public static void StartOnSelectedWindow(this Window window, WpfSettings wpfSettings)
     new Action(() =>
         window.Top  = wpfSettings.CurrentScreen.Bounds.Top + 100;
         window.Left = wpfSettings.CurrentScreen.Bounds.Left + 100;
        protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            // NOTE: even though this isn't registered as SingleInstance, I think it ends up being SingleInstance anyway
            // Since we're starting App.xaml.cs, which only launches one MainWindow...
            builder.RegisterType <MainWindow>();
            // TODO: add an integration / e2e test which checks this.
            // The test needs to:
            // - Talk to window service
            // - show the update data window
            // - Call .hide() on the viewmodel
            // - Verify this instance of IUpdateDataWindow gets called
            // - Then re-do, and make sure the same instance gets called.
            // The underlying thing here is that when we show the window, it's a different instance
            // but we hold a reference to the first window (I think) in the viewmodel
            // potentially another way of validating this is to ensure that the window that gets shown when
            // talking to the window service is the same instance the second time around as the viewmodel knows about
            builder.RegisterType <UpdateDataWindow>().As <IUpdateDataWindow>().SingleInstance();
            builder.RegisterType <SettingsWindow>().As <ISettingsWindow>();
            builder.RegisterType <MainWindowViewModel>().SingleInstance();
            builder.RegisterType <MessageBoxErrorHandler>().As <IErrorHandler>();
            builder.RegisterType <UpdateDataViewModel>()
            .As <IUpdateDataViewModel>()
            .As <UpdateDataViewModel>()
            builder.RegisterType <SettingsWindowViewModel>().SingleInstance();
            builder.RegisterType <WindowService>().As <IWindowService>();
            builder.RegisterType <AppClosingCancellationToken>().As <IAppClosingCancellationToken>().SingleInstance();
            builder.RegisterType <DoWorkOnUi>().As <IDoWorkOnUi>();
            builder.RegisterType <WindowExtensions>();

            // Password prompt / settings encryption things
            builder.RegisterType <EntropyService>().As <IEntropyService>();
            builder.RegisterType <DpapiService>().As <IDpapiService>();
            builder.RegisterType <PasswordPrompt>().As <IPasswordPrompt>();

            builder.Register(x =>
                var youTubeServiceCreatorOptions = x.Resolve <YouTubeServiceCreatorOptions>();
                var errorHandler = x.Resolve <IErrorHandler>();
                    var wpfSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WpfSettings>(File.ReadAllText("WpfSettings.json"));
                    if (wpfSettings != null)
                        wpfSettings.YouTubeServiceCreatorOptions = youTubeServiceCreatorOptions;
                        wpfSettings.ErrorHandler = errorHandler;
                        wpfSettings = new WpfSettings(youTubeServiceCreatorOptions, errorHandler);

                    return(new WpfSettings(youTubeServiceCreatorOptions, errorHandler));
            .OnActivating(x => x?.Instance?.InitializeSettings())
            .As <WpfSettings>()
            .As <IDebugSettings>()

            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                         .AddUserSecrets <App>()

            var section           = config.GetSection(nameof(AppSettings));
            var appSettingsConfig = section.Get <AppSettings>();

            builder.RegisterInstance(appSettingsConfig).As <IAppSettings>().SingleInstance();

            var services = new ServiceCollection();

            services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder =>