public ExternalClientEN RegisterExternalClient(int pCountryID, string pName, string pAlias, string pDescription, string pPassword, ref string oApiKey) { ExternalClientEN client = new ExternalClientEN(); int externalClientID = 0; var now = DateTime.Now; try { client.Active = true; client.Alias = pAlias; client.AssignedPassword = pPassword; client.CountryID = pCountryID; client.Description = pDescription; client.GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); client.Name = pName; client.RegDate = now.Date; externalClientID = clientDAL.InsertExternalClient(client); if (externalClientID > 0) { oApiKey = jwt.encodeClientKey(client); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("RegisterExternalClient: " + ex.Message); } return(client); }
public bool InsertPurchase(PurchaseEN pPurchase, PersonEN pPerson, string pDepositor, string pBankReference, string pDepositDate) { bool result = false; try { DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(pDepositDate); var bank = bankDAL.GetBanks(pPerson.CountryID).Where(b => b.BankID == pPurchase.BankID).FirstOrDefault(); string amount = Convert.ToString(pPurchase.Amount); string fullName = pPerson.Firstname + " " + pPerson.Lastname; string depositDate = date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("es-MX")).ToUpper(); result = purchaseDAL.InsertPurchase(pPerson.PersonID, pPurchase.BankID, pPurchase.Amount, pPerson.CountryID, pDepositor, pBankReference, date); if (result) { emailSender.EmailTransferConfirmationReceived(pPerson.Email, pDepositor, pBankReference, bank.BankName, amount, fullName, depositDate); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("PurchaseBL " + ex.Message); } return(result); }
public async Task <List <NotificationResultEN> > SendNotification(CampaignEN pCampaign) { List <NotificationResultEN> camapignResult = new List <NotificationResultEN>(); try { int resultInsert = campaignDAL.InsertCampaign(pCampaign); if (resultInsert > 0) { bool inserted = campaignDAL.InsertUsersNotifications(pCampaign.CountryISO2Code, resultInsert); if (inserted) { //Send notification camapignResult = await handler.HandleContent(pCampaign); } } } catch (Exception ex) { camapignResult = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("CampaignBL " + ex.Message); } return(camapignResult); }
public ConsumerEN AuthenticateConsumer(string pToken) { ConsumerEN consumer = null; try { AuthConsumerEN authKey = consumerDAL.GetConsumerAuthByToken(pToken); if (authKey != null) { string profileID = jwt.decodeFacebookID(authKey.ConsumerAuthKey); consumer = consumerDAL.GetConsumerByProfileID(profileID); if (consumer != null) { consumer.IsValidKey = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { consumer = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(consumer); }
public string AssociateFacebook(FacebookEN pFacebookProfile) { string result = ""; try { pFacebookProfile.RegDate = DateTime.Now; var existsProfile = facebookDAL.GetFacebookProfile(pFacebookProfile.PersonID); if (existsProfile != null) { pFacebookProfile.Id = existsProfile.Id; result = (facebookDAL.UpdateFacebookProfile(pFacebookProfile) > 0) ? "updated" : "error"; } else { result = (facebookDAL.InsertFacebookProfile(pFacebookProfile) > 0) ? "inserted" : "error"; } } catch (Exception ex) { result = "error"; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(result); }
public ConsumerEN UpdateConsumerProfile(string pPhone, int pCountryID, string pDeviceID, string pURL, string pEmail, string pProfileID, string pUserID, string pFirstName, string pMiddleName, string pLastName, string pConsumerAuth) { ConsumerEN consumerToUpdate = new ConsumerEN(); ConsumerEN bringConsumer = new ConsumerEN(); try { consumerToUpdate = consumerDAL.UpdateConsumerProfile(pPhone, pCountryID, pDeviceID, pURL, pEmail, pProfileID, pUserID, pFirstName, pMiddleName, pLastName); bringConsumer = consumerDAL.GetConsumerByProfileID(pProfileID); if (bringConsumer != null) { //var ConsumerUpdated = registerConsumerDAL.GetConsumerByProfileID(pProfileID); ConsumerEN ConsumerUpdated = consumerDAL.GetConsumerByProfileID(pProfileID); var Token = consumerDAL.GetAuthConsumer(bringConsumer.ConsumerID); bringConsumer.ConsumerAuthKey = Token.ConsumerAuthKey; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(bringConsumer); }
public List <SaleEN> GetIntervalPersonSaleHistory(PersonEN pPerson, string pInterval) { List <SaleEN> salesHistory = new List <SaleEN>(); try { switch (pInterval) { case "today": salesHistory = saleDAL.GetPersonTodaySalesHistory(pPerson.PersonID, AssignTimeZone(pPerson.CountryID)); break; case "yesterday": salesHistory = saleDAL.GetPersonYesterdaySalesHistory(pPerson.PersonID, AssignTimeZone(pPerson.CountryID)); break; case "week": salesHistory = saleDAL.GetPersonIntervalSalesHistory(pPerson.PersonID, AssignTimeZone(pPerson.CountryID), Constants.Week); break; default: salesHistory = saleDAL.GetPersonIntervalSalesHistory(pPerson.PersonID, AssignTimeZone(pPerson.CountryID), Constants.Week); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { salesHistory = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(salesHistory); }
public List <OperatorEN> GetOperatorProducts(int pCountryID) { List <OperatorEN> operatorsList = new List <OperatorEN>(); try { operatorsList = operatorDAL.GetOperatorsYCR(pCountryID); var products = productDAL.GetProductsByCountryID(pCountryID); foreach (var ope in operatorsList) { ope.Products = new List <ProductEN>(); var operatorProducts = products.Where(p => p.OperatorID == ope.OperatorID).ToList();; foreach (var prod in operatorProducts) { ope.Products.Add(prod); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("GetOperatorProducts: " + ex.Message); } return(operatorsList); }
public SimpleOperationModel AddConsumerNickname(ConsumerEN pConsumer, string pNickname) { SimpleOperationModel nicknameOp = new SimpleOperationModel(); bool isForbidden = false; try { var forbiddenNickname = consumerDAL.GetForbiddenNickname(pNickname); isForbidden = ValidateIsForbidden(pNickname, 0, forbiddenNickname); isForbidden = (isForbidden == false) ? ValidateIsForbidden(pNickname, 1, forbiddenNickname) : true; if (isForbidden) { nicknameOp.Result = false; nicknameOp.Message = "forbidden"; } else { var nickname = consumerDAL.GetConsumerByNickname(pNickname); if (nickname == null) { pConsumer.Nickname = pNickname; if (consumerDAL.UpdateConsumer(pConsumer) > 0) { nicknameOp.Result = true; nicknameOp.Message = "updated"; } else { nicknameOp.Result = false; nicknameOp.Message = "error"; } } else { nicknameOp.Result = false; nicknameOp.Message = "conflict"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { nicknameOp = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(nicknameOp); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a new token with renewed expiration date. /// </summary> /// <param name="pPerson">Vendor data to encrypt</param> /// <returns>String: New generated token.</returns> public string RenewAuthToken(PersonEN pPerson) { try { pPerson.TokenExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(Constants.TokenLifetime); pPerson.CurrentToken = jwt.encode(pPerson); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(pPerson.CurrentToken); }
public bool VerifyConsumerToken(string pToken, int pConsumerID) { bool verified = false; try { string masterToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["yocomprorecarga_master_token"].ToString(); var consumer = consumerDAL.GetConsumerByID(pConsumerID); if (consumer != null) { if (!String.Equals(pToken, masterToken)) { var token = tokenDAL.GetConsumerSmsToken(pConsumerID, pToken, DateTime.Now); if (token != null) { token.Status = true; int updateToken = tokenDAL.UpdateToken(token); if (updateToken > 0) { consumer.Active = true; int updateConsumer = consumerDAL.UpdateConsumer(consumer); verified = (updateConsumer > 0) ? true : false; } } } else { consumer.Active = true; int updateConsumer = consumerDAL.UpdateConsumer(consumer); verified = (updateConsumer > 0) ? true : false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { verified = false; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("VerifyConsumerToken: " + ex.Message); } return(verified); }
//Claro Rocket public bool UpdateRocketSalePayment(int BalanceID, int pPaid) { bool updated = false; try { updated = (saleDAL.UpdateRocketSalePayment(BalanceID, pPaid) > 0) ? true : false; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("UpdateRocketSalePayment: " + ex.Message); } return(updated); }
public String CreateClientKey(ExternalClientEN pClient) { String clientKey = ""; try { clientKey = jwt.encodeClientKey(pClient); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(clientKey); }
public ExternalClientEN decodeClientKey(String clientKey) { ExternalClientEN client = new ExternalClientEN(); try { byte[] secretKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input); client = Jose.JWT.Decode <ExternalClientEN>(clientKey, secretKey); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("decodeClientKey: " + ex.Message); } return(client); }
public List <BankEN> GetBankList(int pUserCountryID) { List <BankEN> bankList = new List <BankEN>(); try { bankList = bankDAL.GetBanks(pUserCountryID); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(bankList); }
public ProfileEN GetProfile(int pProfileID) { ProfileEN userProfile = new ProfileEN(); try { userProfile = profileDAL.GetProfile(pProfileID); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(userProfile); }
public List <OperatorEN> GetOperatorList(int pCountryID) { List <OperatorEN> operatorsList = new List <OperatorEN>(); try { operatorsList = operatorDAL.GetOperators(pCountryID); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(operatorsList); }
public string GetRocketDealerPin(int PersonID) { string DealerPin = ""; try { DealerPin = saleDAL.GetRocketDealerPin(PersonID); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("GetRocketDealerPin: " + ex.Message); } return(DealerPin); }
public PromotionEN GetActivePromotion(int pCountryID) { PromotionEN promo = new PromotionEN(); try { promo = promoDAL.GetActivePromotion(pCountryID); } catch (Exception ex) { promo = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("GetActivePromotion: " + ex.Message); } return(promo); }
public RocketBalanceEN GetBalanceRocket(int pPersonID) { RocketBalanceEN balanceRocket = new RocketBalanceEN(); try { balanceRocket = saleDAL.GetBalanceRocket(pPersonID); } catch (Exception ex) { balanceRocket = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(balanceRocket); }
public List <RocketBalanceEN> GetPaymentsHistoryRocket(int pPersonID) { List <RocketBalanceEN> PaymentsRocket = new List <RocketBalanceEN>(); try { PaymentsRocket = saleDAL.GetPaymentsHistoryRocket(pPersonID); } catch (Exception ex) { PaymentsRocket = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(PaymentsRocket); }
public RocketSaleDetailEN GetSaleDetail(int pMasterID, int pPersonID) { RocketSaleDetailEN councilCount = new RocketSaleDetailEN(); try { councilCount = saleDAL.GetSalesDetail(pMasterID, pPersonID); } catch (Exception ex) { councilCount = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(councilCount); }
public List <ProductEN> GetProductsByCountryID(PersonEN pPerson) { List <ProductEN> products = new List <ProductEN>(); try { products = productDAL.GetProductsByCountryID(pPerson.CountryID); } catch (Exception ex) { products = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(products); }
public async Task <List <NotificationResultEN> > SendTopupRequest(string pPersonEmail, string pNickname, string pPhoneRequester, string pAmount, string pFirstname) { List <NotificationResultEN> camapignResult = new List <NotificationResultEN>(); try { camapignResult = await handler.HandleTopupRequestContent(pPersonEmail, pNickname, pPhoneRequester, pAmount, pFirstname); } catch (Exception ex) { camapignResult = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("SendTopupRequest: " + ex.Message); } return(camapignResult); }
public bool MarkNotificationAsRead(int pNotificationID) { bool read = false; try { read = campaignDAL.MarkNotificationAsRead(pNotificationID); } catch (Exception ex) { read = false; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("CampaignBL " + ex.Message); } return(read); }
public List <CampaignEN> GetUserNotifications(PersonEN pPerson) { List <CampaignEN> notifications = new List <CampaignEN>(); try { notifications = campaignDAL.GetNotificationsByUserID(pPerson.PersonID); } catch (Exception ex) { notifications = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("CampaignBL " + ex.Message); } return(notifications); }
public ExternalClientEN VerifyExternalClient(IEnumerable <String> pClientKey) { ExternalClientEN client = null; try { var docodedKey = jwt.decodeClientKey(pClientKey.First().ToString()); client = clientDAL.AuthenticateClient(docodedKey.GUID, docodedKey.AssignedPassword, docodedKey.RegDate); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(client); }
public List <PersonBagOperatorEN> GetUserBags(int pPersonID) { List <PersonBagOperatorEN> personBags = new List <PersonBagOperatorEN>(); try { personBags = bagDAL.GetUserOperatorBag(pPersonID); } catch (Exception ex) { personBags = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("GetUserBags: " + ex.Message); } return(personBags); }
public async Task <List <NotificationResultEN> > SendRGOnNotification(CampaignEN pCampaign) { List <NotificationResultEN> camapignResult = new List <NotificationResultEN>(); try { //Send notification camapignResult = await handler.HandleRGOPushContent(pCampaign); } catch (Exception ex) { camapignResult = null; Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError("CampaignBL " + ex.Message); } return(camapignResult); }
public FacebookConsumerEN authenticateConsumer(string Token) { FacebookConsumerEN ConsumerDecoded = new FacebookConsumerEN(); try { ConsumerAuthEN AuthKey = sessionDAL.GetAuthKey(Token); string decodedProfileId = jwt.decodeFacebookID(AuthKey.ConsumerAuthKey); ConsumerDecoded = sessionDAL.GetFacebookConsumer(decodedProfileId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException); EventViewerLoggerBL.LogError(ex.Message); } return(ConsumerDecoded); }