public User Login() { userIO.CenterText(userIO.zwitterAscii); userIO.PadLeft("Login\n", 2, ConsoleColor.Cyan); UpdateSearchLists(); userIO.PadLeft("Enter Email", 2); string eMail = userIO.GetUserString(); User user = GetUserByEmail(eMail); if (!CheckEmailInSystem(eMail)) { userIO.PadLeft("Email not found. Press enter to continue.", 2, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.ReadLine(); return(user); } userIO.PadLeft("Enter Password", 2); string password = GetPassword(); //check if email and pass are correct if (password != user.Password) { userIO.PadLeft("Password incorrect, press enter to continue", 2, ConsoleColor.DarkRed); Console.ReadLine(); return(user); } user.LoggedIn = true; LoadUserPosts(user); return(user); }
private string GetPostContent() { userIO.CenterText(userIO.zwitterAscii); userIO.PadLeft("What's happening?", 2, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); string content = userIO.GetUserString(); if (content.Length > 95) { userIO.PadLeft("Zweet has max of 80 characters! It will be cut! Press enter to continue", 2, ConsoleColor.DarkRed); Console.ReadLine(); content = content.Substring(0, 80); } return(content); }