static void Score(game game, string input) // to score points for the round { UI.showUI(game); if (input == null) { input = UI.prompt("Select a category to score in: "); } var submitted = (from ctg in game.Score where == input.Trim().ToLower() select ctg).ToList(); while (submitted.Count == 0 || submitted.First().used) { if (submitted.Count != 0) { Console.Write("Category Already Used... please choose another: "); } if (submitted.Count == 0) { Console.Write("Invalid input, choose a valid category: "); } input = Console.ReadLine(); submitted = (from ctg in game.Score where == input.Trim().ToLower() select ctg).ToList(); } submitted.First().assignPoints(game.currentRound.calcPoints(input.Trim().ToLower())); UI.showCard(game); UI.prompt("Press any key To continue..."); game.newRound(); }
static void Main(string[] args) // entry.... { game game = new game(); bool erroneousInput = false; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Yahtzee!"); while (game.gameOver == false)//move this into ui loop...make const for red writing... { if (game.currentRound.roundRolls > 2) { Score(game, null); } if (erroneousInput == false) { UI.showUI(game); } erroneousInput = false; string input = UI.prompt("Select a category, pick the dice to re-roll (Ex. 1,2,3) or \"show\" for score-cardChoice(< category >/#,#,#/show):"); var submitted = (from ctg in game.Score where == input.Trim().ToLower() select ctg).ToList(); if (input.ToLower().Trim() == "show") // selected show { UI.showCard(game); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to Continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } else if (submitted.Count > 0) // to score { Score(game, input); } else { try { game.currentRound.reRoll(input, game); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error, Invalid Input..."); erroneousInput = true; } } } Console.WriteLine("Game Over! Here Are your results: "); UI.showCard(game); Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void reRoll(string dieToReRollString, game game) // rerolling the die and advancing the "rolls in current round, and rolling selected dice" { if (this.roundRolls > 2) { return; } var dieToReRollStringArray = dieToReRollString.Split(','); foreach (var dieNumber in dieToReRollStringArray) { int n = Convert.ToInt32(dieNumber.Trim()) - 1; dice[Convert.ToInt32(dieNumber.Trim()) - 1].roll(); } this.roundRolls++; }
public static void showUI(game game)// shows main interface { string output = string.Empty; output += "--- Round " + game.rounds.Count.ToString() + " ---" + Environment.NewLine; output += "Rolling Dice...(" + "rolls for round: " + game.currentRound.roundRolls + ")" + Environment.NewLine; output += "You rolled the following: " + Environment.NewLine; output += getRollDisplay(game.currentRound.dice) + Environment.NewLine; output += "Category" + replicate(" ", 20 - "Category".Length) + "Points" + Environment.NewLine; //output = attachScore(output, game, false); foreach (var ctg in game.Score) { output += + replicate(" ", 20 - + game.currentRound.calcPoints( + Environment.NewLine; } Console.WriteLine(output); }
public static void showCard(game game) // shows the score card { string output = string.Empty; output += "-------"; output += "| Score Card |"; output += "-------"; output += Environment.NewLine + "Category" + replicate(" ", 20 - "Category".Length) + "Points" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var ctg in game.Score) { output += + replicate(" ", 20 - + ctg.points + Environment.NewLine; } output += "-------------" + Environment.NewLine; output += "Total" + replicate(" ", 20 - "Total".Length) + game.Score.Sum(x => x.points) + Environment.NewLine; Console.WriteLine(output); }