddress.Text))
                    lblAddress.Visible = false;
                    lblAddress.Height = 0;

                // stats
                DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareStats xmlStats = xmlVenue.stats;
                if (xmlStats != null)
                    int iCheckins = Convert.ToInt32(xmlStats.checkinsCount);
                    if (iCheckins == 1)
                        lblCheckins.Text = "1 checkin";
                        lblCheckins.Text = iCheckins + " checkins";

                ////herenow - TO BE COMPLETED
                int iHereNow = xmlVenue.hereNow.count;
                if (iHereNow == 0)
                    btnViewUsers.Enabled = false;
                    // checkins
                    foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareHereNowGroup xmlHereNow in xmlVenue.hereNow.groups)
                        foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareCheckin xmlCheckin in xmlHereNow.items)
                            _xmlCheckins.count += 1;

                if (iHereNow == 1)
                    btnViewUsers.Text = "See The 1 User Here Now";
                    btnViewUsers.Text = "See The " + iHereNow + " Users Here Now";

                if (xmlVenue.beenHere > 0)
                    lblCheckins.Text += ", including yours!";

                DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareUser xmlMayorUser = xmlVenue.mayor.User;
                if (xmlMayorUser != null)
                    ucUserListItem oMayor = new ucUserListItem(xmlMayorUser);
                    oMayor.Location = new Point(0, lblMayor.Location.Y + lblMayor.Height + 3);
                    oMayor.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                    oMayor.Width = pnlMayor.Width;

                    pnlMayor.Height = oMayor.Location.Y + oMayor.Height;
                    pnlMayor.Height = 0;
                    pnlMayor.Visible = false;

                string strCount = xmlVenue.mayor.Checkins;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCount))
                    int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(strCount);
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        lblMayor.Text = "Mayor (with 1 checkin)";
                        lblMayor.Text = "Mayor (with " + iCount + " checkins)";
                    pnlMayor.Height = 0;
                    pnlMayor.Visible = false;

                Dictionary<string, List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTip>> xmlTips = xmlVenue.tips;
                int yTip = lblTips.Location.Y + lblTips.Height + 3;
                if (xmlTips.Count == 0)
                    pnlTips.Visible = false;
                    pnlTips.Height = 0;
                    foreach (List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTip> TipList in xmlTips.Values)
                        foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareTip xmlTip in TipList)
                            xmlTip.venue = xmlVenue;
                            ucTipListItem oTip = new ucTipListItem(xmlTip);
                            oTip.Location = new Point(0, yTip);
                            oTip.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                            oTip.Width = pnlTips.Width;

                            pnlTips.Height = oTip.Location.Y + oTip.Height;

                            yTip = oTip.Location.Y + oTip.Height + 3;

                            Panel oLine = new Panel();
                            oLine.Location = new Point(0, yTip);
                            oLine.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                            oLine.Width = pnlTips.Width;
                            oLine.Height = 1;
                            oLine.BackColor = Color.Black;

                            pnlTips.Height = oLine.Location.Y + oLine.Height;

                            yTip += oLine.Height + 3;

                //tags - TO BE CONFIRMED
                String[] xmlTags = xmlVenue.tags;
                int yTag = lblTags.Location.Y + lblTags.Height + 3;
                if (xmlTags.Count == 0)
                    pnlTags.Visible = false;
                    pnlTags.Height = 0;
                    foreach (XmlNode xmlTag in xmlTags)
                        Label oLabel = new Label();
                        oLabel.Location = new Point(0, yTag);
                        oLabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                        oLabel.Width = pnlTags.Width;
                        oLabel.Height = 13;
                        oLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
                        oLabel.Text = xmlTag.InnerText;

                        pnlTags.Height = oLabel.Location.Y + oLabel.Height;

                        yTag = oLabel.Location.Y + oLabel.Height + 3;
                List<DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareSpecial> xmlSpecials = xmlVenue.specials;
                int ySpecial = lblSpecials.Location.Y + lblSpecials.Height + 3;
                if (xmlSpecials.Count == 0)
                    pnlSpecials.Visible = false;
                    pnlSpecials.Height = 0;
                    foreach (DotNetSquare.NetSquare.FourSquareSpecial xmlSpecial in xmlSpecials)
                        ucSpecialListItem oSpecial = new ucSpecialListItem(xmlSpecial);
                        oSpecial.Location = new Point(0, ySpecial);
                        oSpecial.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                        oSpecial.Width = pnlSpecials.Width;

                        pnlSpecials.Height = oSpecial.Location.Y + oSpecial.Height;

                        ySpecial = oSpecial.Location.Y + oSpecial.Height + 3;

                        Panel oLine = new Panel();
                        oLine.Location = new Point(0, ySpecial);
                        oLine.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                        oLine.Width = pnlSpecials.Width;
                        oLine.Height = 1;
                        oLine.BackColor = Color.Black;

                        pnlSpecials.Height = oLine.Location.Y + oLine.Height;

                        ySpecial += oLine.Height + 3;

                // arrange stuff
                int y = pbMap.Location.Y + pbMap.Height + 3;
                lblAddress.Location = new Point(3, y);

                y = lblAddress.Location.Y + lblAddress.Height + 3;
                btnViewUsers.Location = new Point(3, y);

                y = btnViewUsers.Location.Y + btnViewUsers.Height + 3;
                pnlMayor.Location = new Point(3, y);

                y = pnlMayor.Location.Y + pnlMayor.Height + 3;
                pnlTips.Location = new Point(3, y);

                y = pnlTips.Location.Y + pnlTips.Height + 3;
                pnlTags.Location = new Point(3, y);

                y = pnlTags.Location.Y + pnlTags.Height + 3;
                pnlSpecials.Location = new Point(3, y);

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;