public void FillTo(ResourceInfo target) { target.Author = Author; target.ArchiveName = ArchiveName; target.Name = Name; target.Dependencies = Dependencies; target.Description = Description; target.Game = Game; target.ShortGame = ShortGame; target.ShortName = ShortName; target.PrimaryModVersion = PrimaryModVersion; target.CheckSum = CheckSum; target.ModType = ModType; target.Mutator = Mutator; target.ArchivePath = ArchivePath; }
public ArchiveCache(string unitsyncWritableFolder) { Archives = new List<ResourceInfo>(); var fi = GetCacheFile(unitsyncWritableFolder); if (fi != null) { var lua = new Lua(); var luaEnv = lua.CreateEnvironment(); using (var file = fi.OpenText()) { dynamic result = luaEnv.DoChunk(file, "dummy.lua"); foreach (var archive in result.archives) { var v = archive.Value; if (v.archivedata != null) { var newEntry = new ResourceInfo() { ArchiveName =, ArchivePath = v.path, Name =, Author =, Description = v.archivedata.description, Mutator = v.mutator, ShortGame = v.shortgame, Game =, ShortName = v.shortname, PrimaryModVersion = v.version, }; if (v.archivedata.modtype != null) newEntry.ModType = v.archivedata.modtype; if (v.checksum != null) { uint temp; if (uint.TryParse(v.checksum, out temp)) newEntry.CheckSum = temp; } if (v.archivedata.depend != null) foreach (var dep in v.archivedata.depend) newEntry.Dependencies.Add(dep.Value); Archives.Add(newEntry); } } } } }
public static byte[] SerializeAndCompressMetaData(ResourceInfo info) { var serializedStream = new MemoryStream(); new XmlSerializer(info.GetType()).Serialize(serializedStream, info); serializedStream.Position = 0; return serializedStream.ToArray().Compress(); }
private static void Register(UnitSync unitsync, ResourceInfo resource) { Trace.TraceInformation("UnitSyncer: registering {0}", resource.Name); try { var info = unitsync.GetResourceFromFileName(resource.ArchivePath); if (info != null) { var serializedData = MetaDataCache.SerializeAndCompressMetaData(info); var map = info as Map; var creator = new TorrentCreator(); creator.Path = resource.ArchivePath; var ms = new MemoryStream(); creator.Create(ms); byte[] minimap = null; byte[] metalMap = null; byte[] heightMap = null; if (map != null) { minimap = map.Minimap.ToBytes(ImageSize); metalMap = map.Metalmap.ToBytes(ImageSize); heightMap = map.Heightmap.ToBytes(ImageSize); } var hash = Hash.HashBytes(File.ReadAllBytes(resource.ArchivePath)); var length = new FileInfo(resource.ArchivePath).Length; Trace.TraceInformation("UnitSyncer: uploading {0} to server", info.Name); ReturnValue e; try { var service = GlobalConst.GetContentService(); e = service.RegisterResource(PlasmaServiceVersion, null, hash.ToString(), (int)length, info.ResourceType, resource.ArchiveName, info.Name, serializedData, info.Dependencies, minimap, metalMap, heightMap, ms.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("UnitSyncer: Error uploading data to server: {0}", ex); return; } if (e != ReturnValue.Ok) Trace.TraceWarning("UnitSyncer: Resource registering failed: {0}", e); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error registering resource {0} : {1}", resource.ArchivePath, ex); } }