public void TestOnePairMoreThan2() { DieSet die = new DieSet(6, 6, 5, 6, 6); ScoringCategory onePair = new OnePairCategory(); int score = onePair.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.AreEqual(12, score); }
public void TestLittleStraightNoScore() { DieSet die = new DieSet(6, 2, 3, 4, 5); ScoringCategory littleStraight = new LittleStraightCategory(); int score = littleStraight.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.AreEqual(0, score); }
public void TestFourOfAKindAltNoScore() { DieSet die = new DieSet(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); ScoringCategory fourKindAlt = new FourOfAKindAltCategory(); int score = fourKindAlt.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 0); }
public void TestFivesSomeFives() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); ScoringCategory fives = new UpperCategory("Fives", 5); int score = fives.CalculateScoreForRoll(dieSet.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 5); }
public void TestLittleStraight() { DieSet die = new DieSet(1, 4, 3, 2, 5); ScoringCategory littleStraight = new LittleStraightCategory(); int score = littleStraight.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 30); }
public void TestOnesSomeOnes() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory ones = new UpperCategory("Ones", 1); int score = ones.CalculateScoreForRoll(dieSet.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 3); }
public void TestFullHouseAltJoker() { DieSet die = new DieSet(1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ScoringCategory fullHouseAlt = new FullHouseAltCategory(); int score = fullHouseAlt.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount(), true); Assert.IsTrue(score == 5); }
public void TestFoursSomeFours() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(4, 1, 2, 3, 4); ScoringCategory fours = new UpperCategory("Fours", 4); int score = fours.CalculateScoreForRoll(dieSet.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 8); }
public void TestTwosNoTwo() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 3, 4, 5, 6); ScoringCategory twos = new UpperCategory("Twos", 2); int score = twos.CalculateScoreForRoll(dieSet.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 0); }
public void TestFourOfAKind() { DieSet die = new DieSet(3, 3, 3, 3, 1); ScoringCategory fourKind = new FourOfAKindCategory(); int score = fourKind.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 13); }
public void TestSixesSomeSixes() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 2, 5, 6, 6); ScoringCategory sixes = new UpperCategory("Sixes", 6); int score = sixes.CalculateScoreForRoll(dieSet.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 12); }
public void TestOnePair_MultiUseCategory_ThrowsException() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory onePair = new OnePairCategory(); int score = onePair.Score(dieSet.getCount()); score = onePair.Score(dieSet.getCount()); }
public void TestOnePairUseHighestPair() { DieSet die = new DieSet(3, 3, 4, 4, 5); ScoringCategory onePair = new OnePairCategory(); int score = onePair.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.AreEqual(8, score); }
public void TestOnePairNoScore() { DieSet die = new DieSet(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); ScoringCategory onePair = new OnePairCategory(); int score = onePair.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 0); }
public void TestThreeofAKindAltMore() { DieSet die = new DieSet(6, 6, 6, 6, 6); ScoringCategory threeKindAlt = new ThreeOfAKindAltCategory(); int score = threeKindAlt.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.AreEqual(18, score); }
public void TestTwosSomeTwos() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 2, 3); ScoringCategory twos = new UpperCategory("Twos", 2); int score = twos.CalculateScoreForRoll(dieSet.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 4); }
public void TestLargeStraightNoScore() { DieSet die = new DieSet(1, 2, 3, 4, 6); ScoringCategory largeStraight = new LargeStraightCategory(); int score = largeStraight.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 0); }
public void TestTwos_MultiUseCategory_ThrowsException() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory twos = new UpperCategory("Twos", 2); int score = twos.Score(dieSet.getCount()); score = twos.Score(dieSet.getCount()); }
public void TestFullHouseNoScore() { DieSet die = new DieSet(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); ScoringCategory fullHouse = new FullHouseCategory(); int score = fullHouse.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 0); }
public override int CalculateScoreForRoll(DieSet dieSet) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); int score = 0; getCount(dieSet); bool isGood = false; // check to see if there's one number that has a count of at least 4 for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if (count[i] >= 4) { isGood = true; } } // if this is a valid 4 of a kind, the score is the total value of the dice, 0 otherwise if (isGood){ foreach (Die die in dieSet.Dice) { score += die.Value; } } return score; }
public void TestFullHouseAlt_MultiUseCategory_ThrowsException() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory fullHouseAlt = new FullHouseAltCategory(); int score = fullHouseAlt.Score(dieSet.getCount()); score = fullHouseAlt.Score(dieSet.getCount()); }
public void TestLargeStraightAlt() { DieSet die = new DieSet(3, 2, 6, 5, 4); ScoringCategory largeStraightAlt = new LargeStraightAltCategory(); int score = largeStraightAlt.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 20); }
public void TestFives_MultiUseCategory_ThrowsException() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory fives = new UpperCategory("Fives", 5); int score = fives.Score(dieSet.getCount()); score = fives.Score(dieSet.getCount()); }
public void TestLargeStraightAltJoker() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(5, 5, 5, 5, 5); ScoringCategory largeStraightAlt = new LargeStraightAltCategory(); int score = largeStraightAlt.Score(dieSet.getCount(), true); Assert.AreEqual(20, score); }
public void TestLittleStraightJoker() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ScoringCategory littleStraight = new LittleStraightCategory(); int score = littleStraight.Score(dieSet.getCount(), true); Assert.AreEqual(30, score); }
public override void reroll(DieSet dieSet, int rerollsLeft, ScoreSheet scoreSheet) { calcFinalDice(scoreSheet); rerollOptions = new Hashtable(); calcReroll(2, finalDice); diceOptionsScores = new Hashtable(); diceOptionsReroll = new Hashtable(); calcDiceOptions(2, (Hashtable)rerollOptions[2]); string dice = ""; foreach (Die die in dieSet.Dice) dice += die.Value.ToString(); dice = resortDice(dice); string rerollChoice; if (rerollsLeft == 2) { calcReroll(1, (Hashtable)diceOptionsScores[2]); calcDiceOptions(1, (Hashtable)rerollOptions[1]); rerollChoice = (String)((Hashtable)diceOptionsReroll[1])[dice]; } else rerollChoice = (String)((Hashtable)diceOptionsReroll[2])[dice]; int[] count = convertToCount(rerollChoice); freezeDice(dieSet, count); }
public void TestLittleStraight_MultiUseCategory_ThrowsException() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory littleStraight = new LittleStraightCategory(); int score = littleStraight.Score(dieSet.getCount()); score = littleStraight.Score(dieSet.getCount()); }
public void TestThreeOfAKindAlt() { DieSet die = new DieSet(6, 6, 6, 1, 2); ScoringCategory threeKindAlt = new ThreeOfAKindAltCategory(); int score = threeKindAlt.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 18); }
public void TestFourOfAKindAlt_MultiUseCategory_ThrowsException() { DieSet dieSet = new DieSet(1, 1, 2, 3, 1); ScoringCategory fourKindAlt = new FourOfAKindAltCategory(); int score = fourKindAlt.Score(dieSet.getCount()); score = fourKindAlt.Score(dieSet.getCount()); }
public void TestOnePair() { DieSet die = new DieSet(6, 6, 5, 1, 2); ScoringCategory onePair = new OnePairCategory(); int score = onePair.CalculateScoreForRoll(die.getCount()); Assert.IsTrue(score == 12); }