protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rawId = Request.QueryString["ProductID"]; int productId; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawId) && int.TryParse(rawId, out productId)) { int currentID = Convert.ToInt16(rawId); //create new product and brick model if it is a custom model if((currentID < 0)) { string text1 = Request.QueryString["tb1"]; string text2 = Request.QueryString["tb2"]; string text3 = Request.QueryString["tb3"]; string incription = string.Concat(text1, " ", text2, " ", text3); var _db = new ZVerseBrickProject.Models.ProductContext(); Brick theproduct; AddProducts products = new AddProducts(); AddBricks bricks = new AddBricks(); bool isStandard = false; bool isVisible = false; theproduct = _db.Bricks.Find(-currentID); //Debug.WriteLine("add to cart: js path is " + theproduct.JSPath); currentID = products.AddProduct(theproduct.BrickName, theproduct.Description,theproduct.UnitPrice.ToString(), "1", theproduct.ImagePath, incription); bricks.AddBrick(currentID, theproduct.BrickName, theproduct.Description, incription, theproduct.UnitPrice.ToString(), theproduct.ImagePath, theproduct.JSPath, isVisible, "show", isStandard, text1, text2, text3); } using (ShoppingCartFunctions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartFunctions()) { usersShoppingCart.AddToCart(currentID); } } else { Debug.Fail("ERROR : We should never get to AddToCart.aspx without a ProductId."); throw new Exception("ERROR : It is illegal to load AddToCart.aspx without setting a ProductId."); } Response.Redirect("ShoppingCart.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); }
protected void UploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FileUploadControl.HasFile) { try { if (FileUploadControl.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/javascript") { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadControl.FileName); FileUploadControl.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/js/") + fileName); StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: File uploaded!"; var _db = new ZVerseBrickProject.Models.ProductContext(); AddProducts products = new AddProducts(); AddBricks bricks = new AddBricks(); int currentID = products.AddProduct("New Product", "Newly Released Product!", "5", "2", "newUpload.jpg", "test"); bricks.AddBrick(currentID, "New Model", "admin uploaded model", "test", "5", "newUpload.jpg", fileName, false, "Show", true, "", "", ""); } else StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: Only Javascript files are accepted!"; } catch (Exception ex) { StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following error occured: " + ex.Message; } } }