private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!groupBox3.Visible) //Not side room { if (gb.ReadByte(lastAddress + 4) == 0xFF) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to continue. End of warp data for that group.", "Cannot Advance"); return; } lastAddress += 4; int address = lastAddress; Warp w = warpLoader.loadWarp(address); loadedWarp = w; if ((w.opcode & 0x40) != 0) { groupBox2.Visible = true; groupBox1.Visible = false; groupBox2.Text = "Warp Header - 0x" + address.ToString("X"); nFType.Value = w.opcode; nFMap.Value =; nMap.Value =; nPointer.Value = 0x10000 + w.fpointer; } else { groupBox2.Visible = false; groupBox1.Visible = true; groupBox1.Text = "Warp Header - 0x" + address.ToString("X"); nType.Value = w.opcode; nSrcMap.Value =; nMap.Value =; nWarp.Value = w.index; nDestGroup.Value =; nEntrance.Value = w.entrance; } } else { if (gb.ReadByte(lastAddress + 4) == 0xFF) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to continue. End of warp data for that group.", "Cannot Advance"); return; } lastAddress += 4; int address = lastAddress; groupBox3.Text = "Warp Header - 0x" + address.ToString("X"); Warp w = warpLoader.loadSideWarp(address); loadedWarp = w; nX.Value = w.x; nSMap.Value =; nMap.Value =; nSIndex.Value = w.index; nSGroup.Value =; nSEntrance.Value = w.entrance; } }
public void setPosWarp(int index) { Warp w = warpLoader.loadWarpProps(index,, game); propWarp = w; nMap1.Value =; nPos1.Value = w.pos; nUnknown1.Value = w.unknown; }
public Warp loadWarpProps(int refByte, int destGroup, Program.GameTypes game) { Warp w = new Warp(); gb.BufferLocation = (game == Program.GameTypes.Ages ? 0x12F5B : 0x12D4E) + (destGroup * 2); gb.BufferLocation = 0x10000 + gb.ReadByte() + ((gb.ReadByte() - 0x40) * 0x100); gb.BufferLocation += refByte * 3; = gb.ReadByte(); w.pos = gb.ReadByte(); w.unknown = gb.ReadByte(); return(w); }
public void fillWarp(Warp w) { primaryWarp = w; nType.Value = w.opcode; nSrcX.Value =; nWarp.Value = w.index; if (w.index == 0) { nWarp_ValueChanged(null, null); } nDestGroup.Value =; nEntrance.Value = w.entrance; }
public Warp loadSideWarp(int headerAddress) { if (headerAddress == -1) { return(null); } Warp w = new Warp(); gb.BufferLocation = headerAddress; w.x = gb.ReadByte(); = gb.ReadByte(); w.index = gb.ReadByte(); byte b = gb.ReadByte(); = (byte)(b >> 4); w.entrance = (byte)(b & 0xF); return(w); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmW = new frmWarpProps(warpLoader, loadedWarp.srcGroup, loadedWarp.fpointer + 0x10000, game, gb); if (loadedWarp == null) { return; } Warp w; if (groupBox1.Visible) { w = warpLoader.loadWarpProps((int)nWarp.Value, (int)nDestGroup.Value, game); frmW.grp0.Visible = true; frmW.nMap0.Value =; frmW.nPos0.Value = w.pos; frmW.nUnknown0.Value = w.unknown; } else if (groupBox2.Visible) { Warp m = warpLoader.loadWarp(0x10000 + loadedWarp.fpointer); frmW.grp1A.Visible = true; frmW.grp1B.Visible = true; frmW.fillWarp(m); } else { w = warpLoader.loadWarpProps((int)nSIndex.Value, (int)nSGroup.Value, game); frmW.grp0.Visible = true; frmW.nMap0.Value =; frmW.nPos0.Value = w.pos; frmW.nUnknown0.Value = w.unknown; } if (frmW.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { loadedWarp.secondaryWarp = null; frmW = null; return; } loadedWarp.secondaryWarp = frmW.propWarp; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool dungeon = new MinimapCreator(gb).dungeon(cboArea.SelectedIndex, game); mapLoader.loadMap((int)nMap.Value, new MinimapCreator(gb).getRealMapGroup(cboArea.SelectedIndex, game), 0, true, game); bool sideMap = isSidemap(; this.sideMap = sideMap; if (!sideMap) { groupBox3.Visible = false; int address = warpLoader.getWarpHeaderAddress(getRealMapGroup(cboArea.SelectedIndex), (int)nMap.Value, new MinimapCreator(gb).dungeon(cboArea.SelectedIndex, game), flag2, game); lastAddress = address; if (address == -1) { groupBox1.Visible = false; groupBox2.Visible = false; button5.Enabled = false; if (!dungeon) { MessageBox.Show("No warp for that map found. To add one, find\nan existing warp on the same group\nand change the index.", "No Warp Found"); } else { MessageBox.Show("No warp for that map found. Either find an\nexisting warp and replace it or have the warp\nlead directly to the underlying or above room.", "No Warp Found"); } return; } Warp w = warpLoader.loadWarp(address); w.srcGroup = (byte)cboArea.SelectedIndex; button5.Enabled = true; loadedWarp = w; if ((w.opcode & 0x40) != 0) { groupBox2.Text = "Warp Header - 0x" + address.ToString("X"); groupBox1.Visible = false; groupBox2.Visible = true; nFType.Value = w.opcode; nFMap.Value =; nPointer.Value = 0x10000 + w.fpointer; } else { groupBox1.Text = "Warp Header - 0x" + address.ToString("X"); groupBox2.Visible = false; groupBox1.Visible = true; nType.Value = w.opcode; nSrcMap.Value =; nWarp.Value = w.index; nDestGroup.Value =; nEntrance.Value = w.entrance; } } else { int address = warpLoader.getSideWarpHeaderAddress((new MinimapCreator(gb).getRealMapGroup(cboArea.SelectedIndex, game) == 4 ? 6 : 7), (int)nMap.Value, game); lastAddress = address; groupBox1.Visible = false; groupBox2.Visible = false; if (address == -1) { groupBox3.Visible = false; MessageBox.Show("No warp for that map found. To add one, find\nan existing warp on the same group\nand change the values to match the format similar\nto a regular side-map warp.", "No Warp Found"); button5.Enabled = false; return; } button5.Enabled = true; groupBox3.Text = "Warp Header - 0x" + address.ToString("X"); groupBox3.Visible = true; Warp w = warpLoader.loadSideWarp(address); w.srcGroup = (byte)cboArea.SelectedIndex; nX.Value = w.x; nSMap.Value =; nSIndex.Value = w.index; nSGroup.Value =; nSEntrance.Value = w.entrance; loadedWarp = w; } }