private Quaternion RotateBone(OverlayObject oo, KinectManager kinectManager, FacetrackingManager facetrackingManager, long key) { int iJointIndex = (int)oo.TrackedJointType; Quaternion qRotObject = Quaternion.identity; if (iJointIndex == 3) // if it's the head { if (facetrackingManager) // && facetrackingManager.IsFaceTrackingInitialized()) { qRotObject *= facetrackingManager.GetHeadRotation(key, bMirroredMovement: !RearProjection); if (oo.BoneGameObject.FindChild("Jaw") != null) { Transform Jaw; if (facetrackingManager.bGotAU && oo.BoneGameObject.FindChild("Jaw") != null) { Jaw = oo.BoneGameObject.FindChild("Jaw"); // print("Jaw angle : " + facetrackingManager.dictAU[0] * JAWROTATEMULIPLIER); Jaw.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(facetrackingManager.dictAU[0] * JAWROTATEMULIPLIER, Vector3.right); } } } } else // all joints not the head { qRotObject = kinectManager.GetJointOrientation(key, iJointIndex, flip: RearProjection); Vector3 rotAngles = qRotObject.eulerAngles - oo.InitialRotation.eulerAngles; qRotObject = Quaternion.Euler(rotAngles); } return(Quaternion.Slerp(oo.BoneGameObject.transform.rotation, qRotObject, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime)); }
private Vector3 TranslateBone(OverlayObject oo, long key, KinectManager kinectManager) { int iJointIndex = (int)oo.TrackedJointType; Vector3 jp = PlaceJoint(iJointIndex, key, kinectManager); Vector3 vPosObject =; float xNorm = Mathf.Max(-10, Mathf.Min(jp.x, 10)); // addded the cap to avoid the out of camera frustrum error that resulted from infinty in these values float yNorm = Mathf.Max(-10, Mathf.Min(jp.y, 10)); if (xNorm < -9.9f || xNorm > 9.9f) { return(; } float posJointZ = jp.z; // normalize to camera space Vector3 foo; if (RearProjection) { foo = new Vector3(1 - xNorm, yNorm, (posJointZ / ArenaDepth) * ArenaZ - Camera.main.transform.position.z); } else { foo = new Vector3(xNorm, yNorm, (posJointZ / ArenaDepth) * ArenaZ - Camera.main.transform.position.z); } vPosObject = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(foo); // print(foo); return(Vector3.Lerp(oo.BoneGameObject.position, vPosObject, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime)); }
public Vector3 ScaleBone(KinectManager kinectManager, long key, OverlayObject oo, int iJointIndex) { float boneScale; if (iJointIndex == 3)////special scale for head { boneScale = ScaleHead(kinectManager, key, oo, iJointIndex); } else if (iJointIndex >= 0 && iJointIndex <= 2 || iJointIndex == 20) /// special scale for torso & neck { float torsoScale = ScaleTorso(kinectManager, key, iJointIndex); float torsoScaleY = LimbBoneScale(oo); torsoScale *= torsoScaleY; return(new Vector3(torsoScale, torsoScaleY, torsoScale)); } else if (iJointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft || iJointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight) { boneScale = FootBoneScale(oo); } else // the rest should be limbs { boneScale = LimbBoneScale(oo); } Vector3 scaleBone = new Vector3(boneScale, boneScale, boneScale); return(scaleBone); }
private float LimbBoneScale(OverlayObject oo) { Vector3 endJointPos = oo.ReferenceGameObjectTransform.position; float boneLength = BoneLength(oo, endJointPos); float boneScale; boneScale = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(boneLength, oo.InitialBoneLength * MAXBONESCALE), oo.InitialBoneLength * MINBONESCALE) / oo.InitialBoneLength; return(boneScale); }
private float ScaleHead(KinectManager kinectManager, long key, OverlayObject oo, int iJointIndex) { float boneScale = AdultTorsoQuotient(kinectManager, key); // how much of this torso height is adult height 1 = adult 0 = child boneScale *= -0.16666f; boneScale += 0.5f; float boneLength = BoneLength(oo, oo.ReferenceGameObjectTransform.position); boneScale *= boneLength; boneScale *= HEADSIZE; return(boneScale); }
public OverlayObject findParent(string name, List <OverlayObject> listofBones) { OverlayObject boneOO = new OverlayObject(); foreach (OverlayObject oo in listofBones) { if ( == name) {//print (name); boneOO = oo; } } return(boneOO); }
void Start() { CanvasEvents.OnChooserPicture += pictureButtonEnter; if (artStyle == ArtStyle.Anatomy) { if (RearProjection) { SkeletonFBX = SkeletonFBXRearProjection; } else { SkeletonFBX = SkeletonFBXMirrored; } } else if (artStyle == ArtStyle.CalacaLoca) { SkeletonFBX = LaCalacaLoca; } else if (artStyle == ArtStyle.XRay) { SkeletonFBX = XRaySkeleton; } handTipRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightHandTip"); handRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightHand"); elbowRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightElbow"); shoulderRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightShoulder"); head = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("Head"); neck = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("Neck"); handTipLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftHandTip"); handLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftHand"); elbowLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftElbow"); shoulderLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftShoulder"); spineShoulder = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("SpineShoulder"); spineMid = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("SpineMid"); spineBase = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("SpineBase"); hipRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightHip"); kneeRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightKnee"); footRight = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("RightFoot"); hipLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftHip"); kneeLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftKnee"); footLeft = SkeletonFBX.FindChild("LeftFoot"); OverlayObject handTipRightObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight, BoneGameObject = handTipRight }; OverlayObject handRightObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, BoneGameObject = handRight, InitialRotation = handRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectName = handTipRight }; OverlayObject elbowRightObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, BoneGameObject = elbowRight, InitialRotation = elbowRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectName = handRight }; OverlayObject shoulderRightObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, BoneGameObject = shoulderRight, InitialRotation = shoulderRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectName = elbowRight }; OverlayObject hipRightObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, BoneGameObject = hipRight, ReferenceGameObjectName = kneeRight }; OverlayObject kneeRightObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, BoneGameObject = kneeRight, ReferenceGameObjectName = footRight }; OverlayObject footRightObject; // = new OverlayObject (){TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, BoneGameObject = footRight, ReferenceGameObjectName = kneeRight}; OverlayObject hipLeftObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, BoneGameObject = hipLeft, ReferenceGameObjectName = kneeLeft }; OverlayObject kneeLeftObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, BoneGameObject = kneeLeft, ReferenceGameObjectName = footLeft }; OverlayObject footLeftObject; // = new OverlayObject () { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, BoneGameObject = footLeft, ReferenceGameObjectName = kneeLeft}; OverlayObject handTipLeftObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft, BoneGameObject = handTipLeft }; OverlayObject handLeftObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, BoneGameObject = handLeft, InitialRotation = handLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectName = handTipLeft }; OverlayObject elbowLeftObject; // = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, BoneGameObject = elbowLeft, InitialRotation = elbowLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectName = handLeft }; OverlayObject shoulderLeftObject; if (RearProjection) { handTipRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight, BoneGameObject = handTipRight }; handRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, BoneGameObject = handRight, InitialRotation = handRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handTipRight }; elbowRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, BoneGameObject = elbowRight, InitialRotation = elbowRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handRight }; shoulderRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, BoneGameObject = shoulderRight, InitialRotation = shoulderRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = elbowRight }; hipRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, BoneGameObject = hipRight, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeRight }; kneeRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, BoneGameObject = kneeRight, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = footRight }; footRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, BoneGameObject = footRight, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeRight }; hipLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, BoneGameObject = hipLeft, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeLeft }; kneeLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, BoneGameObject = kneeLeft, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = footLeft }; footLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, BoneGameObject = footLeft, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeLeft }; handTipLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft, BoneGameObject = handTipLeft }; handLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, BoneGameObject = handLeft, InitialRotation = handLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handTipLeft }; elbowLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, BoneGameObject = elbowLeft, InitialRotation = elbowLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handLeft }; shoulderLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, BoneGameObject = shoulderLeft, InitialRotation = shoulderLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = elbowLeft }; } else // non-rear projection is mirrored, so reverse the left and right game objects' respective joint assignments. { handTipRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipRight, BoneGameObject = handTipLeft }; handRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, BoneGameObject = handLeft, InitialRotation = handLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handTipLeft }; elbowRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, BoneGameObject = elbowLeft, InitialRotation = elbowLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handLeft }; shoulderRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, BoneGameObject = shoulderLeft, InitialRotation = shoulderLeft.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = elbowLeft }; hipRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, BoneGameObject = hipLeft, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeLeft }; kneeRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, BoneGameObject = kneeLeft, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = footLeft }; footRightObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, BoneGameObject = footLeft, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeLeft }; hipLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, BoneGameObject = hipRight, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeRight }; kneeLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, BoneGameObject = kneeRight, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = footRight }; footLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, BoneGameObject = footRight, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = kneeRight }; handTipLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.HandTipLeft, BoneGameObject = handTipRight }; handLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, BoneGameObject = handRight, InitialRotation = handRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handTipRight }; elbowLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, BoneGameObject = elbowRight, InitialRotation = elbowRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = handRight }; shoulderLeftObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, BoneGameObject = shoulderRight, InitialRotation = shoulderRight.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = elbowRight }; } OverlayObject headObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.Head, BoneGameObject = head, InitialRotation = head.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = spineBase }; OverlayObject neckObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.Neck, BoneGameObject = neck, InitialRotation = neck.transform.rotation, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = head }; OverlayObject spineShoulderObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.SpineShoulder, BoneGameObject = spineShoulder, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = neck }; OverlayObject spineMidObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.SpineMid, BoneGameObject = spineMid, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = spineShoulder }; OverlayObject spineBaseObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase, BoneGameObject = spineBase, ReferenceGameObjectTransform = spineMid }; OverlayObjectsExample = new List <OverlayObject>() { handTipRightObject, handRightObject, elbowRightObject, shoulderRightObject, headObject, neckObject, handTipLeftObject, handLeftObject, elbowLeftObject, shoulderLeftObject, spineShoulderObject, spineMidObject, spineBaseObject, hipRightObject, kneeRightObject, hipLeftObject, kneeLeftObject, footLeftObject, footRightObject }; bagOfBonesDictionary = new Dictionary <long, List <OverlayObject> >(); ChestOrgansBehaviorDictionary = new Dictionary <long, List <Transform> >(); ArenaZ = arena.transform.lossyScale.z; // print("bag of bpnes initialized"); foreach (OverlayObject oo in OverlayObjectsExample) { oo.BoneGameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (oo.ReferenceGameObjectTransform != null) { oo.InitialBoneLength = BoneLength(oo, oo.ReferenceGameObjectTransform.position); } else { oo.InitialBoneLength = 1; } } }
private float BoneLength(OverlayObject oo, Vector3 endJointPos) { float boneLength = (oo.BoneGameObject.position - endJointPos).magnitude * boneScaleFactor; return(boneLength); }
private float FootBoneScale(OverlayObject oo) { return(oo.ReferenceGameObjectTransform.localScale.y); }
void Update() { KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; FacetrackingManager facetrackingManager = FacetrackingManager.Instance; kinectManager.computeColorMap = true; if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { // get the kinect video stream //Texture2D kinectColorTex = kinectManager.GetUsersClrTex(); RemoveSkeletonsForUnusedIDs(kinectManager); // adding userIDs to the USerID list if (kinectManager.IsUserDetected()) { for (int i = 0; i < kinectManager.GetUsersCount(); i++) { bool found = false; long ID = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(i); for (int j = 0; j < userIDs.Count; j++) { if (ID == userIDs[j]) { found = true; } } if (!found) { userIDs.Add(ID); } } // add bones for any new users for (int i = 0; i < userIDs.Count; i++) { long id = userIDs[i]; if (!bagOfBonesDictionary.ContainsKey(id) || !ChestOrgansBehaviorDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) // for each new user make a boneslist associated with his or her id. { if (bagOfBonesDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { bagOfBonesDictionary.Remove(id); // if the chestorgans dictionary did not have a list for this user, but the bones dictionary did, remove the bonesdictionary list to start with a new bones list, so that both dictionaries use child objects of the same skeleton. } List <OverlayObject> newUserBonesList = new List <OverlayObject>(); Transform thisUserSkeleton; thisUserSkeleton = (Transform)Instantiate(SkeletonFBX); CreateUserSkeleton(thisUserSkeleton, id); foreach (OverlayObject oo in OverlayObjectsExample) { foreach (Transform child in thisUserSkeleton) { if ( == // this user's skeleton bone matches bone in example bonelist { OverlayObject boneOverlayObject = new OverlayObject() { TrackedJointType = oo.TrackedJointType, BoneGameObject = child, InitialBoneLength = oo.InitialBoneLength }; // uses initial values from example bones if (oo.ReferenceGameObjectTransform != null) { boneOverlayObject.ReferenceGameObjectTransform = FindReferenceJointInThisSkeleton(, thisUserSkeleton.transform); } oo.InitialRotation = oo.BoneGameObject.transform.rotation; oo.BoneGameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); newUserBonesList.Add(boneOverlayObject); } } } bagOfBonesDictionary.Add(id, newUserBonesList); if (ChestOrgansBehaviorDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { ChestOrgansBehaviorDictionary.Remove(id); } List <Transform> newUserChestOrgansList = new List <Transform>(); Transform spineMid = thisUserSkeleton.FindChild("SpineMid"); Transform heartBox1 = spineMid.FindChild("HeartBox1"); newUserChestOrgansList.Insert((int)ChestOrgansEnum.HeartBeat, heartBox1); Transform heartBox2 = spineMid.FindChild("HeartBox2"); newUserChestOrgansList.Insert((int)ChestOrgansEnum.HeartSys, heartBox2); Transform diaphragmBoneMid = spineMid.FindChild("Diaphragm Bone Mid"); newUserChestOrgansList.Insert((int)ChestOrgansEnum.DiaphragmUp, diaphragmBoneMid); Transform diaphragmBoneOut = spineMid.FindChild("Diaphragm Bone Out"); newUserChestOrgansList.Insert((int)ChestOrgansEnum.DiaphragmOut, diaphragmBoneOut); ChestOrgansBehaviorDictionary.Add(id, newUserChestOrgansList); } } var jp = TransformBones(kinectManager, facetrackingManager); HeartAndLungTransform(); } } }