public EdgeViewModel(ClassBoxViewModel souce, ClassBoxViewModel sink)
     edge = new Edge();
     Sink   = sink.classBox;
     Source = souce.classBox;
예제 #2
        // There are two reasons for doing a 'MouseUp'.
        // Either a Line is being drawn, and the second Shape has just been chosen
        //  or a Shape is being moved and the move is now done.
        // This uses 'var' which is an implicit type variable (
        private void MouseUpShape(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Used for adding a Line.
            if (isAddingLine)
                // Get source
                if (addingLineFrom != null)
                    undoRedoController.AddAndExecute(new AddEdgeCommand(Lines, new EdgeViewModel(addingLineFrom, TargetShape(e))));
                    addingLineFrom = null;
                    isAddingLine   = false;
                    addingLineFrom = TargetShape(e);
                // The Shape is gotten from the mouse event.
                var shape = TargetShape(e);
                // The mouse position relative to the target of the mouse event.
                var mousePosition = RelativeMousePosition(e);

                // The Shape is moved back to its original position, so the offset given to the move command works.
                shape.X = initialShapePosition.X;
                shape.Y = initialShapePosition.Y;

                // Now that the Move Shape operation is over, the Shape is moved to the final position,
                //  by using a MoveNodeCommand to move it.
                // The MoveNodeCommand is given the offset that it should be moved relative to its original position,
                //  and with respect to the Undo/Redo functionality the Shape has only been moved once, with this Command.
                undoRedoController.AddAndExecute(new MoveShapeCommand(shape, mousePosition.X - initialMousePosition.X, mousePosition.Y - initialMousePosition.Y));

                // The mouse is released, as the move operation is done, so it can be used by other controls.