public bool Processed(AnimalListInZoo animals) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + "\n" + "###commands:(kindOfAnimal must be Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Bear, Wolf or Fox)###"); Console.WriteLine("Add new: [add <nickName> <kindOfAnimal>]"); Console.WriteLine("Give food: [feed <nickName>]"); Console.WriteLine("Provide medical care: [cure <nickName>]"); Console.WriteLine("Remove from zoo: [erase <nickName>]"); Console.WriteLine("Make state worse: [starve <nickName>]"); Console.WriteLine("\nAll, grouped by kind of animal: [allkind]"); Console.WriteLine("All, in some state(Full, Hungry, Ill, Dead): [allstate <state>]"); Console.WriteLine("Ill Tigers: [illtigers]"); Console.WriteLine("Elephant with nickname: [nickel <nickName>]"); Console.WriteLine("Nicknames of Hungry animals: [hungryn]"); Console.WriteLine("Healthiest animals of each kind(only one): [healthk]"); Console.WriteLine("Count of dead animals of each kind: [deadk]"); Console.WriteLine("Wolfs and Bears with>3 health: [hwb]"); Console.WriteLine("Healthiest and Sickest animals: [minmax]"); Console.WriteLine("Average health in zoo: [avg]"); Console.WriteLine("\ndestroy"); Console.WriteLine("exit"); Console.Write("\n" + "Enter need command: "); string strIn = Console.ReadLine(); string[] command = strIn.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (command.Length > 0) { switch (command[0].ToLower()) { case "add": if (command.Length > 2 && animals.AddRecord(command[1], command[2])) { return(true); } break; case "feed": if (command.Length > 1 && animals.FeedAnimal(command[1])) { return(true); } break; case "cure": if (command.Length > 1 && animals.CureAnimal(command[1])) { return(true); } break; case "erase": if (command.Length > 1 && animals.EraseAnimalIfDead(command[1])) { return(true); } break; case "starve": if (command.Length > 1 && animals.StarveAnimal(command[1])) { return(true); } break; case "destroy": Console.WriteLine("End of zoo...!!!"); animals.DestroyZooRandom(); return(false); case "exit": Console.WriteLine("End of changing zoo..."); return(false); case "allkind": animals.OutputFullList(data.AllByKind(animals.Records), "All, grouped by kind of animal:"); return(true); case "allstate": animals.OutputFullList((command.Length > 1) ? data.AllInState(animals.Records, command[1]) : null, (command.Length > 1) ? "Animals in state: " + command[1] : "Wrong format command"); return(true); case "illtigers": animals.OutputFullList(data.IllTigers(animals.Records), "Ill Tigers:"); return(true); case "nickel": animals.OutputFullList((command.Length > 1) ? data.NickElephant(animals.Records, command[1]) : null, (command.Length > 1) ? "Elephant with nickname: " + command[1] : "Wrong format command"); return(true); case "hungryn": animals.OutputFullList(data.HungryNicks(animals.Records), "Nicknames of Hungry animals:"); return(true); case "healthk": animals.OutputFullList(data.KindHealthiest(animals.Records), "Healtiest animals of each kind(only one):"); return(true); case "deadk": data.KindDead(animals.Records, "Count of dead animals of each kind:"); return(true); case "hwb": animals.OutputFullList(data.HealthyWolfsBears(animals.Records), "Wolfs and Bears with>3 health: "); return(true); case "minmax": data.HealthiestSickest(animals.Records, "Healthiest and Sickest animals:"); return(true); case "avg": data.AvgHealth(animals.Records, "Average health in zoo:"); return(true); default: Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command"); return(true); } } return(true); }