private void SpawnMobT(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { ushort id = ushort.Parse(param[1]); int count = 1; if (param.Length >= 3) { count = int.Parse(param[2]); } if (DataProvider.Instance.MobsByID.ContainsKey(id)) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Mob mob = new Mob(id, new Vector2(character.Position)); character.Map.FullAddObject(mob); } } else character.DropMessage("Monster ID not found."); }
private void Test(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { ushort skillid = ushort.Parse(param[1]); if (!DataProvider.Instance.ActiveSkillsByID.ContainsKey(skillid)) { character.DropMessage("Unknown skill."); } else if (character.SkillsActive.ContainsKey(skillid)) { character.DropMessage("You already have that skill"); } else { character.SkillsActive.Add(skillid, new Skill(character, skillid)); Handler18.SendSkillLearnt(character, skillid); } }
private void Pos(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { character.DropMessage("Map= {0} ({1}); Pos= {2}:{3};", character.Map.MapID, character.Map.MapInfo.FullName, character.Position.X, character.Position.Y); }
private void SpawnMob(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { ushort id = ushort.Parse(param[1]); if (DataProvider.Instance.MobsByID.ContainsKey(id)) { Mob mob = new Mob((ushort)(param.Length == 2 ? id : 1045), new Vector2(character.Position)); character.Map.FullAddObject(mob); } else character.DropMessage("Monster ID not found."); }
private void List(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { character.DropMessage("Your l33t commands:"); foreach (var kvp in commands) { if (kvp.Value.GmLevel <= character.Client.Admin) { character.DropMessage("{0} {1}", kvp.Key, string.Join(" ", kvp.Value.Parameters)); } } }
private void Performance(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { character.DropMessage("Ticks per second on this zone: {0}", Worker.Instance.TicksPerSecond); }
private void IsGay(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { ZoneClient otherclient = ClientManager.Instance.GetClientByName(param[1]); if (otherclient == null || otherclient.Character == null) { character.DropMessage("Character not found."); } ZoneCharacter other = otherclient.Character; Question question = new Question("Are you gay?", new QuestionCallback(AnswerGay), character); question.Add("Yes", "No", "Boobs!"); other.Question = question; question.Send(other); }
private void ItemCommand(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { ushort id = ushort.Parse(param[1]); byte amount = 1; if (param.Length > 2) { amount = byte.Parse(param[2]); } switch (character.GiveItem(id, amount)) { case FiestaLib.InventoryStatus.FULL: Handler12.InventoryFull(character); return; case FiestaLib.InventoryStatus.NOT_FOUND: character.DropMessage("Item not found."); return; } }
private void CommandParam(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { string input = param[1]; string request; if (!input.StartsWith("&")) { request = "&" + input; } else request = input; CommandInfo info; if (commands.TryGetValue(request, out info)) { string output = request + ": "; if (info.Parameters.Length > 0) { foreach (var par in info.Parameters) { output += "[" + par + "] "; } } else output += "None"; character.DropMessage(output); } else character.DropMessage("Command not found."); }
private void ChangeMap(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { ushort mapid = 0; if (!ushort.TryParse(param[1], out mapid)) { param[1] = param[1].ToLower(); var map = DataProvider.Instance.MapsByID.Values.ToList().Find(m => m.ShortName.ToLower() == param[1]); if (map != null) { mapid = map.ID; } else { character.DropMessage("Map not found"); return; } } else { if (!DataProvider.Instance.MapsByID.ContainsKey(mapid)) { character.DropMessage("Map not found"); return; } } if (param.Length > 2) { int x = int.Parse(param[2]); int y = int.Parse(param[3]); character.ChangeMap(mapid, x, y); } character.ChangeMap(mapid); }
private void AdminLevel(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "GM {0} authenticated ingame.", character.Name); character.DropMessage("Admin level is {0}", character.Client.Admin); InterHandler.SendWorldMessage(FiestaLib.WorldMessageTypes.Level20, "Fun!"); }
private void SpawnMobT(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { string mobName = param[1]; int count = 1; if (param.Length >= 3) { count = int.Parse(param[2]); } if (DataProvider.Instance.MobsByName.ContainsKey(mobName)) { ushort mobID = DataProvider.Instance.MobsByName[mobName].ID; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Mob mob = new Mob(mobID, new Vector2(character.Position)); character.Map.FullAddObject(mob); } } else character.DropMessage("Monster Name not found."); }
private void AdminLevel(ZoneCharacter character, params string[] param) { Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "GM {0} authenticated ingame.", character.Name); character.DropMessage("Admin level is {0}", character.Client.Admin); }