Identifier ReadIdentifer(IdContainer Container, Identifier Parent) { var IdScope = Container.GetParent <IdentifierScope>(); if (IdScope == null || IdScope.Identifier != Parent) { throw new ApplicationException(); } var IdPos = Reader.BaseStream.Position - BeginningPos; if (IdPos != ReadLEB128_Long()) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException(); } #warning CHECK var ParentIdRef = ReadLEB128_Int(); var Byte = Reader.ReadByte(); var DeclaredIdType = (DeclaredIdType)(Byte & 15); var Access = (IdentifierAccess)(Byte >> 4); var FlagData = Reader.ReadUInt16(); var Flags = (IdentifierFlags)FlagData & IdentifierFlags.All; var HasName = (FlagData & 16384) != 0; var HasOverloads = (FlagData & 32768) != 0; var HasSpecialName = (Flags & IdentifierFlags.SpecialName) != 0; var Name = HasName ? new CodeString(ReadLEB128_String()) : new CodeString(); var AssemblyName = HasSpecialName ? ReadLEB128_String() : null; var StructuredScope = Container as StructuredScope; var IsGlobal = (Flags & IdentifierFlags.Static) != 0 || !(Container.RealContainer is StructuredScope); var Ret = (Identifier)null; if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Alias) { Ret = new IdentifierAlias(Container, Name, null); ReadReference(Ret, ReferenceDestination.RealId, -1); UpdateList.Add(Ret); } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Class || DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Struct) { StructuredType Structured; if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Class) { Ret = Structured = new ClassType(Container, Name); } else { Ret = Structured = new StructType(Container, Name); } Structured.InstanceSize = ReadLEB128_Int(); if (Structured.InstanceSize <= 0) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid size"); } Structured.Align = ReadLEB128_Int(); Structured.LayoutCalculated = true; if (!DataStoring.VerifyAlign(Structured.Align)) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid alingment"); } if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Struct) { Structured.Size = Structured.InstanceSize; } Structured.Guid = ReadGuid(); var BaseCount = ReadLEB128_Int(); Structured.BaseStructures = new StructureBase[BaseCount]; for (var i = 0; i < BaseCount; i++) { ReadReferenceDeclared(Structured, ReferenceDestination.Base, i); } Structured.FunctionTableIndex = ReadLEB128_Int(); var Scope = new StructuredScope(Container, new CodeString(), Structured); Container.Children.Add(Scope); Structured.StructuredScope = Scope; ReadIdList(Scope, Structured); UpdateList.Add(Ret); } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Enum || DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Flag) { EnumType Enum; if (DeclaredIdType == Zinnia.DeclaredIdType.Enum) { Ret = Enum = new EnumType(Container, Name, new CodeString()); } else { Ret = Enum = new FlagType(Container, Name, new CodeString()); } ReadReference(Enum, ReferenceDestination.Children, 0); var Scope = new EnumScope(Container, new CodeString(), Enum); Container.Children.Add(Scope); Enum.EnumScope = Scope; var MemberCount = ReadLEB128_Int(); if (MemberCount != 0) { if (MemberCount < 0) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException(); } for (var i = 0; i < MemberCount; i++) { var ConstName = new CodeString(ReadLEB128_String()); if (!ConstName.IsValidIdentifierName) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid identifier name"); } if (Identifiers.IsDefined(Scope.IdentifierList, ConstName.ToString())) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Identifier already defined"); } var Const = new ConstVariable(Container, ConstName, Enum, ReadConst()); Scope.IdentifierList.Add(Const); } } UpdateList.Add(Enum); } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Function || DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Constructor) { Function Function; FunctionOverloads Overloads; if (DeclaredIdType == Zinnia.DeclaredIdType.Function) { Overloads = Container.GetOverload(Name.ToString()); if (IsGlobal) { Ret = Function = new Function(Container, Name, null, Overloads); } else { Ret = Function = new MemberFunction(Container, Name, null, Overloads); } } else { if (HasName) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Constructors cannot have name"); } if (StructuredScope == null) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid container"); } if (StructuredScope.ConstructorOverloads == null) { StructuredScope.ConstructorOverloads = new FunctionOverloads(null); } Overloads = StructuredScope.ConstructorOverloads; Ret = Function = new Constructor(Container, null, Overloads, new CodeString()); } ReadReference(Function, ReferenceDestination.Children, 0); var OverloadIndex = HasOverloads ? ReadLEB128_Int() : 0; for (var i = 0; i < Overloads.Functions.Count; i++) { var OverloadFunc = Overloads.Functions[i]; if (OverloadFunc.OverloadIndex == OverloadIndex) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Function with the same overload index"); } /* * if (Function.AreParametersSame(OverloadFunc)) * throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Function with the same name and parameters");*/ } Function.OverloadIndex = OverloadIndex; Overloads.Functions.Add(Function); if ((Flags & IdentifierFlags.Virtual) != 0) { var MemberFunc = Function as MemberFunction; MemberFunc.VirtualIndex = ReadLEB128_Int(); if ((Flags & IdentifierFlags.Override) != 0) { ReadReferenceDeclared(MemberFunc, ReferenceDestination.OverriddenId, -1); } } Function.GlobalPointerIndex = ReadLEB128_Int(); } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Destructor) { if (HasName) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Destructors cannot have name"); } if (StructuredScope == null) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid container"); } var Function = new Destructor(Container, null, new CodeString()); ReadReference(Function, ReferenceDestination.Children, 0); Function.GlobalPointerIndex = ReadLEB128_Int(); Ret = Function; } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Variable) { if (IsGlobal) { Ret = new GlobalVariable(Container, Name, null); } else { Ret = new MemberVariable(Container, Name, null); } ReadReference(Ret, ReferenceDestination.Children, 0); if (!IsGlobal) { var MemVar = Ret as MemberVariable; MemVar.Offset = ReadLEB128_Int(); } else { var Global = Ret as GlobalVariable; Global.GlobalPointerIndex = ReadLEB128_Int(); } } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Constant) { var Const = new ConstVariable(Container, Name, null, null); ReadReference(Const, ReferenceDestination.Children, 0); Const.ConstInitValue = ReadConst(); Ret = Const; } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Property) { var Property = new Property(Container, Name, (Type)null); var PScope = new PropertyScope(Container, new CodeString(), Property); Container.Children.Add(PScope); Property.PropertyScope = PScope; ReadReference(Property, ReferenceDestination.Children, 0); ReadParameterReferences(Property); var Data = Reader.ReadByte(); if ((Data & 1) != 0) { PScope.Getter = ReadIdentifer(PScope, Property) as Function; } if ((Data & 2) != 0) { PScope.Setter = ReadIdentifer(PScope, Property) as Function; } Ret = Property; } else if (DeclaredIdType == DeclaredIdType.Namespace) { var Scope = Container as NamespaceScope; if (Scope == null) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid container"); } if (Access != IdentifierAccess.Public) { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid access"); } var Options = new GetIdOptions() { Func = x => x is Namespace }; var Namespace = Identifiers.GetMember(State, Parent, Name, Options) as Namespace; if (Namespace == null) { Ret = Namespace = new Namespace(Container, Name); } var NewScope = new NamespaceScope(Container, new CodeString(), Namespace); Container.Children.Add(NewScope); Namespace.AddScope(NewScope); ReadIdList(NewScope, Namespace); } else { throw new InvalidAssemblyException("Invalid identifier type"); } if (Ret != null) { if (HasSpecialName) { Ret.AssemblyName = AssemblyName; } Ret.Access = Access; Ret.Flags = Flags; Ret.DescPosition = IdPos; CurrentAssembly.Ids.Add(IdPos, Ret); } return(Ret); }
public SimpleRecResult Declare() { var State = Container.State; var Arch = State.Arch; //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (Type == TypeDeclType.Struct || Type == TypeDeclType.Class) { var NewType = (StructuredType)null; if (Type == TypeDeclType.Struct) { NewType = new StructType(Container, Name); if (Bases.Length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < Bases.Length; i++) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.CannotInherit, Bases[i].Name); } return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } } else { NewType = new ClassType(Container, Name); } if (!Modifiers.Apply(Mods, NewType)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } if (!Container.DeclareIdentifier(NewType)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } NewType.BaseStructures = Bases; NewType.StructuredScope = new StructuredScope(Container, Inner, NewType); Container.Children.Add(NewType.StructuredScope); DeclaredType = NewType; return(SimpleRecResult.Succeeded); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ else if (Type == TypeDeclType.Enum || Type == TypeDeclType.Flag) { var NewType = (EnumType)null; if (Bases.Length == 1) { if (Type == TypeDeclType.Flag) { NewType = new FlagType(Container, Name, Bases[0].Name); } else { NewType = new EnumType(Container, Name, Bases[0].Name); } if (Bases[0].Base != null) { NewType.Children[0] = Bases[0].Base; } if (Bases[0].Flags != StructureBaseFlags.None) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.NotExpected, Bases[0].Declaration); return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } } else if (Bases.Length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < Bases.Length; i++) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.NotExpected, Bases[i].Declaration); } return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } else { if (Type == TypeDeclType.Flag) { NewType = new FlagType(Container, Name, new CodeString()); } else { NewType = new EnumType(Container, Name, new CodeString()); } } if (!Modifiers.Apply(Mods, NewType)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } if (!Container.DeclareIdentifier(NewType)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } NewType.EnumScope = new EnumScope(Container, Inner, NewType); Container.Children.Add(NewType.EnumScope); DeclaredType = NewType; return(SimpleRecResult.Succeeded); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ else { throw new ApplicationException(); } }