static void ImportUsersFromXML(string filename, ProductShopContext context)
            XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filename);

            while (reader.Read())
                if (reader.Name == "user")
                    User user = new User();
                    if (reader.GetAttribute("first-name") != null)
                        user.FirstName = reader.GetAttribute("first-name");

                    if (reader.GetAttribute("last-name") != null)
                        user.LastName = reader.GetAttribute("last-name");

                    if (reader.GetAttribute("age") != null)
                        user.Age = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("age"));

        static void ImportCategoriesFromJSON(string filename, ProductShopContext context)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename);
            List<Category> categories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Category>>(reader.ReadToEnd());

            foreach (var category in categories)

    private static void ExportCategoriesWithProductsCountToJSON(string filename, ProductShopContext context)
        var categories = context.Categories
            .OrderByDescending(c => c.Products.Count)
            .Select(c => new
                Category = c.Name,
                ProductsCount = c.Products.Count,
                AveragePrice = c.Products.Average(p => (decimal?)p.Price),
                TotalRevenue = c.Products.Sum(p => (decimal?)p.Price)

        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(categories, Formatting.Indented);

        WriteJSONToFile(filename, json);
    static void ExportProductsInRangeToJSON(decimal start, decimal end, string filename, ProductShopContext context)
        var products = context.Products
            .Where(p => p.Price >= start && p.Price <= end && p.Buyer == null)
            .Include(p => p.Seller.FirstName)
            .Include(p => p.Seller.LastName)
            .Select(p => new
                Name = p.Name,
                Price = p.Price,
                FullName = p.Seller.FirstName + " " + p.Seller.LastName

        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(products, Formatting.Indented);

        WriteJSONToFile(filename, json);
        static void ImportProductsFromJSON(string filename, ProductShopContext context)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename);
            List<Product> products = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Product>>(reader.ReadToEnd());

            Random randGenerator = new Random();
            foreach (var product in products)
                if ( !(randGenerator.Next(1, 100) < 30) )
                    product.Buyer = context.Users.Find(randGenerator.Next(1, context.Users.Count()));

                product.Seller = context.Users.Find(randGenerator.Next(1, context.Users.Count()));

                var category = context.Categories.Find(randGenerator.Next(1, context.Categories.Count()));


    private static void ExportSuccessfullySoldProductsToJSON(string filename, ProductShopContext context)
        var users = context.Users
            .Where(u => u.Products.Any(p => p.Buyer != null))
            .Include(u => u.Products)
            .Select(u => new
                FirstName = u.FirstName,
                LastName = u.LastName,
                SoldProducts = u.Products
                    .Where(p => p.Buyer != null)
                    .Select(p => new
                        Name = p.Name,
                        Price = p.Price,
                        BuyerFirstName = p.Buyer.FirstName,
                        BuyerLastName = p.Buyer.LastName

        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(users, Formatting.Indented);

        WriteJSONToFile(filename, json);
        static void Main()
            Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<ProductShopContext>());

            ProductShopContext context = new ProductShopContext();

            ImportUsersFromXML("../../users.xml", context);

            ImportCategoriesFromJSON("../../categories.json", context);

            ImportProductsFromJSON("../../products.json", context);
    private static void ExportUsersAndSoldProductsToXML(string filename, ProductShopContext context)
        var users = context.Users
            .Where(u => u.Products.Any(p => p.Buyer != null))
            .Include(u => u.Products)
            .Select(u => new
                FirstName = u.FirstName,
                LastName = u.LastName,
                Age = u.Age,
                SoldProducts = u.Products
                    .Where(p => p.Buyer != null)
                    .Select(p => new
                        Name = p.Name,
                        Price = p.Price

        var settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
        settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;
        settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
        settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false;
        settings.Indent = true;

        XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(filename, settings);

        writer.WriteAttributeString("count", users.Count.ToString());

        foreach (var user in users)

            if (user.FirstName != null)
                writer.WriteAttributeString("first-name", user.FirstName);

            if (user.LastName != null)
                writer.WriteAttributeString("last-name", user.LastName);

            if (user.Age != null)
                writer.WriteAttributeString("age", user.Age.ToString());

            writer.WriteAttributeString("count", user.SoldProducts.Count().ToString());

            foreach (var soldProduct in user.SoldProducts)
                if (soldProduct.Name != null)
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("name", soldProduct.Name);

                writer.WriteAttributeString("price", soldProduct.Price.ToString());

                // product

            // sold-products

            // user

        // users

    static void Main()
         * Query 1 - Products In Range
         * Get all products in a specified price range (e.g. 500 to 1000) which have no buyer.
         * Order them by price (from lowest to highest).
         * Select only the product name, price and the full name of the seller.

        ProductShopContext context = new ProductShopContext();

        ExportProductsInRangeToJSON(500, 1000, "../../01.products-in-range.json", context);

         * Query 2 - Successfully Sold Products
         * Get all users who have at least 1 sold item with a buyer.
         * Order them by last name, then by first name.
         * Select the person's first and last name.
         * For each of the sold products (products with buyers),
         * select the product's name, price and the buyer's first and last name.
         * Export the result to JSON.

        ExportSuccessfullySoldProductsToJSON("../../02.successfully-sold-products.json", context);

         * Query 3 - Categories By Products Count
         * Get all categories.
         * Order them by the number of products in that category (a product can be in many categories).
         * For each category select its name, the number of products, the average price of those products
         * and the total revenue (total price sum) of those products (regardless if they have a buyer or not).

        ExportCategoriesWithProductsCountToJSON("../../03.categories-with-products-count.json", context);

         * Query 4 - Users and Products
         * Get all users who have at least 1 sold product.
         * Order them by the number of sold products (from highest to lowest),
         * then by last name (ascending).
         * Select only their first and last name, age and for each product - name and price.
         * Export the results to XML.

        ExportUsersAndSoldProductsToXML("../../04.users-and-products.xml", context);