private void SpawnMonster(Entity e, SkillDatam datam) { if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <CharacterRaycaster>(e) == false) { return; } int monsterID =; ZoxID zoxID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e); CharacterRaycaster caster = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CharacterRaycaster>(e); WorldBound worldBound = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <WorldBound>(e); if (caster.DidCast() == 1) { ZoxID stats = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e); //caster.triggered = 1; World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, caster); int clanID = stats.clanID; if (datam.Value.isSpawnHostile == 1) { clanID = Bootstrap.GenerateUniqueID(); } CharacterSpawnSystem.SpawnNPC(World.EntityManager,, monsterID, clanID, caster.voxelPosition,; /*if (datam.Value.isSpawnHostile != 1) * { * Entity npc = characterSpawnSystem.characters[spawnedID]; * ZoxID spawnedZoxID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<ZoxID>(npc); * spawnedZoxID.creatorID =; * World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(npc, spawnedZoxID); * }*/ AudioManager.instance.PlaySound(, caster.voxelPosition); //Debug.LogError("Spawning Turret at: " + caster.voxelPosition.ToString()); } }
private void SpawnVoxel(Entity e, VoxelDatam voxelMeta) { CharacterRaycaster caster = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CharacterRaycaster>(e); WorldBound worldBound = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <WorldBound>(e); if (caster.DidCast() == 1) { //Debug.LogError("Spawning voxel at: " + caster.voxelPosition.ToString()); VoxelSpawnSystem.QueueVoxel(caster.voxelPosition,,; } }
protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.WithAll <CharacterRaycaster>().ForEach((Entity e, ref CharacterRaycaster raycaster) => { if (raycaster.commandID == 0) { if (UnityEngine.Time.time - raycaster.lastCasted >= 0.1f) { raycaster.lastCasted = UnityEngine.Time.time; if (voxelRaycastSystem != null) { Entity camera =; var zoxID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(camera).id; if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Controller>(e)) { Controller controller = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Controller>(e); WorldBound worldBound = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <WorldBound>(e); if (controller.inputType == (byte)(DeviceType.KeyboardMouse)) { float2 screenPosition = cameraSystem.GetScreenPosition(zoxID); raycaster.commandID = voxelRaycastSystem.QueueRaycast(screenPosition,, camera); } else { float2 screenPosition = cameraSystem.GetScreenPosition(zoxID, new float2(Screen.width / 2f, Screen.height / 2f)); raycaster.commandID = voxelRaycastSystem.QueueRaycast(screenPosition,, camera); } } else { Debug.LogError("Raycasting not supported by npcs yet."); //raycaster.commandID = voxelRaycastSystem.QueueRaycast(screenPosition, raycaster.cameraID); } } } } else { if (VoxelRaycastSystem.commandOutputPositions.ContainsKey(raycaster.commandID)) { raycaster.voxelPosition = VoxelRaycastSystem.PullPosition(raycaster.commandID); raycaster.commandID = 0; } } if (raycaster.DidCast() == 1) { voxelPreviewSystem.SetPosition(raycaster.voxelPosition - new float3(0, 0.49f, 0)); // Bootstrap.instance.selectedVoxel.transform.position = ; } }); }
private byte GetVoxelType(Voxels.World world, WorldBound worldBound, int3 voxelPosition) { var chunkPosition = VoxelRaycastSystem.GetChunkPosition(voxelPosition, worldBound.voxelDimensions); Chunk chunk; if (GetChunk(world, chunkPosition, out chunk) && chunk.Value.voxels.Length > 0) { if (chunk.isGenerating == 1) { return(1); } int voxelIndex = VoxelRaycastSystem.GetVoxelArrayIndex(voxelPosition - chunk.GetVoxelPosition(), worldBound.voxelDimensions); if (voxelIndex >= chunk.Value.voxels.Length) { return(1); } return(chunk.Value.voxels[voxelIndex]); } return(1); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.WithAll <Equipment>().ForEach((Entity e, ref Equipment equipment) => { if (equipment.dirty == 1) { equipment.dirty = 0; // get VoxData of the character stored in world system VoxData model = new VoxData { id = Bootstrap.GenerateUniqueID() }; // make this part of equipment //var voxes = new List<VoxData>(); //var positions = new List<int3>(); // after added them all, offset all positions by min, also get max to use as size //var operations = new List<VoxOperation>(); var bodyLayer = new VoxBuildLayer(); bodyLayer.Init(); var gearLayer = new VoxBuildLayer(); gearLayer.Init(); for (int i = 0; i < equipment.body.Length; i++) { // first find core // then for its meta // find any children of that core // then loop for them // different merge function for each axis enum + the offset of the slot var core = equipment.body[i].data; if (meta.ContainsKey( { if ( == 0) { var coreDatam = meta[]; //Debug.LogError("Adding Core"); bodyLayer.voxes.Add(; bodyLayer.positions.Add(int3.Zero()); bodyLayer.operations.Add(VoxOperation.None); bodyLayer.parents.Add(-1); bodyLayer.bonePositions.Add( / 2); bodyLayer.axes.Add((byte)SlotAxis.Center); //float3 realPosition =; //bodyLayer.realPositions.Add(realPosition); AddChildren(ref equipment, ref bodyLayer, ref gearLayer, //ref voxes, ref positions, ref operations, VoxOperation.None, core, i, int3.Zero()); break; } } } // combine voxes var combinedVoxes = new List <VoxData>(); combinedVoxes.AddRange(bodyLayer.voxes); combinedVoxes.AddRange(gearLayer.voxes); var combinedPositions = new List <int3>(); combinedPositions.AddRange(bodyLayer.positions); combinedPositions.AddRange(gearLayer.positions); int3 size = VoxData.GetSize(combinedVoxes, combinedPositions); int3 min; int3 max; VoxData.CalculateMinMax(combinedVoxes, combinedPositions, out min, out max); int3 addition = VoxData.CalculateAddition(min, max); bodyLayer.positions = VoxData.FixPositions(bodyLayer.positions, addition); gearLayer.positions = VoxData.FixPositions(gearLayer.positions, addition); model.Build(bodyLayer, gearLayer, size); // updates body model using this new vox data float3 bodySize = model.GetSize(); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, new Body { size = bodySize }); WorldBound worldBound = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <WorldBound>(e); worldBound.size = bodySize; World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, worldBound); // this can be done in equip system int id = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e).id; //Debug.LogError("Equipment Mesh updated for: " + id); WorldSpawnSystem.QueueUpdateModel(World.EntityManager, e, id, model); if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Skeleton>(e)) { var skeleton = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Skeleton>(e); //skeleton.SetBody(model.size, bodyLayer.positions, bodyLayer.voxes); combinedPositions = VoxData.FixPositions(combinedPositions, addition); bodyLayer.bonePositions = VoxData.FixPositions(bodyLayer.bonePositions, addition); skeleton.SetBody(model.size, combinedPositions, combinedVoxes); skeleton.SetBones(World.EntityManager, e, bodyLayer.positions.ToArray(), bodyLayer.voxes.ToArray(), bodyLayer.bonePositions.ToArray(), bodyLayer.parents.ToArray(), bodyLayer.axes.ToArray()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, skeleton); } } }); }