예제 #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        /* Zara Initialization code start =======>> */


        _dateTime  = DateTime.Now;
        _timeOfDay = TimesOfDay.Evening;
        _health    = new HealthController(this);
        _body      = new BodyStatusController(this);
        _weather   = new WeatherDescription();
        _player    = new PlayerStatus();
        _inventory = new InventoryController(this);


        /* <<======= Zara Initialization code end */

        #region Demo app init

        // Let's add some items to the inventory to play with in this demo

        var flaskWithWater = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Flask();


        _jacket = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.WaterproofJacket();
        _pants  = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.WaterproofPants();
        _boots  = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.RubberBoots();
        _hat    = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.LeafHat();



        var meat = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Meat {
            Count = 1

        // We just gathered two of spoiled Meat.
        meat.AddGatheringInfo(WorldTime.Value.AddHours(-5), 2);

        // We just gathered one item of fresh Meat. These will spoil in MinutesUntilSpoiled game minutes.
        meat.AddGatheringInfo(WorldTime.Value, 1);

        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Cloth {
            Count = 20
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.AntisepticSponge {
            Count = 5
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Bandage {
            Count = 5
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Acetaminophen {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Antibiotic {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Aspirin {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.EmptySyringe {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Loperamide {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Oseltamivir {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Sedative {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.AtropineSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.EpinephrineSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.AntiVenomSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.DoripenemSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.MorphineSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.DisinfectingPellets {
            Count = 5


        // Defaults

예제 #2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        /* Zara Initialization code start =======>> */

        ZaraEngine.Helpers.InitializeRandomizer((a, b) => UnityEngine.Random.Range(a, b));

        _dateTime  = DateTime.Now;
        _timeOfDay = TimesOfDay.Evening;
        _health    = new HealthController(this);
        _body      = new BodyStatusController(this);
        _weather   = new WeatherDescription();
        _player    = new PlayerStatus();
        _inventory = new InventoryController(this);



        /* <<======= Zara Initialization code end */

        // Let's add some items to the inventory to play with in this demo

        var flaskWithWater = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Flask();


        _jacket = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.WaterproofJacket();
        _pants  = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.WaterproofPants();
        _boots  = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.RubberBoots();
        _hat    = new ZaraEngine.Inventory.LeafHat();



        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Cloth {
            Count = 20
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Meat {
            Count = 3
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Bandage {
            Count = 5
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Acetaminophen {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Antibiotic {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Aspirin {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.EmptySyringe {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Loperamide {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Oseltamivir {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.Sedative {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.AtropineSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.EpinephrineSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.AntiVenomSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.DoripenemSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.MorphineSolution {
            Count = 10
        _inventory.AddItem(new ZaraEngine.Inventory.DisinfectingPellets {
            Count = 5


        // Defaults