private void GatherSingleZoneData(Zone_Growing zone, out SingleZoneGrowingData data) { data = new SingleZoneGrowingData(); = zone; Plant plant; int growthRate; float harvestMinGrowth = zone.GetPlantDefToGrow().plant.harvestMinGrowth * 100; //analyze growth values foreach (Thing t in zone.AllContainedThings) { if (t.def == zone.GetPlantDefToGrow()) { plant = t as Plant; if (plant != null) { growthRate = (int)(plant.Growth * 100); data.growRatesAbsolute[growthRate]++; data.totalPlantedCount++; if (growthRate >= 100) { data.fullyGrownPlants.Add(t); } if (growthRate >= harvestMinGrowth) { data.harvestablePlants.Add(t); } } } } //add curve points growthValueDrawInfo.curve = new SimpleCurve(); float maxYValue = 0; if (data.totalPlantedCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.growRatesAbsolute.Length; i++) { growthValueDrawInfo.curve.Add(new CurvePoint((float)i, 100 * data.growRatesAbsolute[i] / data.totalPlantedCount), false); } maxYValue = 100 * data.growthRateMaxCount / data.totalPlantedCount + 5; } else { growthValueDrawInfo.curve.Add(new CurvePoint(0f, 0f), false); growthValueDrawInfo.curve.Add(new CurvePoint(100f, 0f), false); maxYValue = 5; } //draw vertical marker harvestableMarkerDrawInfo.color = Color.white; harvestableMarkerDrawInfo.curve = new SimpleCurve(); harvestableMarkerDrawInfo.curve.Add(-5, -5f, false); harvestableMarkerDrawInfo.curve.Add(harvestMinGrowth, -5f, false); harvestableMarkerDrawInfo.curve.Add(harvestMinGrowth, Math.Min(100, maxYValue), false); harvestableMarkerDrawInfo.curve.Add(harvestMinGrowth, -5f, false); curves.Add(growthValueDrawInfo); curves.Add(harvestableMarkerDrawInfo); }
private void DrawSingleSelectionInfo(Rect rect) { //Draw Graph try { SingleZoneGrowingData singleZoneData = singleZoneDataList[0]; GUI.BeginGroup(rect); //-20f for x due to adjustments when displaying measures Rect graphRect = new Rect(-20f, 90f, rect.width - 24f, GROWINGZONE_SINGLE_SELECT_GRAPHHEIGHT); Rect yAxisLabelRect = new Rect(12f, 78f, graphRect.yMin - 12, 20); Rect xAxisLabelRect = new Rect(12f, graphRect.yMax - 6, rect.width - 36, 20); Rect infoRect = new Rect(40f, xAxisLabelRect.yMax, graphRect.width - 80f, GROWINGZONE_SINGLE_SELECT_INFOHEIGHT - 12f); //draw graph and labels Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; GUI.color = AXIS_LABEL_COLOR; Widgets.Label(yAxisLabelRect, "Value".Translate() + " (%)"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; Widgets.Label(xAxisLabelRect, "PercentGrowth".Translate(new object[] { "%" })); SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurves(graphRect, this.curves, curveDrawerStyle, null); //draw infos Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; GUI.color = AXIS_LABEL_COLOR; float singleInfoWidth = infoRect.width / 5f; //Draw total empty cells Rect iconRect1 = new Rect(infoRect.x + (singleInfoWidth / 2) - 10f, infoRect.y + 5f, 20f, 20f); GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect1, emptyCellCountIcon); Rect emptyCellRectLabel = new Rect(infoRect.x, iconRect1.yMax + 10f, singleInfoWidth, 20f); Widgets.Label(emptyCellRectLabel, "x" + ( - singleZoneData.totalPlantedCount)); //Draw total cells with plants Rect iconRect2 = new Rect(iconRect1.x + singleInfoWidth, iconRect1.y, 20f, 20f); GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect2, nonEmptyCellCountIcon); Rect nonEmptyCellRectLabel = new Rect(emptyCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, 20f); Widgets.Label(nonEmptyCellRectLabel, "x" + singleZoneData.totalPlantedCount); //Draw non harvestable cells (growth value limit not reached) Rect iconRect3 = new Rect(iconRect2.x + singleInfoWidth - 1, iconRect1.y, 10f, 20f); Rect iconRect4 = new Rect(iconRect3.xMax + 2f, iconRect1.y, 10f, 20f); GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect3, nonHarvestableIcon); GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect4, nonHarvestableIcon); Rect nonHarvestableCellRectLabel = new Rect(nonEmptyCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, 20f); Widgets.Label(nonHarvestableCellRectLabel, "x" + (singleZoneData.totalPlantedCount - singleZoneData.harvestablePlants.Count)); //Draw harvestable cells (growth value limit reached) Rect iconRect5 = new Rect(iconRect3.x + singleInfoWidth, iconRect1.y, 20f, 20f); GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect5, harvestableIcon); if (Mouse.IsOver(iconRect5)) { Widgets.DrawBox(iconRect5); } Rect harvestableCellRectLabel = new Rect(nonHarvestableCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, 20f); Widgets.Label(harvestableCellRectLabel, "x" + singleZoneData.harvestablePlants.Count); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(iconRect5)) { Find.Selector.ClearSelection(); foreach (Thing t in singleZoneData.harvestablePlants) { if (!t.Destroyed) { Find.Selector.Select(t, false); } } } //Draw fully grown cells (growth value >= 100%) Rect iconRect6 = new Rect(iconRect5.x + singleInfoWidth, iconRect1.y, 20f, 20f); GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect6, fullyGrown); if (Mouse.IsOver(iconRect6)) { Widgets.DrawBox(iconRect6); } Rect fullyGrownCellRectLabel = new Rect(harvestableCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, 20f); Widgets.Label(fullyGrownCellRectLabel, "x" + singleZoneData.fullyGrownPlants.Count); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(iconRect6)) { Find.Selector.ClearSelection(); foreach (Thing t in singleZoneData.fullyGrownPlants) { if (!t.Destroyed) { Find.Selector.Select(t, false); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorOnce(string.Concat(new object[] { "Error in Mod ZoneInspectData: ZoneGrowingInspectPaneFiller#DrawGraph ", Find.Selector.FirstSelectedObject, ": ", ex.StackTrace }), this.GetHashCode()); } finally { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); } }
private bool DrawZoneInfo(Rect rect, Rect headerRect, ref float singleInfoWidth, SingleZoneGrowingData data) { bool result = true; try { Rect rect1 = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, headerRect.xMin, rect.height); GUI.color = Color.white; //write plant name Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(rect1,; //write numbers Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Rect emptyCellRectLabel = new Rect(headerRect.x, rect1.y, singleInfoWidth, rect.height); Rect nonEmptyCellRectLabel = new Rect(emptyCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, rect.height); Rect nonHarvestableCellRectLabel = new Rect(nonEmptyCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, rect.height); Rect harvestableCellRectLabel = new Rect(nonHarvestableCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, rect.height); Rect fullyGrownCellRectLabel = new Rect(harvestableCellRectLabel.xMax, emptyCellRectLabel.y, singleInfoWidth, rect.height); Widgets.Label(emptyCellRectLabel, "x" + ( - data.totalPlantedCount)); Widgets.Label(nonEmptyCellRectLabel, "x" + data.totalPlantedCount); Widgets.Label(nonHarvestableCellRectLabel, "x" + (data.totalPlantedCount - data.harvestablePlants.Count)); Widgets.Label(harvestableCellRectLabel, "x" + data.harvestablePlants.Count); Widgets.Label(fullyGrownCellRectLabel, "x" + data.fullyGrownPlants.Count); //additional feature Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(rect); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect)) { Find.Selector.ClearSelection(); Find.Selector.Select(; } } catch (Exception e) { result = false; Log.Error("EXCEPTION in drawing data row: " + + " .. " + e.Message); } return(result); }