public void Execute() { int overallCount = 0; using (XtractDataContext dbRead = new XtractDataContext()) { dbRead.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false; foreach (Twuser user in from twuser in dbRead.Twusers where (( % 10 == 0) && (twuser.last_parse_status==null)) orderby twuser.english_similarity descending select twuser) { string screen_name = user.screen_name; if (CheckForExisting(screen_name)) continue; OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder oAuthTwitter = new OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder(); UserStatusProvider provider = new UserStatusProvider(oAuthTwitter, user.screen_name); Console.Out.WriteLine("About to request data for @" + user.screen_name); DateTime nowish = DateTime.UtcNow; int count = 0; using (XtractDataContext dbWrite = new XtractDataContext()) { foreach (TwitterStatus status in provider.GetMessages()) { long twitter_id =; var existing = dbWrite.Tweets.Where(tw => tw.twitter_id == twitter_id); if (existing.Count() != 0) continue; Tweet tweet = new Tweet(); //tweet.english_similarity = status.english_similarity; tweet.screen_name = status.user.screen_name; tweet.text = status.text; tweet.twitter_id =; DateTime createdAt = DateUtils.UTCDateTimeFromTwitterTimeStamp(status.created_at); tweet.date_tweeted = DateUtils.ISO8601TimeStampFromUTCDateTime(createdAt); tweet.date_scanned = DateUtils.ISO8601TimeStampFromUTCDateTime(nowish); tweet.sample_reason = SampleReason.user_data.ToString(); dbWrite.Tweets.InsertOnSubmit(tweet); count++; overallCount++; if (overallCount % 100 == 0) { dbWrite.SubmitChanges(); Console.Out.WriteLine(overallCount + " tweets saved so far"); } } } Console.Out.WriteLine(count + " tweets found for " + screen_name); using (XtractDataContext dbWrite = new XtractDataContext()) { var lastUser = (from twuser in dbWrite.Twusers where twuser.screen_name.Equals(screen_name) select twuser).First(); DownloadStatus lastStatus = (count==0)? DownloadStatus.NoDataFound : DownloadStatus.DataDownloaded; lastUser.last_parse_status = lastStatus.ToString(); dbWrite.SubmitChanges(); } } } }
public void OAuthAuthorizeSequence() { string REQUEST_TOKEN = ""; string AUTHORIZE = ""; string ACCESS_TOKEN = ""; //1. The application uses oauth/request_token to obtain a request token from OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder twitterAuth = new OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder(); //Redirect the user to Twitter for authorization. //Using oauth_callback for local testing. string oAuthToken; string response = twitterAuth.GetResponse(WebMethod.GET, REQUEST_TOKEN, String.Empty); oAuthToken = "ERROR OCCURED NO oAuthToken in response"; if (response.Length > 0) { //response contains token and token secret. We only need the token. NameValueCollection qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(response); if (qs["oauth_token"] != null) { oAuthToken = qs["oauth_token"]; } } //2. The application directs the user to oauth/authorize on string authURL= AUTHORIZE + "?oauth_token=" + oAuthToken; Console.Out.WriteLine("Please visit following url to authorize:"); Console.Out.WriteLine(authURL); Console.ReadKey(); //3. After obtaining approval from the user, a prompt on will display a 7 digit PIN. //4. The user is instructed to copy this PIN and return to the appliction. //5. The application will prompt the user to enter the PIN from step 4. string PIN = Console.ReadLine(); //6. The application uses the PIN as the value for the oauth_verifier parameter in a call to oauth/access_token which will verify the PIN and exchange a request_token for an access_token. twitterAuth.Token = oAuthToken; twitterAuth.OAuthVerifier = PIN; response = twitterAuth.GetResponse(WebMethod.GET, ACCESS_TOKEN, String.Empty); //7. Twitter will return an access_token for the application to generate subsequent OAuth signatures. if (response.Length > 0) { //Store the Token and Token Secret NameValueCollection qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(response); if (qs["oauth_token"] != null) { twitterAuth.Token = qs["oauth_token"]; } if (qs["oauth_token_secret"] != null) { twitterAuth.TokenSecret = qs["oauth_token_secret"]; } } Console.Out.WriteLine("Old key :'" + oAuthToken + "'"); Console.Out.WriteLine("New? key :'" + twitterAuth.Token + "'"); Console.Out.WriteLine("TokenSecret :'" + twitterAuth.TokenSecret + "'"); Console.Out.WriteLine("Checking it worked"); string url = ""; string xml = twitterAuth.GetResponse(WebMethod.GET, url, String.Empty); Console.Out.WriteLine(xml); Console.Out.WriteLine("Checking it worked again"); xml = twitterAuth.GetResponse(WebMethod.GET, url, String.Empty); Console.Out.WriteLine(xml); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void OAuthCheck() { OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder twitterAuth = new OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder(); string url = ""; string xml = twitterAuth.GetResponse(WebMethod.GET, url, String.Empty); Console.Out.WriteLine(xml); }
public void OAuthCheckRateLimit() { OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder twitterAuth = new OAuthTwitterResponseBuilder(); TwitterRateLimitStatus status = RateLimitCheck.GetStatus(twitterAuth); Console.Out.WriteLine(" remaining_hits:" + status.remaining_hits + " hourly_limit:" + status.hourly_limit + " reset_time:" + status.reset_time + " reset_time_in_seconds:" + status.reset_time_in_seconds); Assert.LessOrEqual(status.remaining_hits, status.hourly_limit, "rate check bit nuts"); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(status.hourly_limit, 350, "expect to have 350 now"); }